The Story of Tonight

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The screen turned on showing Izuku, Kirishima, Shinso, and Aoyama at a bar, all of them are very drunk.

"Is this the first universe?" Uraraka asked as Tsuku nodded. "This is a very small part in the universe that most people don't show but I'm not most people."

"I may not live to see our glory!" Izuku said.

"I may not live to see our glory!" Aoyama, Kirishima, and Shinso repeated.

"You all better live!" Ashido said not wanting to see them die. Aoyama✨ squealed in fright, Kirishima promised not to, and Shinso said, "no promises".

"But I will gladly join the fight!" Izuku said.

"But I will gladly join the fight!" Aoyama, Kirishima, and Shinso said with determination.

"Oh no you are getting the Deku disease" Uraraka said "the symptoms are unholy amount of determination and breaking bones for others."

"And when our children tell our story…" Izuku said waiting for then to repeat.

"Children? They have kids?, kero" Tsuyu questioned. "No but they plan to...I'm guessing" Tsuku said.

"And when our children tell our story…"

"They’ll tell the story of tonight" Izuku finished.

"Let’s have another round tonight" Kirishima said.

"That's enough drinking, 3 million people die each year for alcohol consumption." Iida said while waving his arms. (mom mode on)

"Let’s have another round tonight" Aoyama repeated getting them more beer.

"Let’s have another round tonight" Izuku said grabbing a glass of beer.

"Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you" Shinso said standing up.

"Yeah freedom" Uraraka cheered.

"Raise a glass to the four of us" Shinso said while raising his beer.

"Tomorrow there’ll be more of us" Kirishima and Shinso said together.

"I'm assuming that it mean that more people will want to start to fight for freedom" Momo said as Tsuku nodded.

"Telling the story of tonight" Aoyama joined in.

"They’ll tell the story of tonight" Izuku said while also standing up.

"Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away" Shinso, Aoyama, and Kirishima said.

"No matter what they tell you" Izuku added.

"Let’s have another round tonight" Aoyama and Kirishima suggested.

Iida kept complaining something about how drinking brings early death and disabilities.

"Raise a glass to the four of us" Shinso said.

"Tomorrow there’ll be more of us" all of them said.

"Telling the story of tonight" Izuku and Shinso said.

"Let’s have another round tonight" Kirishima and Aoyama said as they drank some more beer.

Iida was very disappointed.

"They’ll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to freedom
They’ll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to freedom
They’ll tell the story of tonight
They'll tell the story of—"

"Tonight" they said as they left the bar.

"I really like the song even if it was short" Uraraka said. "The next universe will also be about history" Tsuku said. "It has some serious topics so the kids will go to the other room" Tsuku said as Eri and Kota were going in the room while talking.

I hope you enjoyed( ;-;) please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes.

The next chapter will be ex-wifes, mental issues, then so big/so small.
If you have any requests please comment them. They will take some time so please be patient.

I would also like to say... HOW DID I GET 6K VIEWS!!! I never planned for this. I'm so thankful for this. I love you guys!( ^ω^)

I am making another reaction book. They are going to react to a book named Mastermind: Strategist For Hire. The creator gave me permission.

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