Kill Somebody

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"Today, Today, you made me feel irrelevant" Izuku is shown in a classroom trying to make himself smaller while everyone was laughing at him.

"That unmanly" Kirishima said. "What a bunch of jerks" Uraraka said. "Why isn't the teacher stopping them?!" Mic asked.

"Twisted my intelligence
Made it seem there's no brain in my head" a person is laughing at Izuku's notebooks and throws it in the trash.

"You can't just throw out someone's hard work!!!" Kaminari yelled. 'Yes they can' Shinso thought remembering how people will take thing from him.

"I'm like a skeleton, can't shut my eyes" Izuku is shown crying.

"Right now, I feel like I'm an alien" Izuku is separated from everyone else.

"Young Midoriya likes being around people" all might said. "They might know that and are trying to make him feel unwanted." Aizawa said.

"I'm so fuckin' dangerous
Cover up the evidence with medicine
I can't find the light" Izuku is in a dark room trying to find a way out but soon gives up.

"Don't give up Deku" Uraraka pleaded. 'he already did' Todoroki thought knowing that you need someone to make you try and that Izuku in this world doesn't have anyone.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" Izuku says facing a mirror.

"He wants to kill himself" Midnight said horrified.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" meds are shown.

"Drug overdose" Iida said with sadness. 'please don't do it' Uraraka thought.

"Today, you turned me like a corkscrew
Filed me like a lawsuit
Put words in my mouth that I don't want you to" Izuku is shown being forced to get someone out of trouble.

"And I lost my clout
And my time is acting as my currency
You can't take that away from me
Treat the young with no accountability
Shoot me down" Izuku is holding a gun to his head.

"NOOO" everyone yelled trying to stop him even if it was pointless since he couldn't hear them.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" a bloody razor blade is shown.

Everyone looked like they want to throw up.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" a rope is shown.

"Right, right now I feel like an alien" people are laughing and talking behind Izuku's back.

Shinso remembered how that would happen to him.

"Like I'm sitting in a state of perpetual frustration
Go on, shove me again" Izuku says to no one.

"Fuck with my head, leave me for dead, please?" Izuku pleads.

"He really wants to die" Uraraka said " you think our Deku is like that?" No one what that question to be answered.

"And yeah, you may think, you may think this is a metaphor
Somethin' you've never heard before" Izuku said.

"A note I found on the floor
And subconsciously pinned to the door
But then you motherfuckers could cross a mountain
And still wouldn't believe what you thought" Izuku said frustrated.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" Izuku is shown on a high building.

"Please no please no "Uraraka pleaded "someone please save him" Ashido pleaded. Some of them looked away not what to see what happens next.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you" he takes off his shoes.

The teachers felt hopeless, they don't to see their student take their own life.

"All I wanna do is kill somebody
Kill somebody
Kill somebody like you
You, you, you, you
Oh, oh" Izuku jumps.

Everyone looked away not wanting to see their friend's dead body. They wait for the impact.

As Izuku falls a white scarf catches him stopping him from hitting the ground.

"THANK GOD" most people yelled out. The others tried to get their heat beat under control.'I saved him' Aizawa thought 'I saved him' Aizawa sighed in relief. 'Problem child'

Tsuku came in the room with Kota and Eri. "I fixed the controller so now we can go back to the first universe." Tsuku said happily. Everyone was beyond happy knowing that they don't have to see that anymore.

I hope you enjoyed(∩_∩) please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes.

The next chapter will be My Shot then it will be  kill yourself.

I take requests so if you have any let me know. They will take some time so please be patient.

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