He's Not So Bad(Gilderoy Lockhart x fem!reader)

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Most everyone in Hogwarts couldn't stand Gilderoy. Not you. You actually found him slightly endearing. Sure, he wasn't exactly brilliant, especially when it came to magic, and he could be really conceited. But there was something about him that enchanted you, no pun intended. Opposites really did attract it seemed; something your aunt was none too fond of.

"Do you think that is wise, Y/N?" she asked over tea one afternoon. You shrugged a bit. "We can't help who we find attractive, Aunt Minerva. Besides, it's not like I have plans to marry the man...yet." She sputtered into her cup, making you giggle lightly. She glared at you, but there was none of the usual sternness behind it.

"I'm only joking, Aunt Minerva. Truly though, he's not that bad." Your aunt's brow rose as if to say "really?" and you laughed again. "Really, he isn't. When you can talk to him about something other than his books, he is actually kind of...sweet. I don't know how to describe it, Aunt Minerva." She didn't reply, but took another sip of tea. You finished your tea and bid her goodbye.

You really didn't know how to explain your attraction to Gilderoy to your aunt. Gilderoy was handsome and quite charming, but those weren't the only reasons you felt something for him. He seemed interested in you in a way he wasn't interested in anyone else. He actually spoke with you instead of hyping himself up. Then again, your mind could have been making it up because of your growing feelings for him.

"Good afternoon, my dear Y/N." You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of his voice. "Gilderoy," you greeted with a laugh as you waited for your heart to stop pounding. He flashed you that smile of his that was supposedly charming. It didn't seem to affect you the way it did other women. "And where are you off to on this fine evening?" he asked.

"The library." Gilderoy made a noise of disapproval and shook his head. "Oh no, no. A beauty such as yourself has no business being shut away in the library on a lovely night like tonight." You arched a brow and crossed your arms over your chest. "Oh really? And where, pray tell, do I belong?" He beamed again before offering his arm.

"Why, with me of course! Would you care for an evening stroll before supper?" You laughed at his brazenness. You linked your arm through his, making his grin grow. For a few minutes, you let Gilderoy talk about himself. You knew he had to get it out of the way before he could truly listen to you. You weren't listening as closely as you normally would simply because you'd heard it all before. Maybe that's why you missed something.

Gilderoy stopped walking and faced you. "Y/N?" You jumped lightly. "Sorry. I'm afraid my mind is elsewhere tonight. What?" Gilderoy's sunny smile never faltered. "I was wondering if you care to join me in Hogsmeade this weekend? I'm afraid I've been asked to keep an eye out for the students. It should be terribly dull without your company."

You rolled your eyes. "Flattery gets you nowhere, Gilderoy. Not with me." At this, his smile did shrink a bit. You immediately felt a bit badly about it. You didn't want to hurt his feelings. He was really a nice guy after all. You sighed. "Gilderoy, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want the 'I need to answer my fan mail' you? I want to see the real you."

Gilderoy arched a brow. "This is the real me." You scoffed and shook your head. "No it isn't. The real you is the man that is almost rubbish at magic. The real you pretends to be this conceited genius but in reality is an incredibly sweet and adorable idiot. Even if you don't show this side to anyone else, that's the Gilderoy I want to get to know."

He stared at you for a moment. You were almost certain he was going to deny what you'd said. He had a reputation to uphold after all. "Rubbish at magic? Dear Y/N, I assure you-" he cut off when you gave him a look. He glanced down at his feet for a brief moment. You smiled a bit. It was actually really cute.

"Your secret is safe with me. I figured it out some time ago and haven't told anyone. I don't care to. Perhaps, in a moment of courage, you were able to perform those great feats of magic in your books. Who am I to say otherwise? But for me...I prefer the Gilderoy that randomly asks me to take strolls when there's nothing in it for him. The one who pulls my chair out for me at meals."

Gilderoy for once looked speechless, making you have to bite back a laugh. "Gilderoy?" He cleared his throat and looked back up at you. "I must admit that I am at a loss. Most everyone is only interested in my fame. And my smile." You did laugh at that.

"Well, it is a very charming smile," you admitted and the two of you shared a laugh. "So, what now? Do you still want that date or will you Obliviate me to make me forget all of this?" The next few moments were tense as you saw Gilderoy trying to figure out what to do next. You wanted to give him the chance to prove you right and that he wasn't that bad. That he did have some depth of character. But you were honestly a little afraid that he would erase your memories.

His hand twitched for his wand and you held back a sigh. You closed your eyes, prepared to hear the words of the charm. It never came. Instead, you felt something warm against your cheek. Gilderoy's lips. Your eyes shot open as he pulled back from you. "Thank you, Y/N." Before you could say anything, he raised his wand and pointed it at you. 

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