You're Trouble (Draco Malfoy x fem!reader)

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You were a known troublemaker. You always had been. It was part of the fun in life for you. Plus, now that you were older, it gave you an excuse to spend a little time with your favorite prefect. Draco Malfoy. It was simply fun to rile him up a little. When you did, he typically gave you detentions or assigned some random task for you to do. Since he never took House points, no one ever said anything about it so you simply kept on never realizing the real reason behind your mischief.

"Again, Y/L/N?" Draco asked and you could hear the exasperation in his voice. You merely shrugged and grinned. "Aren't we getting a bit old for childish games? Detention," he stated before walking away. You had to admit that hurt. Normally, he would at least sit and talk with you for a while, even if it was a lecture of some sort.

That was the first time that had happened, but it wouldn't be the last. You did your best to get his attention with more and more elaborate pranks. Instead of the banter you'd gotten used to, Draco simply gave you detention again. You were getting fed up with the change in his attitude. So, you decided to keep ramping it up until the day Draco finally snapped.

"That's enough Y/L/N! I don't know why I even bother with you. You aren't worth the trouble. Detention. For a month. And twenty points from (Y/H)." Without giving you a chance to retort, Draco walked away, his school robes billowing out behind him due to his speed. You felt your bottom lip begin to quiver. You knew Draco had a quick temper and didn't always think before he spoke, but that was harsher than anything you'd ever heard from him. It hurt. Instead of following after him the way you usually would, you made your way to your dorm.

Draco's POV

Draco laid on his bed staring above him. He couldn't believe he'd yelled at you. Yes, your pranks irritated him, but he knew that wasn't the reason he'd lost his cool. For the last few months, Draco had been slowly coming to realize that he had feelings for you. He loved interacting with you. He enjoyed your playful arguments and giving you detention as an excuse to pop in and check on you so he could talk to you. It was odd, he knew, but it was literally the only way he'd been able to spend time with you.

For several days, Draco avoided you except to make sure you made it to detention. The first time, you looked at him with such a look of betrayal that he couldn't hold your gaze. After that, you wouldn't even spare him a glance. By the time your month of detention was up, you'd not spoken a single word to him. Draco hated to admit it, but he didn't like that. Not one bit. He also didn't like that other people, particularly Blaise, were starting to notice his change in mood.

"You know, I heard from one of her friends that she's been a mess. Crying every time she sees you. Not to mention, she hasn't pulled a prank on anybody since you yelled at her." Draco did his best not to flinch at Blaise's accusation. Of course Blaise had heard about what had happened. But surely he also knew that Draco hadn't meant it?! He hadn't realized his words had hurt you that badly.

Blaise gave his friend a knowing smirk. "You know, she sees right through your act. Go talk to her. She's probably down by the Black Lake. From what I hear, she spends a lot of time down there." For once, Draco was thankful his friend was so popular. Blaise knew the comings and goings of just about everybody. Draco didn't even thank him as he bolted from the room to find you.

Just as Blaise had suspected, you were down by the Black Lake. In fact, you were actually standing in it, the water slapping gently against you as you leaned down presumably hunting for something. Your shoes and long socks were neatly placed on the shore, though not far enough that they weren't getting wet. "The point of removing your shoes is to make sure they don't get wet. You know that, don't you?" Draco asked, causing you to spin around and drop whatever had been in your hand.

You glared at him. "Yeah well, Professor Snape asked for an assistant to help gather some Gillyweed. I figured I'd do it so maybe my next detention with him will be a bit more pleasant. What are you doing here?" Draco let out a sigh and told you he wanted to talk. You laughed humorlessly. "I'm not sure I want to speak to you, Malfoy. Last time wasn't exactly cordial." Draco winced a little, grateful you weren't looking at him any longer. When he didn't respond, you scoffed a little.

"Get in here." Draco blinked in surprise. "What?" You stood up, faced him with your hands on your hips, and repeated yourself. "If you want to talk, you need to help me. So, get in here." Draco stared at you before placing his bag down (out of the path of the water) and removing his shoes. You went back to what you were doing while you waited for Draco to join you.

As soon as Draco was in the water, he felt himself relax a little. He could see why you would come here to feel better. For a few minutes, the two of you worked in silence, the only sounds being the water lapping around you and the voices of students drifting toward you. When the silence finally became too much for Draco, he stated, "I shouldn't have said what I did."

"No, you shouldn't," you instantly replied before continuing on, "But I forgive you." Draco's head whipped in your direction in shock. "Just this once. But if you ever say something like that again, I'll plant Boggarts everywhere and you'll never know when to expect them." Draco's eyes widened. Seeing his worst fear every single day when he least expected it? No way was he going to upset you again.

"Out of curiosity, why did you yell at me like that? You've never done that before." Draco felt his face heat up and was certain it was red all the way to the tips of his ears. "I...look, I'm not good with this kind of thing, alright? Father always says this sort of thing isn't meant for Malfoys. Even he and Mother didn't love one another when they married. It was arranged. I don't know how to handle whatever it is I feel." Draco continued to ramble for a moment while you gaped at him, opening and closing your mouth like a fish.

"Wait!" you cried a minute later and Draco stopped so you could speak, "Are you saying that me? As in, more than a friend?" Draco laughed at your expression. "Is that so hard to believe?" You rolled your eyes. "Please. I happen to know that I'm quite the catch. I just didn't think you had enough good taste to see it." The teasing tone in your voice made Draco smile.

"Now, help me with this and I'll let you take me on a proper date once we've cleaned up a bit," you told him with a smirk on your face. Draco smirked as well before leaning in to kiss your cheek. You turned your face to say or do something only to be interrupted by a stern voice.

"MR. MALFOY! MISS Y/L/N!" You both turned to see Professor McGonagall standing there, staring at you over the rim of her glasses. "I expect you to set a better example for the younger students, especially a school prefect. Don't let me see such a display again." She walked off without another word.

For a second, neither you reacted. Then you smiled at Draco and said, "Quite the trouble maker, aren't you, Mr. Malfoy?" Draco letout a chuckle as he bent down, pretending to search for more Gillyweed. As you leaned to join him, he sent a wave of water splashing in your face. "Oh,you'll pay for that, Draco!" You splashed him back, starting a water fight that landed you both in detention. 

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