Chibi! Japan x reader

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A/n: I miss being in kindergarten. This was supposed to be x country reader but I forgot on the way and ended up typing a different plot.

Actually, I intended this chapter to be all cute and fluffy. But then I was like, Nah.

Kindergarten, the best part of school when the teacher doesn't give a damn about what the heck it is that you do (unless it kills you). This time, the teacher gave out some papers to his students.

"Draw anything you like." The teacher said as you recalled what he said two minutes before he went to the bathroom and read his latest hentai manga. You bring out your crayons and sat right next to Kiku Honda, a Japanese student. He's a bit autistic, which is quite hard to approach him. "Personal space." He said as you scooted right next to him. "Sorry." You reply.

You watch in awe as Kiku started drawing amazingly. He drew a landscape complete with detailed mountains and intricate houses. He drew people with life-likeness.

As for your drawing, you made a giant mountain which highly resembles a pyramid and a poor excuse of a bird which is just a 'v' drawn at the left corner of the paper. And for the people who are your parents, they're just a bunch of stick people with squiggly lines for hair. You felt timid about your drawing and consciously covered your paper. Just then Alfred Jones, (the most obnoxious kid in class) suddenly butted in and snatched the paper from you. "C'mon (Y/n)! Lemme see!"

"Give it back Alfred!" You screamed while trying to get your drawing back. He dodged you quickly. "No way- not until I see them!" He looked at your drawing. "Dude..."

You cover your face in embarrassment, refraining from crying. "Just give it back."

Alfred held out your drawing. "Dude, you need to practice your drawing man." He took out his own drawing which is far worse and compared it to yours. "Take a look at mine." He gestured to his 'art'. "My drawing looks like Leonardo duh bean cheese."

You scowl. It looked like crap that got trampled on by horses.

The other students looked at both the drawings Alfred held up.

"What's that?" Arthur asked.

"Are you kidding? The one on the a left is a retarded Elephant and the one on the right is a dump site!" Lovino, a foul mouthed Italian guessed.

You could feel yourself shrink. The drawing Alfred held in his right hand is yours. You felt anxious.

Quickly, Kiku stood up from his seat and snatched your drawing from Alfred. He then observed it with his tentative small eyes.

"It doesn't look so bad."

You gasp along with the other students. "Really?"

Kiku nodded in reply. You could feel yourself bursting and hugging him. He returned the slightly crumpled drawing to you. "This is rightfully yours."

"Thank you Kiku!"

Kiku looked down at his feet, his bangs covering his face. "You could...maybe..." He said as he twiddled his fingers. "... Sit with me and I'll teach you to draw..."

You smile at his efforts to ask you to sit with him. "Sure!" Finally, you sit right next to Kiku with his approval. You take out the extra paper given to you by the teacher and obediently listened to Kiku's teaching as he taught you how to draw a simple landscape.

Suddenly, Francis Boneffoy popped out of nowhere.

"Bonjour!" The blonde French child said. "Ahhh, I see you are teaching dearest (Y/n) how to draw reality? - No worries! I shall help!"

Francis quickly took a paper and pencil and quickly drew something beyond your vision. Kiku scowled with a hint of jealousy and disappoint. You're his student yet he couldn't even claim you back. Never in his young life has he felt emotions as strong as the one he is feeling now.

Francis finished drawing and showed it to you and Kiku. "Voilá!"

His drawing is unidentifiable, alien in your young vision. "Francis, what's that?" you ask pointing to the paper. Francis looked at you wide-eyed. "You don't know? It's called 'nude painting'."

"What is 'nude painting'?" Kiku asked with suspicion while eying some elements of the drawing cautiously. Francis rolled his head in disapproval. "How can you all be so uneducated?"

Francis cleared his throat and gestured to his drawing. "Nude painting is drawing people without clothes." He explained. "This-my friend, is what we call a penis." He clarified pointing to the drawing. You let out ooohhhs and ahhhs.

"I call simply call zhem wiener wienies!" Gilbert chimed.

"My papa calls them churros!" Antonio said, green eyes beaming. Before you knew it, other students circled around you, Kiku and Francis.

Kiku blushed. He was aware of the male genitalia. The only thing that puzzled him is the girl right next to boy in the drawing. "What about the girl?" Kiku asked, whilst hesitating.

"Oh that?" Francis pointed for clarification. "Those are boobs! And these-"

Before he could continue the teacher suddenly came in the room. All the students automatically sat down back to their seats including you and Kiku.

"What is the meaning of this?" The teacher demandingly said.

"Would you like me to explain in detail?" Francis asked innocently.

"Never mind!" The teacher said as he snatched the drawing from Francis' clutches and locked it in his drawer for future 'reference'.

"Time for recess!" The teacher yelled.


You and Kiku went outside to the playground and eat your snacks. The two of you sat in your benches. You took out your sandwich and happily ate.

Kiku fumbled with his lunchbox and seemed lost in thought. You stop munching. "Kiku, what's wrong?"

He stiffened. "W-what?"

"Is something bothering you?"

He nodded slowly. "I've been thinking about Francis' drawing..."

"What about it?"

"Well..." He stayed quiet for a moment.

You quickly think of a solution to ease Kiku's troubled nerves. "You know what? Why don't I model for you in a painting?" You ask as if it was a job opportunity.

"Wh- no, it's not like that!" He blushed.

"Don't worry! Let's wait until my boobs turn big!" You beam innocently.

And that is the story of Japan's hentai industry.


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