The Hufflepuff (Draco Malfoy x fem!Hufflepuff reader)

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Everyone knew to stay out of Draco Malfoy's way. It was like some sort of unspoken rule that nearly everyone obeyed. You did too, for the most part, but it wasn't because you were afraid of Draco. On the contrary. You actually had a crush on the boy who didn't even know you existed. Cliché, right? To make it worse, you were certainly far too shy to say anything to him. So why in Merlin's name did you have to choose that one time not to pay attention?

You were minding your own business, nose in your Charms book, when you suddenly collided with something. Or rather, someone. You fell down to the ground and all your belongings scattered. Muttering a curse under your breath, you looked up to see that it was Draco you had run into. "I'm so sorry!"

Draco's POV

Draco had been having a rather bad day. He'd been late for breakfast, had almost forgotten his Transfiguration work causing him to have to run back for and he ended up being late for class, and Granger had once again shown up the entire class by answering question after question correctly. To top it all off, Pansy Parkinson would not leave him alone, no matter how many times he told her to shove off. And now he'd been run into by some clumsy Hufflepuff.

"I'm so sorry," you squeaked out. Draco looked up, prepared to yell. This was the last straw. Draco opened his mouth, but his voice caught in his throat when you looked up at him again. Beautiful (e/c) eyes glanced back at him. You were really pretty. Beautiful. Gorgeous even.

Draco didn't even realize he was staring until you handed him his bag. He stood up, dusted himself off, and took the bag from you. "I really am very sorry," you apologized again. "It's fine," Draco muttered back. He noticed your Charms book still on the ground, so he stooped to pick it. You did too and your hands brushed. Draco looked up and nearly got lost in those eyes of yours again.

"Thank you," you whispered as you stood up straight, "I-I have to go now." You gently pushed passed Draco and ran inside. Draco stared after you. Were you that scared of him? He didn't even know you. He'd seen you before, sure, but he didn't recall your name as he hadn't heard it after the Sorting Ceremony during First Year. And he never spoke to you in the classes Slytherins and Hufflepuffs shared. Was his reputation that bad?

He wouldn't have any more time to think about it right then. Draco had to run to class or risk being late again. But as he ran, and for the rest of the day, Draco couldn't get those (e/c) eyes out of his head. Maybe one day he'd be lucky enough to see them up close again.

The next few weeks were a blur for Draco. Except for one thing. You. Now that he'd quite literally run into you once, it seemed like you were everywhere. Every time Draco turned a corner, there you were. When Draco went to the library to study, you were there. Hogsmeade? Yep. You were there, laughing with your friends. And Draco noticed something. You seemed to have friends from every single House.

In fact, Draco noticed a lot of things about you. He noticed how you bit your lip when you were trying not to laugh and how you sometimes let out a little snort when you failed to keep it in. He noticed that you really were kind to everyone, but also fiercely loyal. You seemed to excel in Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology, but you were absolute rubbish at Transfigurations. He noticed that, when you were nervous, you played with your hair, or fingers, or the sleeve of your robes.

To say Draco's thoughts became consumed with you would be an understatement. He really needed to talk to you and actually get to know you. And he knew just how to do it. He hoped anyway. He just had to find the right time and it seemed luck was on his side when he saw you leaving the library as he was approaching it. He quickly jogged over so he wouldn't miss you.

"Hey." You jumped a bit and looked up at him with wide eyes. "Y-Yes?" Draco chuckled. "Are you afraid of me?" Your brows drew together for a moment before you shook your head. "I'm not afraid of you, Malfoy." He cocked his head to the side a bit. You weren't afraid of him? Then why did you act like you were? Either way, that was good for him. Now he could ask you what he came over to.

Draco opened his mouth, but you spoke instead. "WouldyouliketogotoHogsmeadewithme?" you blurted out. Draco stared at you a moment. "What?" You took a shaky breath and repeated, "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me? We could get butterbeer. To make up for running into you a few weeks ago." Draco couldn't fight the true laugh that bubbled up from his throat.

"You don't have to laugh at me," you said defensively, "If you don't want to go, all you have to do is say so." You turned on your heel, only to have Draco grab your arm. "Wait, don't go. I do want to go. I'm laughing because I was going to ask you the same thing." You arched a brow. "You were going to ask me?" Draco shrugged.

"Sort of. I was going to say that you were going with me to the Three Broomsticks, but asking works too." You rolled your eyes. "I suppose great minds think alike then. But why?" you asked. Draco looked you straight in the eye and said, "Because no one else has ever run into me." When you looked confused, he continued on.

"Everyone is so afraid of what I'll do to them or say to them. It's like, just because I'm in Slytherin and my father is who he is, they're afraid I'll curse them or something. You just brushed it off and apologized." You gave him a soft smile. "Well, I'm not afraid of you, Draco...can I call you that?" Draco laughed again. "Yeah. As long as you give me something to call you. I'll be honest, I don't remember your name."

It was your turned to laugh as you gave him your name. "Y/N. I like it. I have to ask though, if you aren't afraid of me, why do you act like it?" You glanced down at your shoes, shuffling your feet a little bit. Draco grew concerned. Had he said something? He reached over and lifted your chin so he could see your eyes again. "It's because I've got a crush on you. I have for a long time. When I ran into you, I was mortified. I thought I made a complete arse of myself."

"You didn't. A long time though. How long have you been thinking about me?" You rolled your eyes again. "Don't let it go to your head, Draco." The two of you shared a laugh just as the clock began to chime, signaling supper. "I should go, but I'll see you this weekend?" you asked. Draco nodded. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before hurrying off to put his books away. You stared after him with your fingers pressed to your cheek. 

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