Drug Interview

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"Ok before we start this universe I have to say something about it" Tsuku said. "Izuku is a villain" Tsuku covered her ears as everyone yelled in surprise(expect Toga, she squealed in delight). It took a few minutes for everyone to calm down, after all Izuku would never become a villain.

"Now that you all calm down, I'm going to continue" Tsuku sighed.

It shows Aizawa interrogating Shigaraki."Have you ever taken any illegal drugs?" Aizawa asked the villain.

"Looks like your in this one Sho!" Mic said excitedly. Aizawa sighed, he doesn't have a good feeling about this universe.

"Looks like they caught us" Dabi said. "Yeah, but why is he asking about drugs?" Toga asked. "Like I know, and I would never do drugs!" Shigaraki growled. "Why not?/that's good!" Twice said.

"No, I have not. " Shigaraki answered. "Do you think it’s possible that maybe you could have had some drugs in your system without you knowing about it?" Aizawa suggested.

"Can that happen?" Kaminari asked. "If people can put poison in your food then they can put drugs" Shinso shrugged. "Why- why do have to always say something" Kaminari said. "Why do you always ask something" Shinso grinned.

Shigaraki looked at Aizawa baffled"....What are you implying?"
"Have you ever… pooped… a balloon?" Aizawa said with a serious face.


"What's wrong with you" Shigaraki asked as the rest of the villains were laughing. "He has slept for 4 days" Tsuku answered. Aizawa groaned as Mic laughed. The student wanted to laugh but they would probably be expelled if they do. They were shaking, they really wanted to laugh, even Bakugo looked like he wanted to laugh.

"Okay. I’m done with this." Shigaraki got up quickly and walked at the door. "Get me as far way from him" he said to the guard. "Uhh ok" "He sure left in a hurry." Aizawa said to nobody.

"I wonder why" Sero whispered to the Bakusquad. Mina was turning a little blue. Kirishima and Kaminari fell off their chairs. Bakugo looked like he was about explode.

It then showed Aizawa with Toga. "You will be single forever" Toga said with a smile.

Uraraka was taking deep breaths to stop her from laugh. Todoroki and Tsuyu had a slight smile. Iida and Momo felt so much guilt from finding these thing funny.

All Might coughed up a bit of blood as Aizawa glared at him. "Come on, we both know that it isn't true" Mic said. Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Yeah" if it was true, then how did he get a husband.

"Do you know what this is?"Aizawa pushed a photo towards her. "Yes, it’s marijuana." Toga answers. "How do you know that?" Aizawa said as he stood up. "It’s labeled." Toga said with a grin. Aizawa grabbed the picture back and looked at it "Dammit."

Uraraka made Shinso brainwash her. Kaminari shocked himself and Sero put tape over his and Mina's mouth. Bakugo let out a small explosion.

The villain were having the time of their life, while Aizawa wanted to die.

Aizawa then is with Dabi."That is Northern Lights Cannabis Indica." Dabi said. Aizawa sighed, defeated "No, it’s marijuana."

"To be honest, after all he been through, he needs a raise" Dabi said. "And sleep" Toga giggled.

"I’m just saying that you can’t be sure that is wasn’t you." Izuku said.

"I almost forgot that Izuku was a villain" Shinso said as Todoroki hummed in agreement.

"That’s ridiculous, of course it wasn’t me." Aizawa said with his arms crossed. Izuku then picked up the picture. "Marijuana is a memory loss drug, so maybe you just don’t remember."

"That's true" Mic said. "Which means it could have been you" Aizawa glared at him.  Why does it have to be him. Why!?

"I would remember." Aizawa said in denial. "Well, how could you, if it just erased your memory?" Izuku pointed out. "That’s not how it works." Aizawa said. "Now how do you know how it works?" Aizawa paused. "Knock it off, okay, I’m interviewing you."

"It's getting to him" Toga giggled. "He's in denial" Shigaraki said. "I'm starting to like the kid" Dabi grinned "he knows how to get in someone's head."

"No! You said that I’d be conducting the interview when I walked in here. Now exactly how much pot did you smoke?" Izuku said as he pointed at Aizawa. Aizawa opened eyes wide in total surprise.

After all their effort the students weren't able to hold it in. They couldn't breathe and they didn't care if they get expelled, it worth it. Aizawa wanted to die right there. He's never going to get the same respect from the kids.

After everything was done Tsuku pressed the button.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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