Chapter 27: Chocolate

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Warning: This chapter is basically teaches you how to bake muffin ._.


"Hey Shuichi, we should go buy ingredients to like, bake the muffin or cupcake too, right?" You asked as Shuichi nods. "But... I dunno if I'd do good at this... maybe we can ask for some tools in the Cooking Club too?" You suggests, and think about it.

"That may work, (Y/N)." Shuichi said, while you just nodded. You both then found a local supermarket... well, that's lucky. You then try to find all of the ingredients, since you did bake something 'before' the Killing Game. You're not sure if that memory is fake or not, but you're lucky to have that memory.

"So... chocolate would work, right?" You asked as you held up a bag of cocoa powder. "I guess..." Shuichi said and continued to buy the ingredients. After you both done, you went back to the school, and decides to visit the Cooking Club.

Surprisingly, the leader guy is still there, and he was just sitting on a table. "O-Oh... um, sorry, I didn't know that you were still here, haha..." You nervously said, and prepare to leave. "Um... what do you need? I mean... you must've come here for a reason, right?" He asked as you nods.

"Well... I was just um, wanting to bake a muffin, but I wanted to make samples at first so uh..." You trailed off as Macky nods. "Well, if you want, I could teach you...?" Macky offered, and your eyes just shine up. "Really? Then alright! I mean, I'm not good at baking, haha..." You said and Macky just nodded.

"It's alright, I just need a distraction... from... that.." Macky said, and stood up from his chair. "Well, I see that you already have some ingredients of your own, so which flavor did you want to make?" Macky asked as you pulled out the cocoa.

"Here! I wanted to make chocolate muffin." You said as the boy nods, Shuichi just stands quietly behind you. "Oh, right, you can help too, Shuichi! I mean, one day you could make muffins for me too!" You joked as Shuichi looked into your eyes. "Just kidding, you don't have to, if you don't want." You said, and turned back to Macky.

"So... what shall we do first?" You asked as Macky just took out the flour, and cocoa powder bags, then opened it. He took out a measuring spoon, and dig it inside the flour bag. "First, you have to take 2 cups of flour, and but them in a bowl..." Macky said, and poured the flour he just took inside a bowl.

"Next, is 1/3 cup of cocoa powder, and 1 tablespoon of baking powder." Macky explained and poured the ingredients together. After that he looked through my ingredients again, then pulled out the baking soda, and (granulated) sugar. Macky then searches his cabinet for something, after finish, he got a bottle of salt.

"Well, for this, everything you have to take 1/2 of teaspoon each... for baking soda and salt only of course. If you wanted to eat sweet, then you can pour 1/2 cup of sugar. But if you don't, then you can lower the sugar. Can you do the measuring, please?" Macky asked as you nods.

"Well, um, and for Shuichi, you can whisk it when she's done... I guess... muffin is pretty simple." Macky said as you continued to pour the ingredients in. After that, Macky handed for Shuichi the whisker, and the detective just do what he has been told to.

"Well, for this, we need some chocolate chips, do you have any?" Macky asked as I shook my head slightly. "Sorry, I barely remember how to bake muffin, so yeah..." You chuckled ask Macky nods. "It's alright, I think that Kirumi did bought some... I hope it'd be alright if we use it..." Macky said and pulled out a can of chocolate chips, and poured some in a bowl.

"Now, for this we need 5 tablespoons of butter... and then we heat these together." Macky said and put the things into a oven, and heat up the butter and chocolates.

"Hey, I think I've finished." Shuichi said and put down the whisker. "Oh! Nice Shuichi!" You cheered and look at the mixed flour.

"And um, after melting it, you'll have to mix it together until it's done..." Macky said and placed the bowl on the table. "And here we go..." Macky mumbled and mixed it well. "Now... we need buttermilk... 1 and 1/4 cup of buttermilk..." Macky said, and notice that I had the ingredients too. After pour it inside a bowl, he took out 1 egg, and a packet of vanilla.

"For this we'll need 1 teaspoons of vanilla... this should be enough..." Macky explained while he cracks the egg, and mixed everything together. "Woah, you're so talented!" You said as your eyes shined in admiration. "Well... I'm better at making dishes, but baking? Not so much... Kirumi did better than me though..." Macky trailed off as you pat his back.

"It's alright! As long as you know about these then it's fine! I mean you know everything! Wow!" You complimented as the boy just muttered a 'thank you' and continued with his work.

After that you helped him pour everything together, and mixed it up. Shuichi helped Macky to prepare a tray, and put the covers of muffin inside that tray.

After that you scooped the mixed textures into the tray, and Macky just put them in the oven. "For this you'll have to bake at 375°F (Which is 190°C... wait, this is not a baking channel, isn't it-), about... 20 minutes... and we're done!" Macky cheered as he finally come to the final part.

"Anyway, I hope you'd remember the recipe. If you have any more some sort of cake you wanted to bake you can ask me." Macky smiles as you nod. "Yay! Thanks Macky! I really appreciate it!" You smiled at the boy. "Well, after that you can borrow one of your box to but the muffins in, I don't mind. Well, goodbye (Y/N), Shuichi." Macky said, and left the place.

"So... I guess that we've finished?" Shuichi asked as you nod. "Yeah! I've been told that muffin can be stored for 5 days, so I guess it's fine." You said as Shuichi nodded.

After the muffins are done, you and Shuichi tried it out, and honestly, it's not bad, you're really happy that this turned out fine. But Shuichi... he's unhappy with how Macky got close to you in such a sort time.


Words: 1116


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