Chapter 24: Atmosphere

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You soon went out of the boy's room, and went back to yours. But you noticed that there's some other workers and else too... Why are they here? Is this normal? You asked yourself as you looked down where they're working on with something.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)..." Shuichi's voice caught your attention and you turned to the boy. "Oh, hi there Shuichi! Um, so... anything about this?" You asked as you points to the workers. "Ah... I heard that they're placing cameras here... not really convenient for me though..." Shuichi muttered under his breath as you just tilted your head.

"Well... um... I think that this is for the safety, since there has been a lot of murders here... so I'm quite worried..." You confessed and continued to look at the workers putting on the cameras.

"Yeah, for the best..." Shuichi said and gazed around the area. "Where were you anyway? I mean... I've been looking..." Shuichi asked as I just nods. "I was just walking around, and so yeah..." You lied. You don't really wanted to let Shuichi know that you shared to Maruchi about the Killing Game, so you were just going to stay quiet about it.

"Oh... I see." Shuichi nodded and you both stayed silent. "Anyway! It's almost my shift time, so I better get changed." You said, and proceed to enter your room. You still couldn't understand why must Shuichi always follow you, but it's fine... you think.

After changing, Shuichi is already waiting for you, and you both walked together to the coffee shop. It wasn't that long, but you were just pretty tired from the long day.

As you enters, you already seen Rantaro being there before you. "Ah, hi there Rantaro, early bird I see." You commented as Rantaro chuckles. "Yeah, well, come on, we still have many customers to serve." Rantaro said as you nodded, and came inside the counter with the boy.

She's not even asking which drink I would like! There's something off about her... And I need more attention from (Y/N)... Shuichi debated in his mind again, and while that you were just preparing for other things.

"Oh, right..." You sighed as you even forgot about your friend. You walked over to his table with a note and a pen. "Hey Shuichi, K was quite busy, so um, what would you like though?" You asked, but instead of answering anything, he just wrapped his arms around you, making you flinch.

Even though you couldn't really move, you could feel others were looking at you. "Sh-Shuichi...! Wh-What was that f-for?" You asked nervously, and you tried to break the hug. "Well... sorry... I was just feeling down... you don't mind, right?" He asked as he unwrap his hand. "Ah, I d-don't mind... but um... well, it's a bit embarrassing if we do it in the public, haha..." You nervously chuckled, and gripped onto your notebook. 'I don't care' is what Shuichi wanted to say, but in this state, he couldn't.

"S-Sorry... I won't do that again if you're uncomfortable." Shuichi said as you just nods. "Anyway! What would you like for the drink?" "Well, I guess whatever you recommend, (Y/N)." Shuichi said as you nods. "Well, I'd recommend (F/D), so what do you say?" You asked as Shuichi nods. "Sounds great." Shuichi smiled and sat back down to his seat.

Whatever you like I'll learn to love it.

Soon enough, you came back out with the drink to give Shuichi, and he just thanked you for it. But sometimes he'd notice that you'd talk too much with Rantaro about something, and sometimes the avocado boy would even get close to you on purpose...

This sure, made Shuichi really jealous, but he tried to keep it inside. Do I need to kill him too? Shuichi grinned his teeth, and looked away.

"Wait, oh, you're the one who's always go with (Y/N), right?" Shuichi looked up to see a male with white hair, the end of his is dyed with red, and some strings of his is dyed with yellow. He has the same red eyes as Maki's.

"Oh, you know (Y/N)...?" Shuichi asked as the boy nod. "Yeah, I mean, Milasa talked about you guys a lot... I mean, she sounds interested in you two." The boy chuckled as Shuichi flinched a bit. "Who... are you?" Shuichi asked while looking at the boy suspiciously.

"Oh, did you forgot? I mean, you would, since I'm a bit of a background character, haha... but anyway, I'm Damian Sona, Super High School Level Singer, I was in the Music Club." Damian introduced himself as Shuichi nodded.

"You're with that... Mizumi girl, right?" Shuichi asked as Damian nod. "Oh, you know her? Well, yes, we're friends." Damian smiled as he looked over to your direction, who is quite having an argument with Rantaro at the moment.

"Oh well... she sounds like she's really a fun type to talk to..." Damian said, and looked at the boy again. "Well, I just hope that I'd get a ch- woah, what is it? You looked like you just killed someone haha... well, anyway, I'm glad that I could talk to you..." Damian said nervously, and just walked to a random seat.

When you came over to take his order, Shuichi noticed that you were chatting with him for a bit, and it seems like you two were having a fun conversation. Jealousy grew inside Shuichi again, and he just gripped tighter of his cup. He don't want you to talk to anyone... he don't want you to be stolen from him.

But now he have a new obstacle.

"Damian Sona... huh..." Shuichi mumbled, and glared at the white haired boy. I can do something with him... and teach him to not touch my (Y/N) ever again.

Shuichi started to have dark aura around him again, and Rantaro noticed that, but only looked at Shuichi weirdly, and decide to shrug it off. Rantaro isn't really jealous of you spending too much time with Shuichi than him, but he just felt weird about how Shuichi acts strange towards him and others. It was creeping the boy out, but he doesn't think that he could do anything about it anyway.

After your shift ended, you know about this new guy. And honestly, he was a pretty fun guy to talk to actually. You two decided to have another 'talk' (aka date but uh, Shuichi's here) on Wednesday, and you were pretty excited about it. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" Shuichi asked when he noticed your behavior while walking with him.

"Ah, it's just that there's this guy, you remember Mizumi? The Music Club Leader? He was her friend, and um, he's Damian. He's a pretty fun guy to talk to though! So I was planning to going out with him on Wednesday, after my shift!" You said as Shuichi stayed silent.

"Were you going to do anything for him?" Shuichi asked as you think about it. "Ah, right... of course I have to give him something... hmm... what do you think he'd like?" You asked as Shuichi just shrugs. "Maybe a small muffin would work, I'll help you on that." Shuichi said as you nodded. "Really? Thank you!" You smiled as Shuichi nods.

"No problem, (Y/N)."


Words: 1233


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