Full Moon (Remus Lupin x werewolf!reader)

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In the early hours of the morning, you made your way back to the castle. Your muscles ached and you were covered in mud and grime. You were fortunate that most everyone else was still sleeping or otherwise occupied. That enabled you to sneak back into the castle and to Remus' chambers undetected except by the castle portraits.

Remus had yet to return to his chambers, so you took it upon yourself to make some tea. You were grateful you were done drinking the Wolfsbane Potion for the month. You and Remus both hated the taste. While the water for the tea began to boil, you prepared everything you and Remus needed to get cleaned up and rest for a bit. Part of your agreement with Dumbledore included a day or two of rest after every full moon.

Just as you were finished prepping everything, Remus entered the room. "How are you feeling?" you asked, not turning around. You felt him take a step closer to you and wrap his arm around your middle. "Tired, but sane. I don't think we can thank Severus enough." You hummed in response. You weren't a huge fan of Severus, but he did help you by brewing the potion for you both.

"Let's rest first." Remus chuckled and nodded as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "How was your night?" You shrugged. "Same as always, though I almost got into a tussle with the centaurs." Remus flinched a little. The centaurs were protecting the Forbidden Forest, but that made them very territorial. As such, anyone encroaching on that territory was in danger. "Let's drink our tea and clean up before a nap."

The two of you drank your tea in silence. You could feel your eyelids growing heavier as each moment passed. Remus gave you a tired smile, showing that he the same. Once the tea was finished, you stood and headed to the en suite to begin cleaning off the dirt from Remus' face and body. Getting cleaned after a transformation was ALWAYS difficult so the two of you helped each other every full moon.

You slowly dragged the washcloth over Remus' face and hands while the shower warmed up. You didn't want him to end up with mud in his eyes after all. When you finished, you let Remus do the same to you. You shuddered at the intimacy of the moment. Even if you weren't a werewolf yourself, this was something you could never imagine doing with anyone but Remus.

With no words passing between you, you climbed in the shower with Remus following close behind. You both remained quiet, the only sounds being your breathing and the water from the shower beating down on you. Remus picked up the bath sponge, silently offering to take care of you first. You nodded and let Remus start cleaning you up. When he finished, he placed a soft kiss to your lips. You grabbed the second bath sponge and began cleaning him off. You had done this so many times before now, but it never lost its appeal or intimacy. It was the one thing you always looked forward to after the transformation.

Once you were both clean, dried, and in new clothing, you headed toward the bedroom. Another thing you were always grateful after the full moon was the feeling of clean sheets. You climbed into bed, sighing as your head hit the pillow. Remus let out a low chuckle before climbing in behind you.

Not even a second later, you felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you close. It was his turn to sigh. You could feel all of his muscles relax for the first time in days. It warmed your heart knowing that he trusted you enough to let go of all the tension he had around you. You turned in his arms so you could face him.

One hand reached up and pushed a strand of wet hair from his face. His eyes were closed and a small, rare smile was on his lips. You gently let your fingers trace the scars on his face. His eyes opened and he watched you with such a loving expression, you nearly melted.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked, your own eyes growing heavier by the minute. "After my incident with Greyback, I kept myself away from relationships like this, afraid I would hurt people. As much as I wish we didn't both suffer like this, I'm glad I found you." You smiled and snuggled even closer. "I am too. I love you, Remus." You couldn't keep your eyes open any longer. You felt yourself drifting off in the arms of the man that you had come to adore.

Remus' soft chuckle rumbled through his chest, but you hardly paid it any mind. You were so tired. "I love you too," he whispered, "Goodnight." Soon the air was filled with soft snores and deep, calm breathing from the both of you. While the week leading up to the fullmoon was restless and fitful, the few days after were always full of the deepest sleep you'd ever had. You were certain you had Remus to thank for that too. His presence was such a comfort to you and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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