💗 2p!Japan x Reader

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                                                  ~ Hentai  ~

You wanted to surprise your friend Kuro today, so you brought some random stuff to pass time with him.

After a few minutes of walking, you reached Kuro's house. Kuro's house stood out in the neighborhood. It was the only house to be Japanese themed. You walked through the front garden and knocked gently on the sliding doors. After a few minutes of no response, you got impatient and went inside.

It was empty except for Kuro's dog, Pochi. You pet the sleeping dog before proceeding to Kuro's room.
"Ooohhh Kuroooo.~"you said in a sing-song voice. As you slide open the wooden doors,you saw Kuro drawing. "Ohayo, (Y/N)-san."Kuro said with his usual monotone voice.

"What are you drawing?"you asked, while kneeling next to him.
" Manga."he replied. "Oh."

Kuro proceeded drawing, not paying any attention to you.
Watching Kuro draw got you bored so you decided to go outside the room.
"Is it okay if I play with Pochi for a while?"you asked."Hai."

You went outside of Kuro's room and played with his dog for a while. After Pochi got pissed of playing you put out some of the random things you brought. You took your sketchpad and pencil and started drawing a bit.
After a few sketches here and there you finally finished. You were pleased with what you drew. It was a sketch of Kuro. It didn't look as good as the way he draws, but it was an improvement.

As you did some random stuff, you got tired of waiting for Kuro to finish.
So, you barged in to his room unannounced.

"Hey Kuro wtf are you even drawing?! What's taking you so long? It's been two hours!". Kuro stopped with what he was doing and put his pencil down.

He faced your direction and bowed." Gomenasai (Y/N)-san. I should've told you earlier."he said while kneeling.
"Tell me what earlier?" you asked. Kuro stood up from his position and took the paper he was drawing on.

"Here." he held the paper right in front of your face. You felt yourself heating up.

It was a drawing of you minus the clothes. You were in a.......awkward position. Doing eh.... Hentai-ish things.

If this was anime your nose would've been bleeding by now. Kuro stared at you with a straight face. 'How could he even look at me like that after showing me his drawing?!'

"I this a joke?!" You shouted at Kuro. He didn't flinch or move. He just stood there.

Kuro looked down at his feet and back at you. "No."
"Can you explain?"

Kuro nodded and took a deep breath. "I like you."
"You 'rike' me?" You asked. Kuro shook his head. "Aishiteru, (Y/N)-san."
"Y'know I don't understand Japanese right?"

Kuro sighed. "I rove you."
"Y-you love me?"
"Now you understand?" Kuro asked.
"Yup!" You tackled Kuro with a hug. He dropped his drawing of you in the process.

"Hey Kuro."
"Why did you draw me naked?" you asked.
"For my new manga." He cheerfully (monotonously) replied."It's a hentai."
"But why me?"
"Your the main character." Kuro replied. "I also drew you and me having-

Kuro took out another paper.This time it was the both of you.
You blushed as red as Kuro's eyes.

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