Chapter 31: Notice

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"..." You stayed quiet while just eat your (F/F) ice cream. "So... (Y/N), there's really no one that you're interested in...?" Shuichi asked... again. "Um, yeah... why do you keep asking those kind of questions, Shuichi?" You asked as the dark blue haired boy finch a bit. "S-Sorry... I didn't know you're uncomfortable." Shuichi apologized as you just slightly nod your head.

You both quickly finished, and walked out of the ice cream parlor. You're now a bit uncomfortable with Shuichi with you, but you decided to just ignore it, because he's your best friend after all... you thought that you were supposed to understand him by now, but you felt like you didn't know anything about him.

He always made excuses of 'reminding him about the Killing Game', you tried to believe in him, but those lies are easy to be scattered away. You wanted him to be friends with Lamika, Milasa, Maruchi, or even Damian to help him with his problems, but all he did was push them away, and always head to you.

You couldn't understand why. And you'll never understand why. You'll never truly understand Shuichi Saihara.

"Well... do you want to go anywhere else?" Shuichi asked as you shook your head. "No, I think this is cool, we can just go back to our dorm." You said as Shuichi nodded in disappointment. He wanted to spend more time with you, but at least you both were in the same dorm, if won't he'd go crazy from a long time ago.

"So, um... I'll go visit someone for a bit..." You said as Shuichi looked at you furiously. "Who? Who are you going to meet?" Who is even more important than me?! Shuichi asked as you just sighs. "I'll go see Rantaro, I need to ask him about Damian." You said and begin to wrap the checkered scarf around your neck.

"Oh... alright... then." Shuichi trailed off as you leave your dorm room to just go to the courtyard. "Finally... alone time.." You sighed in relief as you looked to the night sky again. "Oh... I didn't know you were h-here too! Haha..." You recognized the voice and sit up properly to meet the shy boy.

"Ah, hey Kokichi! It's alright! You can sit besides me if you want to!" You gave the boy a smile as he just looked away with a visible blush on his face. "Th-Thank you..." Kokichi stuttered as he got to the seat and sat down. "Oh... you're wearing the scarf!" Kokichi cheered, and you swear you just saw stars in his purple eyes.

"Of course! I mean, it could be cold at night too, haha." You chucked as Kokichi nods. "W-Well... um... I-I just wanted to ask that if y-you're ok... s-since these days I noticed th-that you've been off... b-but of course y-you don't h-have to t-tell me!" Kokichi stuttered as you gave him a smile.

"Nishishi~ Why is (Y/N) looking like that? Are you depressed (Y/N)-chan?? Hey, come on, talk to me!! What's wrong? Hey, hey, hey!"

"Well... it's just my friend... he's acting weird lately, and I'm somewhat worried about him..." You said, and played around with the scarf. "O-Oh... I didn't know that... Um... maybe try to uh, cheer him up? Or have a nice conversation would work too!" Kokichi smiled as you nods.

"Yeah, I'd try..." You sighed and lean back to the bench. "I-I guess that wouldn't work, huh..." Kokichi looked to the ground, and placed his hand onto his lap. "Ah... well... cause Shuichi is a hard person to... like move his heart..." You confessed as Kokichi just played around with his fingers, unsure what to do.

"U-Um (Y/N)... if you wanted to talk then I-I'm here! I-I mean... I'm not good at comforting, b-but I could try!" Kokichi smiled as you just smiles back to the shy boy. "Well... I guess I could try, haha... but um... I think that Shuichi is acting quite strange after... uh... our middle school graduation... I mean, he kept hanging around me, and it's quite uncomfortable." You reasoned as Kokichi thought about it.

"W-Well... you two are old friends from middle school?" Kokichi confirmed again, as he put his finger onto his chin. "Yeah... but at first he's really... close to others, and really mind about something else... but after that he just kept clinging on me... it's... sorta creepy..." You explained to the boy.

"Well... I think that you should like... put his time for someone else? I mean..." Kokichi trailed off and you think about that for a while. "Like matchmake him?" "N-No! I didn't mean it l-like that! I mean... you should suggest him to like, um,,, join some clubs? I mean, oh! H-He could join the law club!" Kokichi suggested as you shook your head.

"Yeah.. that seem fits him... but I don't think that he'd like it..." You shrugged it off and Kokichi mumbled something. "Um... I don't really know what he'd be into... so sorry that I couldn't h-help..." Kokichi apologized as you just chuckles. "It's alright Koki, I don't want to rely much on anyone either." You patted the boy's head slightly as his cheek turned pink.

"U-Um... I wanted to do th-this... it might calm you d-down... would you l-let me?" Kokichi asked as you look at him confusedly. "Huh? Alright! What is it?" You asked as Kokichi stood up from the bench and grab your face. "E-Eh?" You're pretty sure that the boy's face has turned into a tomato as he leaned closer to you. Kokichi quickly kissed on your cheek then pull out immediately.

The Supreme leader held his face in embarrassment as you just sat there in silent. "Wah!! I'm sorry! I-It was so embarrassing!" Kokichi cried and said sorry multiple time.

"(Y/N)!!! If you're not planning to response then I'll do this!"


"Nishishi~ Yeah, a kiss for ignoring me! But be thankful that I didn't kiss you on the lips! It would be a shame if I took your first kiss, nishishi~"

You smiled at the shy boy, and stand up from your bench, and walked over him. "Yeah, that calmed me down a bit, thank you, Koki!" You thanked the boy as he looked at you with a embarrassed face. "It's alright, Kokichi, I... It reminds me of a memory too. Well... it's getting late, huh? We should head back to the dorm!" You suggested and begin to walk away.


Words: 1124


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