Keep Outta Trouble (Newt Scamander x fem!reader)

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Newt tended to become engrossed when he was exploring or searching for new beasts. Often times, he was so focused on what he was doing that he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings. Normally he came out unscathed. However, he sometimes ran into trouble. He couldn't complain though. Trouble was how he ended up being reacquainted with you.

He had been so focused on the new beast in front of him that he hadn't noticed a group of dark wizards, Grindelwald's followers were patrolling the area. It wasn't until he heard someone shouting "Stupefy!" and then felt a hand on his arm that he understood what was happening. He grabbed up the beast just in time to feel the world shifting around him as the person who had saved him Apparated elsewhere.

It only took Newt a moment to acclimate himself to his new surroundings. Once he had, he looked at his rescuer. "You always did have a penchant for dangerous situations, didn't you Scamander?" your teasing voice asked. Newt recognized that voice. It was the voice of the Ravenclaw who had always been kind to him in school.

"I suppose so," Newt replied softly before checking on the beast he'd managed to save. "Is it alright?" you asked, peering over his shoulder. He smiled a bit awkwardly. "Not it. She. And she's alright, but it's a good thing we got her out there. Seems she's going to be a giving birth very soon." Your eyes widened a bit. "Oh. Well, w-would like some help? I don't know as much about these beautiful beasts as you do, but I am a quick study." Newt laughed softly.

"Isn't every Ravenclaw? I would be happy to have the help if there is a problem." You exhaled softly and nodded. Newt kept a watch on you from the corner of his eye as he instructed you in how you could help. There were very few people that he trusted to help with the beasts, but you had just saved his life. Surely you couldn't be too bad.

You stood close by with a soft smile on your face as you watched Newt with the beast. You didn't speak much except to ask questions, which Newt appreciated. He needed to concentrate if something went wrong while the beast gave birth. You were in a dangerous place after all and Newt wasn't sure if he could get the beast into his suitcase before it happened.

When it became obvious that the creature was in distress, Newt grew a bit nervous. All of the items he needed to help were in his suitcase. As if you could tell what he was feeling, you smiled. "Get what you need. I will stay with her." For a moment, Newt contemplated not listening but the comfort of his new-found creature trumped his anxiousness. At his nod, you slowly sank to your knees by the beast's head, allowing Newt to get into his case quickly.

When Newt resurfaced, his heart nearly melted. You were speaking softly to the creature, quietly encouraging her. You weren't put off by the noises or slight thrashing. You simply kept still and made sure your tone remained calm. As soon as you saw Newt, you gave him a nod. In your soft voice, you began singing while Newt went to work helping his friend.

After what felt like hours, Newt finally held the newborn creature in his arms. You had a grin on your lips. "What will you do now?" Newt returned the smile sheepishly. "They'll come with me. At least until the mother is well again. It's too dangerous out here for the two of them right now." You nodded before slowly rising to your feet. "I can help you get them into the case and then I shall return to my own travels.

Newt was wary about letting you help him with the case, but you hadn't harmed him or the beasts yet and he doubted you would. So, he nodded and opened the case. Getting the baby in was easy enough. The mother was a different story. "We can't levitate her. She's just given birth and she's ill," Newt explained and you hummed. "Muggle way it is then. We can both carry her if we're careful."

Newt was impressed with how gentle you were being. Most people were reluctant to interact with his creatures, Jacob being one of the few exceptions. The two of you carefully migrated the now exhausted creature into the case to a safe place where Newt could care for her until she was well enough to be on her own again.

Once everyone was taken care of, you smiled at Newt. "I should go, but I hope to see you again soon. You know, when I don't need to save your life," you said with a giggle before turning to leave. "Uh, Y/L/N?" You glanced back at him once more.

"W-Would you, that is, would you care to come with us? I must admit that the case is getting rather full. Too many beasts for one wizard to care for alone." His face was the color of a tomato and you had to fight back your giggles. You pretended to think for a moment before nodding. "I would love to." Newt's head popped up to look at you in surprise, though his eyes didn't linger long. He didn't like looking at people for too long, it made him uncomfortable so you didn't mind. "After all, someone's gotta keep you outta trouble." Newt smiled as he prepared himself to learn a lot more about his new companion.

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