Who Do You Choose? (Fred x reader x Oliver)

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If someone had told you that you would end up in a love triangle with Oliver Wood and the cutest (in your opinion) Weasley, Fred, you would have laughed in their face. After all, what did you have that others didn't in order to catch the attention of both boys? And yet here you were sitting between both Gryffindors in the Great Hall as you talked excitedly about the next Quidditch match.

It had taken some convincing, but you simply couldn't choose between the two boys so you and they agreed that you would sort of date both of them. That way, you could take your time deciding who you clicked with more and neither boy got his feelings hurt. You knew that you would eventually have to choose, especially since you were in your final years at Hogwarts and would be moving on to your future careers. But for now, you enjoyed every moment you had together with them.

"You're coming to the match, right Y/N?" Oliver asked. You nearly rolled your eyes. Quidditch was Oliver's one true love besides you of course. "I'd never miss the chance to see my boys in action. Of course I'll be there," you stated. Fred beamed, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and pulled you a little closer so he could press a kiss to your temple. Of the two, Fred was far more openly affectionate that Oliver, who simply gave you a quick squeeze before pulling Fred away from the table to get ready.

Later that day, you sat in the stands, ready to cheer on your boys, as well as the rest of the Gryffindor team. You weren't obsessed with Quidditch the way Oliver was, but you were always happy to be there for him and Fred. You watched as Oliver blocked pass after pass of the Quaffle and Fred smacked Bludgers away from other players with ease. With every play, you got more and more excited. At least, until it happened.

Fred sped over next to Oliver, whacking a Bludger away and causing Oliver to lose focus for a moment. The Quaffle hit him dead in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. He caught the ball, but lost his balance. "OLIVER!" you cried as he fell from his broom. Your scream caught Fred's attention and caused him not to notice the Bludger heading toward him. "FRED! LOOK OUT!"

Luckily, Fred was able to sped away quickly and the Bludger missed. Your heart was still beating hard against your ribcage as you forced your way down to meet up with Oliver and Fred. You could hear Madame Hooch scolding Marcus Flint for his obviously malicious throw. "Are you okay?!" you asked, trying not to get hysterical. Oliver had taken worse hits, but the fall scared you. You couldn't lie.

"You worry too much," Oliver told you through a groan. You glared playfully at him. Fred was at your shoulder a moment later. "Yeah they do, but that was quite the fall, Wood." You glanced at Fred. "Are you okay?" you whispered and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders with a cheeky grin. "Course, love. Takes more than a close call to keep me down."

The two of you helped escort Oliver to the Hospital Wing, where Madame Pomfrey promptly shooed you away. Even Fred's charm couldn't persuade her otherwise. So you waited. You knew you were being overly paranoid. After all, Oliver had taken a Bludger to his head during his first match ever. If he could stand that, a hit with a Quaffle and a fall should be okay...right?

"You're really worried, huh?" Fred's voice pulled you from your thoughts. There was an edge to his tone that you hadn't heard before. Jealousy, maybe? "Yeah, I suppose I am." Fred nodded, his eyes riveted on you. You asked him what he was thinking.

"Would you react the same if it were me?" You blinked in surprise at the question. "Of course I would!" you answered immediately, "Fred, you know I care for you! Just the same as I care for Oliver!" Fred held up his hands in surrender and apologized. You let out a huff and sat down next to him. He took your hand in his. "What brought this on?" you asked him in hushed voice.

"Things are changing. Wood is leaving soon, you'll leave the year after, then me the year after that. I think that, eventually, you'll have to choose." You stiffened next to him and he continued, "Think about it. You'll be out there with a job and freedom, while Wood will be playing professional Quidditch and I'll be stuck here another year. You will have to choose one of us...or neither." Fred then left you alone with your thoughts.

Deep down, you knew he was right. You just wondered why he started thinking about this so suddenly. Had someone said something? Had he and Oliver been talking behind your back? Was he thinking of leaving the relationship first? Or was Fred truly jealous and had hidden it well until your reaction to Oliver's injury? You didn't know the answer to any of those questions. What you did know what that you didn't want to choose, but you also didn't want to hurt either of them.

Fred was sweet and charming. His mischief always made you smile, even when you were the victim of his pranks. They were harmless after all. You got on with George alright too. Fred had already introduced you to his family and you adored them. Fred made you laugh, always up from the next thing no matter what it was. Bonus points if it could get you both in trouble. Fred kept you on your toes and was openly affectionate in a way Oliver wasn't.

But Oliver? Oliver was kind and caring. Even if he didn't show affection in public, he loved to be near you all the time. When you were alone, he loved to cuddle. And he was passionate about so many things besides Quidditch, like he was really good at defensive spells and charms. He was protective without being overly so. He liked to talk about the future with you while Fred wasn't sure what the future would bring yet. Both boys were two sides of the same Galleon and you loved both of them. And yet, Fred was right. You would eventually have to choose. So, dear readers...who do you choose?

(I couldn't pick an ending, so you get to choose your own ending!)

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