Netherlands x Reader

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Again, this is from my other book. But I just moved it here. 😗

You've never been on a date before. Obviously no one's asked you out!

But you always reassure yourself you're single because you want to. And when your friends ask why you never bother to get hitched you always reply, "Being in a relationship is expensive."
(That's right dear reader,Mayumi's xReader fics is cheaper)

You don't want to buy a gift for every anniversary, occasion or any other stuff.

It's not that you're cheap or anything, it's just that you're obligated to use your money for more reasonable reasons like buying anime merch.

Food, water and housing is not much of an issue. You live with your parents.

But since the WiFi's out you decided to bunk with your friend Laura. 
You two were having breakfast together. And as usual, she won't stop babbling about this romantic movie the two of you just watched.
You didn't like the part where the couple were holding hands in public, being all lovey and sappy, calling each other pet names and such. Oh, wait, that was the whole movie. Just remembering all that made you gag.
"You're not gonna be young forever." Laura reminded, handing you a plate of Belgian waffle.
You grab a fork and shove a piece  in your mouth in an attempt to give her the silent treatment.

"So I set you up on a date!" She exclaimed. You almost choke on the half chewed waffle in your mouth. Luckily you managed to spit it out instead.
Soggy pieces of chewed waffle flew at Laura's face. She didn't seem bothered at all when one got in her mouth.

"You did what?" You ask. Anxiety was starting to sink in.
"This time you can't do anything because I already paid!" She announced proudly.

"I won't do it." You answered. Although you knew deep down inside you want to.

"C'mon! It'll be fun. Besides, he's good looking!"

"Wow. How could you just assume I'm into guys?"

Laura gasped. "I'm sorry if I offended you-"
"It's fine I'll go. But only because it's all free."

As promised, you agreed to go on the date. Hopefully the dinner would be good.
You didn't bother dress up fancy as Laura advised. You just pulled out a clean shirt, jeans and sneakers that haven't been washed for a year.
Makeup was a big NO for you. Mostly because you don't know how to apply it, powder would do just fine.

When you arrived at the location Laura sent you to, you then started looking for your date.
She just texted you a description of what he looks like; blue scarf, dark blue coat, blonde, has a scar on his- Oh shit.
It's him.
You instantly wish you didn't agree.
"You're late." Tim spat, hands in his coat pockets, obviously pissed.
"Laura said I have to be here at 9:00" You even check your watch to make sure.
He scoffed. "It's already 9:02."

Laura reserved seats for you and Tim at the movie.
At first you thought the movie is going to be a great way for you to not interact with Tim.
Unfortunately you can't enjoy it since it's a really cheesy romance film. Worse, you don't have any food or beverage to distract you with since Tim didn't bother to buy and you 'forgot' your wallet.

After an hour of watching the film, it was finally over. Aside from watching, you were relieved to get up since your butt was getting cramped.

You and Tim exited the theater.
Before you could even stretch your legs, Tim started walking. He didn't say whether he called a cab or anything, he just kept walking hastily.

You remembered Laura made reservations for the both of you to a fancy restaurant. Laura forgot to send a map and your phone's battery is too low to look up on the internet.
You've never really been there before so you have no clue as to where you two are going.

Tim seems to know where he's going. It scares the shit out of you wondering if he'd lead you to a back alley to cut out and sell your organs.

The two of you kept walking for thirty minutes and during that time he didn't even call a cab. Stingy bastard.

He was a few steps ahead of you and you struggled to keep up (So far the only exercise you've had)

Finally, you reached your destination.
It was a fancy French restaurant and you felt like a peasant just standing in front of it.

The two of you entered the restaurant and we're directed to your table.

Everything looks expensive. Even the fucking menu looks like it costs more than what you earn.

But it didn't take long for the two of you to get kicked out since Tim   is a relentless smoker.

Tired and hungry, both of you settled on a bench outside. It was dark and cold now with only the lamppost lighting the street.
The two of you sat in silence. Tim slid his hand in his coat pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it up.

He exhaled puffs of smoke. It kept going in your direction and you have a feeling he's doing it on purpose.
But it didn't distract you from the fact that you're shivering. The dumbass you are you didn't bring anything to keep warm so you resorted to hugging you knees close to your chest in an attempt to keep warm.

But maybe freezing to death isn't so bad. It'd be a great escape from Tim.
Just when you were dreaming of a cold, slow death, Tim spoke.

"Are you cold?" He asked, shades of pink tinting his cheeks and his nose. Probably from the cold.

"Yeah" You replied.


"Fuck you"

"Not interested" He replied flatly.

Tim glanced at his wrist watch. "It's late already." He said. "We should get going."

The two of you stood up. It was time to go home.
Once more, you two walked.
Tim moved faster than you and you were still tired from earlier.

You decided to stay behind and catch your breath for a bit. Cold sweat was already matting your forehead and you didn't even walk that far yet.

Tim stopped in his tracks, noticing you weren't keeping up with his pace.
He turned around, went to your direction.
"What are you doing?" You asked, flustered.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, rather irritated. "You're walking too slow."

He turned his back on you, and went on his knees."Hurry up."
You stared at him for a while.
"Are we going to do a cheer dance or something?"

"Idiot" He muttered. "Get on my back. I'll carry you."


"You're only slowing us down. Hurry up so I can finally get rid of you."

You complied, wrapping your arms around his neck, hopefully It'll strangle him.

He carried you on his back all the way, and kept reminding you that he's only doing this because you walk too slow and he's not doing it because he wants to.

But you know otherwise.
You give him a quick peck on the cheek.
He didn't say anything, he didn't drop you, he only grunted and furrowed his brows while his face is getting red.

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