Why is He With Her? (Ron Weasley x fem!reader)

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(Also Ron Weasley x Lavender Brown)

You pried your gaze away from the sight in front of you. You just couldn't understand it. You had been right under his nose the whole time so why, of all people, did he have to pick her? Not that you had anything against Lavender herself. You just didn't like the fact that she was hanging all over the boy you were in love with.

"Y/N, come on over here. I'm about to beat the pants off Harry in Wizard's Chess again. You love Wizard's Chess." You licked your lips and cleared your throat before attempting a smile. "No thanks. I think I'll just go to bed." You got up and left the room, leaving a confused Ron behind.

"What's her problem?" you heard him ask before you were out of earshot. "She's hurting, Ronald. Surely you're not too daft to see that," Hermione answered. "What's wrong with her?" You sniffled quietly. Hermione didn't reply for a moment. "Maybe her heart is broken," she finally answered in an almost whisper. That was the last of the conversation you heard before heading to the girls' dormitory.

Hermione came in a few minutes later. "Are you alright?" she asked. You didn't say anything, just pretended that you didn't hear her. "I know you're awake, Y/N. Seriously, are you alright?" You let yourself begin to cry a bit. "Why is he with her, 'Mione? What does she have that I don't?" Hermione gently clasped your shoulder. "Nothing, Y/N. Ronald is an idiot and completely blind." You shook your head. "I'm the idiot to think he could ever have feelings for me." After a beat, you continued, "You should go back down. I'm sure you'll have a lot more fun than being up here with me right now." With another squeeze to your shoulder, Hermione left the room.

*time skip brought to you by Dobby's sock*

The moment you heard Ron was in the hospital wing, you raced there as quickly as you could. Harry hadn't said exactly what happened, only that Hermione was already there. You slowed down just outside the doors. You knew Madame Promfrey would throw you out immediately if you barged in like that.

You opened the doors and several pairs of eyes shot to you. You felt your face heat up, but you ventured further in anyway. Hermione gave you a smile from next to Ron's bed. Lavender huffed, but you pushed passed her. You didn't care one bit about what she thought. You needed to be there for Ron.

"My Won-Won-" Lavender whimpered. You exchanged a disgusted glance with Hermione. Won-Won? Was he a stuffed toy? Lavender shot her eyes to you. "What are you two doing here?" she snapped. You fought hard not to glare at her. You turned your attention to Ron instead. "We could ask you the same thing," Hermione said. "I'm his girlfriend."

"We're his...friends," Hermione retorted, casting a glance at you. Lavender scoffed, prompting you to finally look at her again. "Friends? She," she started, gesturing at you, "Hasn't spoken to him in weeks. Though I suppose she wants to be friends again now that he's all interesting."

"He's been poisoned you daft dimbo!" you growled lowly. You were sick of her at the moment. She was taking your focus away from who was really important. You took Ron's hand in yours and pushed some of his fiery red hair out of his face with your free hand. You glanced back at Lavender again. "And for your information, I have always found him interesting."

Ron let out a groan and everyone's eyes snapped to him. "Y/N," he moaned weakly. You flushed again. Lavender let out a little cry and stormed out of the room. "Ah, young love," Professor Dumbledore said before sweeping from the hospital wing with Snape and Slughorn right behind. That left you and Hermione alone with Ron.

Ron once again mumbled your name. Hermione smiled. "I think he finally got it." You laughed lightly and shook your head fondly. Your hand never left Ron's as you sat there. "I think I'll go to. I need to study." You bid her goodbye. You should have been studying as well, but Ron was more important. You stayed with him as long as you could, until the growling in your stomach could no longer be ignored. That was when you stood and turned to leave.

"It's about time. I thought a dragon was coming to attack me," Ron's groggy voice said. You peered down to find his beautiful eyes looking up at you. You grinned. "Ron! You're alright." He have you a goofy smile. Without thinking, you leaned down and hugged him. He sat up a little, forcing you to sit on the bed next to him as best you could. His arms tightened around you and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

"'M sorry," he mumbled. You pulled back a little. "What for?" Your arms were still around each other, but you then remembered that he technically had a girlfriend and dropped your arms. "Everything?" he said, or rather asked. You laughed softly. "Ron, you don't need to apologize. You didn't know how I felt about you and you're happy. That's all I could ask for."

"I'm not though. Happy, I mean. Lavender is great. I like her, but she's not...she's not you." Ron's face was as red as his hair. You let yourself move a stray strand that had fallen into his face once again. "Why did you never tell me?" Ron shrugged. "I thought you'd never go for me. Thought you'd go for someone like Harry instead." You let out a snort of laughter. "Harry? Really? The danger magnet? No thank you." You and Ron shared a laugh until your stomach let out another insanely loud growl.

"Bloody hell. You should eat. And eat enough for me too. I'm starving." You shook your head. "You're always starving, Ron." He shrugged in a way that indicated that you were right. "I think I'll wait a little longer. Not sure I want to face the wrath of Lavender right now." Ron winced a bit. "Oh yeah. I should probably do something about that, huh? After all, I can't ask you to be my girlfriend if I've still got one." You stared at him as he flashed you that charming smile of his. You felt your heart melt a little more. That boy was going to be the death of you.

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