My Shot

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Tsuku pressed the button and everyone was holding their breath. They really wanted this to work.

Izuku is shown being trapped by Shinso, Aoyama, and Kirishima.

Everyone sighed in relief. Some looked like they wanted to cry from relief knowing that no one die.

Izuku looks nervous but sighs and his eyes lit up in determination."I am not throwing away my shot!
I am not throwing away my shot!
Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy and hungry
And I'm not throwing away my shot!"

"This sounds like its going to be great" Kirishima said.

"I'ma get a scholarship to King's College
I prob'ly shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish" Izuku complimented himself.

"He is totally bragging, kero"Tsuyu said.

"The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish" Izuku says as he opens his wallet for a moth to fly out.

"Wow he is really poor" Kaminari said. "Don't be mean, he is an orphan" Momo scolded.

"I gotta holler just to be heard
With every word, I drop knowledge!
I'm a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal" Izuku said while everyone listened intently.

"Tryin' to reach my goal. My power of speech: unimpeachable
Only nineteen but my mind is older" Izuku says while pointing at his head.

"Midoriya is nineteen?" Todoroki asked. "Yep, he's older in this universe" Tsuku said.

"These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder
Ev'ry burden, ev'ry disadvantage
I have learned to manage, I don't have a gun to brandish" Izuku said remembering the cold nights.

"No child should learn how manage living as an adult" Aizawa complained.

"I walk these streets famished
The plan is to fan this spark into a flame
But damn, it's getting dark, so let me spell out the name
I am the-" "A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R-we are-meant to be..."Shinso,Aoyama, Kirishima, and Izuku said together.

"A colony that runs independently
Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on us endlessly" Izuku said angrily.

"Essentially, they tax us relentlessly
Then King George turns around, runs a spending spree" Monoma is shown with a crown.

"WHAT" everyone yelled out in shock. "Why is Monoma a king" Ashido asked. "Because I better than all of you of course HAHAHAHA" Monoma laughed until Itsuka knocked him out. "Sorry about him "Itsuka bowed.(Monoma didn't want to make fun of them when Izuku was dying/suicidal, he's not heartless)

"He ain't ever gonna set his descendants free
So there will be a revolution in this century
Enter me!" Izuku says with determination.
(He says in parentheses) Shinso, Kirishima, and Aoyama said.

"Don't be shocked when your hist'ry book mentions me
I will lay down my life if it sets us free" Izuku the self-sacrificing idiot said.

"Of course the ducking nerd would to that." Bakugo said."don't you dare Deku" Uraraka said threatening.

"Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy" Izuku said and is soon joined by Shinso.
"And I am not throwing away
My shot (my shot)
I am not throwing away
My shot (my shot)
Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy and hungry
And I'm not throwing away my shot"

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