Dead Mom

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Everyone was now calm and waited for Tsuku to change it to the first universe. Tsuku pressed a button, but nothing happened. Tsuku pressed it again and again and again for it to nothing. "Sooo.... The button might be broken." Tsuku chuckled nervously. "WHAT" everyone cried out in outrage. "It might of broken when I was crying since it's not waterproof." Tsuku said as everyone sweat dropped. "So are we going to do?" Momo asked. "I have a backup, but I can't control what universe it shows." Tsuku said as she when into a small room and came back with a smaller controller. "So let's see what fate got for us." Tsuku said.

A female Izuku is shown in her room and looks like she was crying.

"He's a she in this universe?" Kirishima asked. "You think that there wouldn't be a female Izuku in infinity universes?" Tsuku said while Kirishima looked embarrassed."What happened to her?" Uraraka asked "you will find out" Tsuku said.

"Hey Mom, Dead Mom
I need a little help here
I'm prob'ly talking to myself here
But Dead Mom, I gotta ask
Are you really in the ground?
Cause I feel you all around me
Are you here, Dead Mom?
Dead Mom"

'Aunty Inko is dead!?' Bakugo thought to himself. "Poor Izuku, kero"Tsuyu said while everyone nodded in agreement.

"Dead Mom
I'm tired of tryin' to iron out my creases
I'm a bunch of broken pieces
It was you who made me whole" Izuku said as she picked up a picture of her father,herself, and her mother smiling at the camera.

"I can't imagine a live without my mom" said Uraraka. "I don't think anyone would want to imagine that." Iida said.

"Every day Dad's starin' at me
Like all, "Hurry up, get happy
Move along
Forget about your mom" Izuku said angrily.

"You can just forget a loved one" Aizawa said. "Young Midoriya needs someone to comfort her, not this." All Might said. 'The old man would say the same thing' Todoroki thought angrily.(sorry for not putting him often)

"Cause Daddy's in denial
Daddy doesn't wanna feel
He wants me to smile
And clap like a performing seal" tears of frustration went down her face.

"Ignored it for a while
But Daddy's lost his mind for real
You won't believe the mess that we've become" Izuku said to the picture sadly.

"When you loss someone important everything seems to be a different" Nezu said as he drank his tea.

"You're my home
My destination" Izuku said as she walked to her window.

"And I'm your clone
Your strange creation" Izuku said with a bit of happiness in her voice.

"You held my hand
And life came easy" she extended her hand out of the window.

"Everything is easy when you have someone to lead you in the right way." Mic said.

"Now jokes don't land
And no one sees me"her put her hand back.

"Nothing seems to fit
Mama, is this it?
Are you receiving?
I want something to believe in
Or I'm done" she moved back away from the window.

"Take me where my soul can run
Or I'll be in my bedroom
Wake me when I'm twenty-one
Daddy's moving forward
Daddy didn't lose a mom" she said as she picked up the picture of them smiling.

"Twenty-one? That's every odd number" Kirishima said. "Well that the age Americans can drink and the universe takes place in America." Tsuku answered. "Oh" Kirishima said.

"Mama won't you send a sign?
I'm running out of hope and time
A plague of mice, a lightning strike
Or drop a nuclear bomb" she said wanting to know if her mother is still there and if she still loves her.

"When people loss someone they would do anything to see them them again" Midnight said.

"No more playing Daddy's game" she ripped her father form the picture only leaving Izuku and her mother.

"I'll go insane if things don't change
Whatever it takes to make him say your name
Dead Mom" Izuku said with determination in her eyes.

"I really want something happy" Uraraka said. "Well I can't control the universes we see anymore." Tsuku said." Is there a way to fix it?kero" Tsuyu asked. "Yes but it will take awhile." Tsuku said. "Either way, I will try to fix it while we take a break."

I hope you enjoyed(^_-_^). If you have any requests please comment.

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