Yandere France x Yandere England

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The first day is probably the most nerve wracking thing about school. You felt butterflies in your stomach, there was a lump in your throat and you fiddled with your hair nervously. With a deep breath, you introduced yourself to your new class, lips quivering slightly.

"H-hello... I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." You spoke softly almost inaudible. Luckily, the students weren't as aggressive as you thought they'd be. A few others even smiled in response, except for the mean looking Italian at the back.

The teacher ushered you to a vacant seat right next to a blue eyed blonde. You sit shyly next to him.

"Hello." He greeted with an adenoidal accent. "I'm Francis Boneffoy." He introduced as he held out his hand. You returned the gesture, not maintaining eye contact. Francis chuckled in his own unique way. "No need to be shy."

You nod shakily. "I'll keep that in mind."

Unbeknownst to the two of you, a pair of emerald green eyes leered. 'Why would she like someone like him?' He thought gravely. Arthur crossed his arms on his chest and scoffed. He couldn't fathom as to why he's fallen for a girl like you, a new girl at that. Still, he couldn't help but feel jealous. Francis is good at talking to women, he always has. Arthur watched dreadfully, he could solve numerous mathematical problems yet he couldn't solve this one. Nevertheless, problems are meant to be solved. In this case; an obstacle that's meant to be obliterated.

Time passed, the lesson the teacher was discussing sounded like a mere buzz of a bee; annoying, continuous and simultaneously flew in your ear. Francis payed little or no attention to it, save the girl sitting next to him. You listen to the teacher, eager to learn on your first day. Francis bit his bottom lip, 'she's so eager to learn' He observed fondly. '-and I'm so eager to teach her things she never thought she'd learn.'

He snapped out of his thoughts. 'Merde' He swore.

The bell rang loud. You stood up from your seat; Francis took this as an opportunity to invite you for lunch. Just as he was about to ask you out, a bunch of girls beat him to it.

"(Y/n), join us!" Michelle prodded. "There's so few girls here, I'm so happy!"

"She's right!" Elizaveta said while grabbing your arm, not waiting for you to respond. "So, why don't we talk about the Korean manga stalking killing?" She said with a vicious smile


Your new friends weren't as creepy and weird as the acted when they first introduced themselves. There's this bashful Liechtensteiner Lily who was quiet at first, but eventually opened up. Then there's Sofia, a Ukrainian who frequently braided your hair, and Michelle (who can be a bit perverted sometimes) and of course, Elizaveta, the one who started creeping you out with her interests and never ceased to do so.

"Anyways" Elizaveta continued while taking a chunk of her sandwich. "I think Antonio's butt is too much of a distraction to the other students-even the teachers! I think his ass will be the downfall of our students' education."

You found out just recently that Elizaveta is part of the student council; of course she was concerned about her fellow classmates' education. Sofia raised her hand. "Um... I also think that Gilbert's pants highlight his crotch much..." She said reluctantly.

Elizaveta couldn't believe what she just heard. "Really?! I just told him yesterday to stop wearing tight fitting pants- dammit!" She sped after Gilbert.

"That's weird..." You comment while taking a sip from your drink. You felt a tap on your shoulder. It was another Ukrainian student.

"H-hello, I couldn't help but notice you haven't joined a club yet." He remarked while scratching the nape of his neck nervously.

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