💗 2p!Canada x Shy!Reader

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You have just enrolled to your new school. (Its horrible AF)
You were feeling jittery and nervous. You were shy. You were quickly filled with anxiety and stress.

Will they like me? What if I embarrass myself? I'm not sure If I can do this. Those were the only thoughts that clouded your head.
Back then, you weren't really the shy type. You were the most extroverted child your parents have ever seen.

But ever since you reached fifth grade, everything changed. You were bullied and embarrassed harshly by your peers. And you experienced toxic friendship, the painful and worst of all.

Your parents don't understand your worsening anxiety. Even if you did tell them you'd burst to tears, they'd scold you for being such a cry baby. Your parents are both competitive and confident unlike you.

Right now, going to your new school felt like being stabbed harshly in the stomach. You took a deep breath and started walking inside the building.

'I can do this! I'm already in highschool! There's nothing to be afraid of!' While you were motivating yourself, you passed by a student.

You felt yourself heat up. You have never seen someone as handsome as him. 'He looks slightly older than me. He's probably my senior.' You thought.

After looking around school, you decided to go to your classroom.
You took a deep breath and went inside. You chose the chair at the back. You didn't like it if you were in front or in the middle where people can see or talk about you behind your back.

You placed your bag right beside you and hoped the teacher would just announce your presence in class rather than making you introduce yourself in the front.

While you were waiting, you fiddled with your pen. You saw the handsome man from before enter the room. 'He's from this class?!' You thought.

He sat a few seats apart fom you, also at the back. A few more minutes the classroom was packed with it's regular students.
The noise overwhelmed you. There were so many students it's making you claustrophobic. The loud enviroment made you feel uneasy, it felt like being invited to a party you didn't want to go to in the first place. And you DO NOT like parties.

You played with the ends of your hair, a habit you developed in middle school. You felt your heart pound harder with each pass of time. The teacher came in.

"Hey, class." He said rather lazily.
"Morning sir." They responded. "Alright, get your butts on your seats."

All of the students, including you sat in your seats. The teacher cleared his throat. "I have an announcement!"
'Shit!' You swore. Even though you were very quiet, you had a very loud and 'colorful' mind.
"We have a new student." You felt yourself sweat nervously with those five words. "Please stand up and introduce yourself to the front."

You nervously smiled and nodded. All eyes were on you. As you stood up from your seat and went up front you gulped. "I-I'm (y/n) (L/n)-"
"What?" A student asked. "We couldn't hear her! Her voice is too quiet!" A random bitch yelled.

You felt even worse than before. You tried your best to speak more loudly and repeated your name. "My name is (y/n) (L/n)."
But it was no use. Your voice still sounded like a whisper.

"Okay? For all of you who weren't listening, her name is (y/n)."
The teacher said. You went back to your seat, glad that it was all over.

(Time skip, cause I feel reeaally lazy)

You packed up your things, it was only your first day and lessons were already making you crazy. Somehow the teacher noticed you at the back of class and made you answer something in division.

Unfortunately, numbers weren't really your thing so you just stood at the blackboard, writing and erasing numbers at random places. You were slightly humiliated since you stood there for a few minutes until the teacher called a student to help you.

You heard some of your peers laugh. It was a big relief that class is over for now. You headed to you locker to organize some of your things.

As you placed some of your stuff, your pen fell. It rolled to the person next to you. You reached down to pick it up, before you did the person neat you to it. Your hand brushing against his own.

"I'm sorry!" You apologised. You saw the person's face. He was the guy from before. He handed you your pen.

"Numbers are shitty,eh?" He said. You smiled and slowly nodded.
You held your pen tightly. You thought of something to say, you weren't really experienced at making friends.

"I-Im sorry about this..." You said. The guy frowned. "What are you apologising for?" He asked. "Uhm.. For dropping my pen and inconveniencing you."

"Don't use big words! They're making my head hurt! Seriously."
You frowned. "I'm sorr-"
"Stop saying 'sorry'!" He yelled. You felt yourself feel even worse.

"I'm sorry for saying sorry and making you feel sorry!" You apologised.(sorry)
The blonde guy, whom you assumed is Canadian based on his outfit that says '100% Canadian' and the stereotypical 'eh'.
He scratched his head frustratingly.

"Holy fucking maple!" He swore. You let out a small chuckle at his creative curse word. He sighed deeply. "My name's Matthieu."
"Sorry about this Mat-"

"Quit it with the 'sorry'. Let's just go to lunch together!"
He grabbed your wrist and led you to the cafeteria.


Well, this was short and shitty.

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