No Magical Solution(James Potter x uterus owning!reader)

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(Warnings: mentions of periods and period symptoms!)

This would have been hilarious if you weren't in so much pain. Who would have thought that the fabulous James Potter would freak out over his loved one suffering with cramps? Ever since you'd gotten your first period, the cramps had been horrendous. There were some days you could hardly walk. When school was in session, you would simply go and see Madame Pomfrey. And when on holiday, your mother had remedies for you that she kept hidden away from your siblings and guests so they wouldn't use them. Not that James knew that.

So, when James' parents agreed that he could come visit you, he had no idea what to do when you suddenly doubled over in pain. "What?! Y/N, are you okay?!" You shot him a glare. Obviously you were not okay. "No, James. I am not. I feel like there are a thousand knives stabbing me in the stomach and back at the same time!"

James merely stared at you for moment, blinking as his brain worked to catch up. He wasn't stupid by any means, but he wasn't used to seeing this. His mother never had this problem. "Y-You do know that you're a magical person, right? You could make it stop."

"An underage magical person, James! No magic outside school, you know that!" He at least had the decency to look sheepish. You groaned as the pain doubled up again. "Merlin, this hurts!" James' eyes widened in panic again. "What do I do? Tell me what to do." All his life, James' problems like that had been able to be solved by magic. He had no clue what to do, especially as your mother wasn't in at the time and your father didn't want to hear about this kind of thing.

You gave him a smile through the pain. "I just have to wait until my mum gets home. She has what I need. For now, could you...could you get me something warm for my stomach? And maybe just lie with me for a bit?" James was up in an instant, running through the house looking for something to help you. You laughed in spite of yourself because the James you had first met at Hogwarts would never had done something so sweet. But then, you started dating and he turned into a giant softie. Just thinking about it made you want to cry.

"Is the pain really that bad?" You glanced up when he came back into the room. You let out a sniffle, nodding. James was back at your side in seconds. You let the tears flow as you placed the hot water bottle against your stomach. James laid back, gathering you in his arms. He was stiff at first and you knew your tears were making him uncomfortable so you tried to stop them. You thought of your favorite memories with him and began laughing.

"Uh, is this one of those mood swings I've heard about?" You glared at him, prompting him to close his mouth. You snuggled as close to him as you could, relishing in the warmth of him. After only a few moments, you felt your eyes growing heavy and despite the pain still shooting through you, you found yourself drifting off to sleep.

You didn't know how long you slept for, but you woke up hearing voices. "That bad, huh?" you heard your mother's voice ask before feeling James nod against the top of your head. "Yeah. I didn't know what to do." A soft laugh escaped your mother's lips. "Understandable. Y/N's father didn't either. Before learning all the remedies I know now, mine was just as bad. I'll get Y/N something when they wake up. Thank you for looking after my child today, James. It's hard to believe you're the same young man we met all those years ago."

You felt the heat hit James' body as he blushed. "Thank Y/N for that." Nothing was said for a moment, then your mother replied, "I'll let you get back to your nap. Tell Y/N to come find me when you wake up if the pain is still bad." With that, your mother left the room. You felt James press a kiss to the top of your head as sleep threatened to pull you under again.

The next time you woke, it was to your mother's voice telling you that it was time for supper. With a yawn, you sat up and stretched. The pain your abdomen had subsided a little, but not completely. Your mother seemed to know that this would happen as she handed you one of her potions to drink and left the room.

After downing it, you shook James to wake him up. He shot up and nearly knocked your heads together in the process. You giggled a little. His glasses had come off one ear and his black hair was even more unruly than usual. He righted his glasses and smiled at you. "Feeling better then?" You nodded as you wrapped your arms around him. "Thanks for helping me." James tightened his arms and kissed the side of your head."Any time. Now come on! I can smell the food. Let's eat!" You laughed again when he pulled you up and practically ran for the kitchen. 

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