Disgusted (Draco Malfoy x fem!Granger reader)

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(slight AU and use of the term "Mudblood")

Following the Dark Lord while still enrolled in Hogwarts was taking its toll on Draco. It cost him his grades. Not that it really mattered to him. His mind was too full of the thought of the Dark Lord killing Dumbledore. However, he had fallen so far behind in the majority of his classes that he was assigned a tutor.

When he was first informed, Draco couldn't have cared less. Having a tutor and improving his grades weren't going to stop the Dark Lord from fulfilling his desires. And it wouldn't get his father out of Azkaban. It would only serve to keep his mother happy, but his education was the last thing on his mind. But then he met his tutor. Y/N Granger, Hermione's twin sister.

You were waiting for Draco in the library the evening of his first tutoring session. He was late, of course, but that didn't bother you. Like your sister, you were happiest surrounded by books and decided to do a little light reading while you waited for Draco.

Draco stopped short when he opened the library doors and saw you there. Surely you weren't his tutor? Upon glancing around, Draco realized there was no one else in the library. It had to be you. With a sigh that was almost too loud, he made his way over to the table you were reading at. "Malfoy," you greeted, barely looking up from your book. Draco sighed again. It was going to be a long night, he could already tell.

*time skip*

Draco found himself staring at you again. He'd been doing that more and more in recent weeks. He'd come to memorize how your hair fell slightly in your face as you leaned over a book or over his shoulder to read over his parchment. He learned that you had a little crease between your eyebrows when you were concentrating or trying to figure out the best way to revise his work. He found out that your nose crinkled a bit when you found something funny. And he loved it, especially when he was the one making you laugh.

For Draco Malfoy, the thought of loving you was all-consuming and he was disgusted by it. You were a Mudblood. Muggle parents and not at all worthy to be at Hogwarts. Right? That was what Draco had been taught all his life anyway. But as the weeks went on and Draco got to know you, he realized that maybe his parents were wrong. He certainly wasn't going to tell you that though.

"Malfoy, are you even listening to me?" Draco snapped back to attention. He nearly jumped at how close your face was to his. He could see now that your eyes were a beautiful (e/c) color. For a moment, Draco was lost in them. He soon realized what he was doing however and pushed away from you. "You don't have to be so close," he muttered. You arched a brow. "I wasn't. You got closer to me. Did you hear anything I said?"

Draco scoffed. "Why would I want to be close to a filthy M-Mudblood like you?" he snapped, cursing himself for stumbling over the derogatory term he'd been using his whole life. You rolled your eyes, but Draco could see you fighting back tears. He'd never called you that to your face before. "Nevermind. I think we're done here. Good luck, Malfoy. Hopefully you pass your exams." With that, you got up and left the library.

An emotion he couldn't place filled Draco as he watched you walk away. Longing, maybe? He didn't know, but he did understand that he didn't have time for it. His mind was still in conflict with what to do about the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. Should he warn the Headmaster? Or should he step out of the way and let it happen? And what about you? If Draco let the Dark Lord kill Dumbledore, there would be no one to keep you safe at Hogwarts anymore. Shaking his head, Draco grabbed his belongings and left the library after you. He didn't have time for this.

The next few weeks had Draco's mind all over the place. The only thing that gave him any peace was thinking of you. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't keep his mind off you. And where his mind went, his heart followed. His eyes would find you when you were in the same corridors of the school. He always managed to find a seat next to or near you in Potions. He stood across from you in Herbology and he looked for you in the Quidditch stands. There was no denying it now. Draco Malfoy had feelings for a Muggle born.

The problem was that, since that day in the library when Draco called you that horrible name, you'd refused to talk to him. And since, that day, he'd noticed that other Slytherins were constantly teasing and bullying you, especially Pansy. She'd been jealous from the moment Draco had said you were his tutor. Fortunately for him, Pansy's bullying would be the push he needed to talk to you again.

He was walking to class when he saw a group of girls, lead by Pansy, surrounding you. With a sigh, he walked over and gently nudged them out of the way. "Leave her alone, Parkinson. Get to class." Pansy huffed, but did as he said. She would do anything to stay in Draco's good graces. After she was gone, Draco turned to you.

You stood there with your arms crossed over your chest. "I had it sorted." Draco rolled his eyes before taking your hand. "Malfoy, we need to get to class." Draco didn't reply. Instead, he pulled you after him to a secluded area. As soon as he was sure you were alone, he looked at you again. "What do you want?"

"To ap-ap...to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you what I did. Not when you were helping me." You stared at him in disbelief for a moment. Then, your face screwed up in anger. "What is wrong with you?! First you treat me like I'm not worth your time, then you save me from Parkinson, and now you're apologizing? What is with you?"

Draco dropped his bag and removed his robe. He needed to be as comfortable as possible for this. "I know I seem odd, Granger." You let out a hollow laugh. "That's an understatement." Draco glared a little. "I have my reasons." Before he continued one, Draco thought about everything that was expected of him. He thought about his parents, especially his father now in prison. He thought about the Dark Lord and what he planned to do. All those thoughts hit him like a train and Draco couldn't fight the tears in his eyes.

"M-Draco? What is it?" Without a word, Draco rolled up his sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark. You stared at it without speaking for a few minutes. In that time, Draco swore he could feel the world caving in on him. He felt a weight on his chest that he couldn't lift. "Did you want this?" you asked quietly, "Or was it forced on you by someone? Someone you didn't want to disappoint?" Draco let his eyes meet your as they widened in surprise.

"What?" he questioned, prompting you to ask again. Draco couldn't believe you didn't automatically run from him. You weren't like your sister and her friends at all. Draco sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around your legs. He sat there like that, crying, until you moved to sit next to him. You pulled him to you and soothed him as best you could. In that moment Draco knew that you weren't inferior to him because of your blood status. In fact, you were probably better than he was.

After Draco finished letting out all his pent up emotions, he pulled away from you. "I have to let him in the castle. He's going to kill Dumbledore," he mumbled. "What will happen if you don't?" you asked. "He'll kill me...and my mother." You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I'll help you. We can get you and your mother away from here. Just until Voldemort is defeated. You don't have to do this, Draco."

"Why are you doing this?" Draco asked after a beat. You gave him a small smile. "Because I don't think you're a bad guy. I think you're afraid for you and your mother. I think you got caught up in something you couldn't really handle because of your father. And I know you don't want to be responsible for the death of anyone."

Draco looked into your eyes and stared for a moment. He didn't see one ounce of hate or the disgust he'd once held for you. He only saw compassion and understanding. He saw a young woman who he could easily fall in love with. With that knowledge, Draco did the only thing he could think of. He kissed you.

You let out a little squeak of surprise, making Draco pull away. You stared at him with wide eyes. "Y-You kissed me!" Draco let out a chuckle. "I did." You asked him why. "Because I couldn't help myself. Sorry. I should have asked." You bit your lip. Draco could see the battle going on behind your eyes. Maybe you had been as confused about your feelings for him as he had been for you.

"Would you do it again?" you whispered. Draco felt himself smile. It was the first real smile he'd given in months. "I think so," he said before his lips touched yours again. When he pulled away this time, you were smiling too. You leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed happily. Draco knew that this peace would only last a little while, so he reveled in it. And who knew? Maybe you would be able to help him and his mother. Maybe he wouldn't have to give into the Dark Lord's demands. And maybe, just maybe, Draco Malfoy could truly be happy.

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