Chapter 40: Memories

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"Puhuhu... looks like our little (Y/N) here is in even a more bigger trouble than the killing game, huh?" You looked over to Monokuma with a scared expression. "Wh-What the hell?! Of course not! Your stupid killing game is obviously more terrible!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, as the bear chuckles.

"Of course, of course. But don't you see? There's still death going on though~" Monokuma said with a satisfied tone. "Tch... what do you know?! I still have my friends by my side!" You growled. "Really? Or are they going to just going to die one by one?" Monokuma asked. "Huh...?" You flinched by the bear's word.

"Y-You're no one... you're not real! You're just here to make fun of me!" You shouted as the bear giggled again. "Really? Who told you that you're still not a fictional character?" The black and white bear asked with that smirk that you hated so much. "Shut the hell UP!" You yelled, and lunged at the bear.

But your surroundings, there appears some sort of... silhouette...?! Those began to wrap around you, and tried to tear you apart. "What the?! What are these?!" You screamed as Monokuma just laughs. His laugh is really annoying, and you couldn't get it out of your head.


You shouted as you sat up from the bed, and looked around with a terrified look on your face. "Why, why, why...?" You asked yourself, and curled into a ball, lying on the bed. "(Y/N)?" Shuichi asked as he look over to your side. "I'm... sorry... I awake you again... didn't I..." You sighed, and look at the clock. 6:30. "Well... I guess we should just get ready... I mean... I don't really wanted to sleep anymore." You said as you got off your bed, and took out the clothings that you've always wore.

The two of you left the dorm room early, and you obviously, bring the umbrella with you to return it to Maruchi. Because it's inconvenient to just bring a umbrella to class, and wait until lunch time to return it, so you decided to just head to his classroom. "I remember he did say that his class is 4-B, right?" You asked as Shuichi nods.

You got to the classroom. Obviously it's empty inside there. Luckily, the settings inside Maruchi's classroom is different. There's nameplates on each table, which is pretty convenient. You looked at every name plates, but the more you look, the more you remember about the killing game. The class trial part, of course. After all, that bear wrote the names on every podium...

You found Maruchi's table. It was one of the middle one, almost close to the window. You placed the umbrella on his table, and also as look at the table next to him, the next to window one. Ram Nishimara? It sounds like a girl's name... I guess... You stopped looking at the name plate, and just leave the umbrella there.

After walking out of the classroom, Shuichi was just there, waiting for you. You then leave the 4th floor, and went back to 3rd. The two of you got to the classroom. You noticed the flowers... it changed! It's still violet types, but the look is different... did someone change it? It could only be Maruchi... though... You cleared your thoughts and walked outside, hoping to see a sign of the brunette.

"Maybe he changed the flowers last night?" Shuichi said out his idea as you shook your head. "I don't think so, because, the classroom doors closes after 5:00 p.m, remember?" You said as Shuichi nodded. "Yeah, you're right... but why do you have to find him? I mean, he must've been busy... or something."  Shuichi said as he puts his hand on his chin.

"Well... I guess he have to do early investigation...?" You sighed as Shuichi nods. "Yeah, since there's all this deaths going around..." Shuichi said, and you just nod while sighing. The school soon was filled with students, and some were talking, and chatting. You were just... sitting inside the classroom, bored out if your mind.

Suddenly, Shuichi got called by Angie, and she leads him somewhere, hell if you know. But you felt a little bit weird, with all of that sudden things. All of those sudden events... time where you suddenly have to participate inside a killing game, and times where you'd have to deal with the deaths outside the normal world. It was really strange. But life is life, you can't change it after all.

Class time soon started, and Ms. Kei reminds everyone that tomorrow would be the end of that group project. You looked beside you, remember when Rantaro was still there. Well, poor the Naomi girl though, she'd have to work on that project all alone.

"Um..." A voice spoke up from the outside, and the door swing a little open. "Can I please ask to meet (Y/N)? It was just for a moment... her parents needs to talk." Maruchi came in and asked. You flinched a bit by his words. "Huh? Next time tell them to meet the principal, alright? What a waste of time." Ms. Kei rolled her eyes, and pointed at you, telling you that you can go now.

You hesitated a bit, but walked out with Maruchi anyway. "My... parents...?" You asked as soon as Maruchi closes the classroom's door. "Sorry, it was a lie... sorry if it offended you... I just need to talk to you..." Maruchi trailed off, gripping tighter the files into his palms. "Well, we're not in the clear yet, so let's get somewhere more safe." Maruchi's expression was a serious one, and you just decide to follow the boy. He led you to the interview room, and closed the door. "I... I... I think I know who's the culprit of everything..." Maruchi said as you gasped.

"Wait, what?! Wh-Who?!" You asked as Maruchi got the files on the table. "All of these evidences only points to one person... I mean, if they only killed Lamika or Kaede, then we wouldn't figure it out, but day by day, it's getting more... obvious..." Maruchi said as you gasped. "But... who was it?" You asked as Maruchi looked down.

"I... You might not believe me... since you might trust him more... but it's Shuichi Saihara..." Maruchi said as he held up a sad smile. "Everything he did... all lead to him... because in Lamika's case, he's the one who helped Lamika to go downstairs, he might have the chance to push her! And for Kaede, we found some fabric of burned clothes near the incinerator, it was detected as Shuichi's... but people refused to believe that he did it... and Macky... how do you think that they're the only one who came out of school that night, and Shuichi came back right after Macky's time of death?! This... this all has to be him!" Maruchi said.

"But I understand if you don't believe me... since no one did... and... I wish I could've just proven it already... I wanted to... I wanted to avenge Milasa... but I couldn't tell anyone about this... (Y/N)... do you believe me...?" You were sure that your heart had stopped beating when Maruchi said the word 'Shuichi'. You didn't want to believe Maruchi, but he's an investigator, too. His reasoning could be right... but there might be holes, too.

"I... Is this true...?" You asked as you felt yourself more trembling than ever. "I just needed more proofs... I just needed more... then I could make this right! I...I'll catch the right culprit! No matter what!" Maruchi said with a determined voice. "I...I'm very sorry... but... my deductions might be wrong too... and maybe Shuichi couldn't be the culprit a-" "No, you shouldn't be scared of me..." You said as you put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I... support you, Maru... I don't want to think that it was Shuichi... and... so... but I wanted to believe in you... Shuichi could just be there by coincidences, but..." You trailed off as you don't know what word to use ti comfort the boy. "I... hope that it wouldn't be Shuichi... I'm scared..." You trailed off. "You... believe me...? You'd believe a high-schooler like me...?" Maruchi asked. "I'm glad... (Y/N)..."

You and Maruchi then walked back to the classroom, and your heart almost pumped out of your chest when you saw Shuichi, looking at you. Without any questions, you rushed to your chair, and sat down. You didn't want to look at Shuichi.

Not after you already know what he did.


Words: 1460


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