💙 Detective! England x Reader

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There has been a murder in London. A woman was killed, her throat was slit and her face barely recognizable.

I just found out that she was my coworker. Her name is Jane. She happens to be best friends with my partner, (y/n).

Of course, there's a possibility that (y/n) is a suspect. Lately, she's been acting strange. She's been acting cynical and paranoid.

She flinches at every tiny sound we make as if it's a threat. I've been keeping a close eye on her. (y/n)'s been doing a lot of errands lately. Not that it's my business but (y/n) is usually fond of work she barely does anything else.

I scrolled through some files about Jane. Not much useful information. She's single and lives alone. She doesn't seem to get into fights. Not much is known about her family since she grew up as an orphan.

So far (y/n) is the only possible suspect. In crime, anyone can be a suspect.

I sipped my warm tea and took a watchful eye on (y/n). I peeked at the door, her cubicle is just outside my office. So far her suspicious behaviours haven't started yet.

She frantically rummaged through her bag. I can hear her mumbling random words like; 'I hope they won't see' or 'please may there be no blood'.

I found these words odd indeed. (y/n) is on my suspect list. But I need more evidence and crucial information. I saw her stand up from her chair and run with her bag.

I waited a few minutes until she returned, her face is very pale. I got tired of watching and went back to my seat.

Hours passed and it's already 10:20 pm. I rubbed my tired eyes. The lights t the station were dimmed except for my office which I prefer 'on' 24 hours.

Some of the staff members have left, leaving a few officers and me. I heard a knock at my door.
"Arty, is it okay if I go now?" (y/n) asked.

"Thank you!" She smiled. She went off. Now is my time to investigate. I went out of my office and looked at my surroundings. The staff are drinking coffee, chatting with each other or dozing off.

I went to the direction (y/n) went in before. She went left, which is the men and women's comfort room. I looked back again to check if no one is watching.

With one last look, I went inside. My hands shakily twisted the doorknob to the women's room. I gulped guiltily at my stupid action.

The lights were dim. It looked creepy. I searched each and every cubicle. Nothing queer. Before I was about to leave I saw something in the trash bin.

It was a bloody rag,which I presumed was formerly white. The rusty smell of blood emitted from the rag. It was a hideous sight.
The bloodstain turned brown.

I'm not quite sure if it's (y/n) or a different woman. I took out a plastic bag from my pocket and used it to pick up the bloodied rag. I held the plastic tightly on to my hand.

This could be a clue to Jane's murder. I went out of the comfort room. Until-
"Hey Eyebrows!"

That bloody git showed up. "Evening, officer Jones." I greeted back. I tried to not be polite.

"Dude, what the hell were you doing in the girl's bathroom?"
"I-I uh-"

"Wait,Don't tell me..." Of course I won't you obnoxious git.
"You were snooping in on the female officer's stuff weren't you?"
He asked while nudging me on the shoulder.

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