💙⚠ Spain x Reader x Romano

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A/N: warning! Weird lime ahead! CORRUPTED MINDS ONLY!
Skip this chapter if you are innocent! (Not really sure what's the difference between smut, lemon or lime is though.I mean they're all pervy right?!😭)

                               🍋🍅 :.__⭐.:⭐.:⭐.:⭐.:⭐__.:🍅🍋
                                                  Te amo
                              🍋🍅 :.__⭐.:⭐.:⭐.:⭐.:⭐__.: 🍅🍋

Antonio and Lovino were your childhood friends. It's been years all three of you met. You returned to your home country after staying in Spain for the rest of your childhood.

But now that your older, you decided to surprise them both.
After hours of sitting in the plane, it FINALLY landed.

You felt happy. You felt nostalgia kick in. You're finally in😈 Spain.

You exited the airport. Antonio's house was not that far, but decided to call a taxi because of your luggage.

The taxi ride was quite enjoyable for once. As the car drove you looked out the window watching your childhood home. There were lots of kids playing football. Which, reminded you of the games you played with Toni(notthealien) and Lovi.

The taxi stopped.
You payed the man and thanked him in spanish. You took your stuff and pressed the doorbell on Antonio's house.


"Coming!"(soon enough....) a feminine voice said.

You saw a girl with short blonde hair run up to you. "Hello! What brings you here?" she asked.

"I'm here to see Antonio Fernandez Carriedo." you said.
"Oh, you know my boss? Come inside then." The girl gestured you inside of the huge spanish house.

'Woah, It's bigger than I remember' you were looking around for the Spaniard.

"I'm Laura, by the way." The girl introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, miss (y/n)."Laura said.

The two of you went through a few halls until you reached the garden.
Ella opened the door for you.

The garden you saw was unmistakably Antonio's.
There were tomatoes everywhere.

Looking around, you saw Antonio watering his tomatoes while Lovino sits on the chair while taking a siesta.

"Antonio! Sir! Someone here is looking for you." Laura shouted.
"Si!" Antonio looked at your direction and dropped his watering can. Tears welled up in his eyes.

You nodded. You put down your luggage and ran up to Antonio. You hugged him tightly. He was taller than you compared to the last time you saw him.

Lovino woke up from his siesta and took of his black shades. He saw you and Toni hugging. He squinted his eyes and pinched himself to check if he's dreaming.

Lovino stood up from his seat and ran to you and Antonio hugging you both.

"I missed you ragazza." Lovino said while in tears.
"Me too." Antonio said while burying his face in the crook of your neck.

Meanwhile Laura is in the background, sniffling on her sleeve.

"Como esta (y/n)?" Toni asked.
"I'm fine!"
"Did you get laid?" Lovino asked.
"No! Aleast, not yet....."
"I can take care of that~." Lovino smirked. Antonio dragged Lovi away from you. "Hey! Stop that estupido bastardo! Let me down!" Lovino screamed.
"Okay, amigo!"

"You guys are still the same."
"Si." They both said in unison.

"How about we all celebrate?"Laura asked. "That is a great idea! We should all drink!" Antonio shouted.

"No, not me. Just you guys."Laura said.
"Oh, if it's okay with you-" Laura cut off Toni before he can finish. "I'm fine! I'll leave you guys to yourselves."Laura smiled.

Antonio smiled understandingly at Laura. "So, why don't we start?" Lovino winked at you.

Not much changed to your friends. Lovi still flirts. Toni loves gardening. And they still love tomatoes.

Antonio took out loads of different varieties of wine and beer.
"Lo siento. I didn't know which you like." Antonio apologized.
"It's okay, I don't have a preference." You said. "Let's just drink already!" Lovino complained.

Antonio took some fancy glasswares and poured some wine. He handed on to you and Lovi, he also poured himself a glass.

"To (y/n)!" Antonio and Lovi cheered.
"To me!"
The three of you clinked your glass and started drinking.

Tons of alchohol later.........🍷🍷🍷🍷🍺🍻🍻🍺

"Toni you have sucha nice smexy ass~" you sloppily said while slapping Antonio's.......you know what.

"What about my ass?" Lovino asked.
"Don't worry amigo, It looks fine!" Antonio answered. "You're both hot!" You practically shouted.

"Really?" Lovi and Toni looked at your direction.
You quickly nodded at them.
"These two candles look hot!"

"What dafuq?" Lovi swore.
You ran up to Lovino and hugged him. "You're so fricking cute Lovi~"
"Don't call me that!"
Antonio joined you and Lovi.
"Yes you are Lovi~"

Lovino kept blushing because of the alchohol and the compliment.
As Lovi was blushing,you and Toni touched his ahoge.

Lovino moaned. You and Toni kept touching and holding it and tugging it.
"Oh look! Lovi likes it~" You and Toni cooed.
Lovino kept struggling from you and Antonio's grasp.
"S-stop you idiota ragazza, and bastardo!" Lovino continually struggled and persisted.

"Aaaww come on Lovi~" you pouted.
"Come?~" Antonio repeated.

A devilish smirk appeared on you and Toni. The two of you licked your lips greedily.

Lovino sweated and blushed. He was also getting excited.

Antonio pinned Lovino on to the floor, as you unzipped Lovino's pants.
"Hurry up idiota!" Lovino yelled impatiently. You fumbled with Lovino's zipper until you finally unzipped it and slowly pulled down the Italian's pants.

Just as you were about to pull down Lovino's boxers you heard someone yell from across the room. "Don't forget to use protection!"

"Laura!" The three of you shouted.

A/N: That was horrible.....

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