I'm With Someone Else (past!Sirius x fem!reader; Severus x fem!reader)

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The Christmas holiday had finally begun! Your daughter would be home from school soon, along with your fiancé. Your home was decorated quite festively, despite your fiancé's grumblings about it. After all, you didn't get to see much of him during the school year except on Hogsmeade weekends. But Christmas time was different. You had your little family together and nothing was going to bring down your mood. Or so you thought.

A knock on the door pulled you away from your gift wrapping. It was one of the few things you preferred to do the Muggle way instead of with a wave a of your wand. You made your way to the door and opened it. The sight before you froze you in place. It couldn't be.

"Hello, love," Sirius greeted with a small smile. "What the hell are you doing here, Sirius?" To say you were surprised was an understatement. You hadn't seen him since the night before he was arrested and sent to Azkaban. He pushed his way inside and you closed the door. "I had to see you. I thought I could stay here and lay low for a while." You shook your head. "No. Absolutely not. It's not a good idea."

The look of hurt that crossed his face was soon replaced by anger. "Y/N, I know it hurt when they took me and I know we don't mean anything to each other now, but I need you." Once again, you shook your head. "No, Sirius. I'm with someone else. I don't think he'd be too happy that you're here." Sirius' brows drew together. "You're with someone? Who?" Before you could reply, the door opened again to reveal your daughter and fiancé. Alice looked between you and Sirius in confusion while your fiancé just looked angry.

"Snivellus," Sirius greeted tensely. Severus' hand went for his wand, but you shook your head. Alice looked up at Severus with wide eyes. Sirius' gaze dropped to your daughter. You could see the gears turning in his head. "How old is she?" he asked softly. "Nearly twelve. She just started her first year at Hogwarts," you answered. You knew Sirius would add it up. There was no way Alice could be anyone else's child but his.

Alice finally spoke up, "Daddy, who is that man?" She shrank into Severus' side. Sirius' face grew red. He was furious. "She doesn't know?" You licked your lips and shook your head. "Alice, why don't you go to your room for a bit?" Alice didn't need to be told twice. She took off, barely managing to avoid knocking you over in the process.

"She doesn't know I'm her father? What, you didn't want her to know that her real father is a convicted criminal? Instead, you'd rather her father be this slimy git?!" You stepped between the two of them. Severus was usually very reserved, but you knew seeing one of his old bullies would dredge up bad memories. "Don't call him that. Severus has been there for us these last 12 years. He was there after you got arrested to check on me. When we found out I was pregnant with Alice, he helped me. We got close. Very close. Severus is the only father Alice has ever known. He raised her as his own, even before we got together."

Severus put a hand on your shoulder. It surprised you because he wasn't much for physical contact in front of others. Maybe it was to comfort you or maybe it was to show Sirius that he was going to protect you no matter what. "I suggest you leave, Black," Severus warned. His voice was low and dripping a venom you'd heard only rarely before.

Sirius looked at you. "Is that what you want? You want me to leave? You choose him?" You nodded instantly. "I don't know you anymore, Sirius and I love Severus. I won't have you bringing Dementors here and putting us all in danger." Sirius looked absolutely defeated. You hadn't wanted to be so cruel, but you had to protect your daughter. She came first.

"If that's your choice, I will respect it. Goodbye, Y/N." Severus didn't move his hand from your shoulder, but he reached for his wand with his other hand. "If I see you again, I will turn you over to the Dementors," he warned. Sirius gave you one last look before leaving the house. You let out a shaky breath as you turned to hug Severus close. "Are you alright?" You nodded. After a moment, Severus wrapped his arms around you. "Why did he have to come here?" Severus pulled back.

"I don't know, but he won't come back." You nodded and ran your hand through your hair. "Thank you, Severus." He cleared his throat. "Of course. What kind of man would I be if I didn't at least try to keep you safe?" You smiled at him. Even with Sirius' surprising visit, you were feeling better. You had Severus and Alice and that's all you needed. You were happy with someone else. 

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