America x Reader

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How are y'all peeps doin in quarantine? I'm pretty sure the introverts are doing just fine😁
Cus I know I am.  I've been imprisoning myself at home ever since I got puberty. My current lifestyle on quarantine isn't really that different from my normal routine.
The only thing driving me crazy is my family. I don't think I'll last another month with them🙄

This is just a short chapter, sorry😅

The thought of social distancing and self quarantine wasn't easy for Alfred Jones.
After finding out in the news, he immediately went out to buy the essentials.

"Why is there a box of XL condoms here Alfred? Why the fuck did you even buy condoms in the first place?" You snapped.
"You said I should buy the essentials!" He beamed proudly. "Besides, you never know what could happen if we get bored." He winked back.

You rummaged through the items he bought in the paper bag.
"Doritos, Pringles, chocolate, ice cream, Coke-"
Basically, anything that wouldn't last in this household.

"And--- toilet paper?" You asked, peering at the bag.

"Has it ever occured to you, what we're going to do to ALL this toilet paper? It's not like we're gonna wipe our asses everyday."

"You didn't even tell me what NOT to buy!" He shouted.

You heaved a deep breath, and continued inspecting his groceries.
"Where's the pads? O-or the tampons?"
You stammered, hastily taking out everything in the bag, desperately searching for the said objects.
"Didn't I tell you to buy them for me?"

"You did, but you didn't tell me what your pussy size is." He answered defiantly.

At that moment you just wanted to kill yourself😊

Weeks have passed since quarantine started. People have been instructed to work or study at home.
Today, you are going to start your class.

Almost all of your classmates in the university are all hyped about studying online or listening to the professors behind a laptop.
You can eat whenever you feel like it, sneak away unnoticed, cheat, go to the bathroom without asking for permission and best of all--- WEAR YOUR PYJAMAS.
(A/N: This is pretty much me and my friends during online classes)

Science class has just started.
Your professor has been discussing for thirty minutes now and he didn't realize he's on mute. No one bothered to tell him though.
After a while, someone informed him and he had to start all over again.
As you listened and took down notes, Alfred went behind you.

"Alfred" you hissed. "Go away, you're disturbing our class."
You roughly pushed him back.
"Dude, I was just watching" he grinned.
"It's disturbing! Besides, I'm taking down notes-"

He snatched your notebook from your hand. He flipped through the pages.
"I didn't know doodling anime characters counted as 'taking down notes'." He commented.

You jumped from your seat and attempted to take back your notebook.
He must never see the rest of the doodles!

You fell down on Alfred, sending both of you down on the floor.

"Look, live porn." One of your classmates marveled. There were a series of cheers and whistles on the screen.
"Strip! Strip! Strip!" The boys chanted.
"Give him a bj!" Another suggested.
You turned off your camera.

It seems weeks pass by slowly as you run out of better things to do.
You finished exploring every inch of Alfred's apartment and you binged watched your favorite shows.
You were almost half tempted to fuck with your roommate just to quench your boredom.

Alfred is taking it even worse than you.
He keeps peeking out the window every once and a while (for some reason), working out excessively or eating excessively---oh, wait that's normal.

But still, he craved contact from the outside.

"(Y/n), do you think the world's ending?"
He asked, firmly grasping your shoulders and shaking you furiously.

"Where the hell did you get that idea?"

"Didn't you notice the signs? Word war 3 memes, Australia, a virus.... what's next, zombies? All that shit happened and we're not even halfway through 2020!"

You crossed your arms. "I think you should think about other things, like our rent?"

"Our water bill could get high." You continued. "And I don't really have a job to pay for it."

Alfred thought quietly for a moment.
"What if we bathe together?!" He asked, excitedly.

You choked on your saliva.
"Bathe together...? We're not even dating!"

"I didn't say we could get naked!"

Somehow you were disappointed.
"Oh, okay..."

More days passed, you and Alfred got increasingly bored.

Sitting and watching shows all day doesn't really feel relaxing anymore.
Your butt hurts from the prolonged sitting so you had to get up every once in a while to stretch or go to the bathroom.

You could try exercising instead of watching all day, you have considered it at one point. But you figured that going to the potty after watching TV is exercise enough or reaching inside the fridge for some soda.

With nothing much better to do, you decided to watch TV, again. But this time you're going to watch with Alfred.
What an earth shattering event!
At this point you can't even tell the difference between what's exciting or boring.

Alfred decided to pick the shittiest movie in all of history.
The Room.

The two of you didn't really take the movie seriously at all.
Only a masochist would watch it seriously.

It was a boring movie, and a rather uneventful day. But having Alfred there made it less horrible.

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