Chapter 38 [END]

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Chapter 38 ~ Epilogue 3; Happy ever after!


"What's with Clover? As in it will bring us luck," I looked up to Rei who shook his head with an exhausted expression as we were taking a walk through the garden. I had been completely shackled to the residence grounds that the only possibility I had to get some fresh air was in the garden.

However, it was not like I had the strength to check out the town. It became a burden to even stand up or bend down to pick up something. I couldn't even do the most simplest things like putting on my shoes without my belly getting in the way.

"And what about Alexus?" I proposed. But Rei was not content with any of my suggestions. "Come one if you don't come up with your own ideas, I'll decide myself," I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"I'm trying, okay?" I still don't know how we had all this time to figure out a name for our baby but still don't have any close ideas.

Moreover, Rei seemed more irritated the past few weeks but I couldn't blame him. I annoyed him to the point where he should be losing his mind. The only reason he still hadn't was probably for my sake.

I had been wining about every little thing. For instance last week, I got mad when Minato misplaced my stuff that I couldn't find them. I even went as far as kicking him out for an entire day, that was how angry was. I'm still sorry for that. Anyway, I got another mouthful from Rei, saying that I should control my emotions better but that lead to myself getting even more angry. Afterwards, from the whole shouting and fighting, I grew upset and started crying buckets full.

And since then, he had been extremely cautious in order to prevent himself from setting me off. Though it was tiring and therefore hitting his moody nerve. Thus, he was constantly exhausted.

But so was I. Everyday I woke up, I just wanted to fall back asleep. My limbs hurt and I had to deal with constant back pain, headaches, stomach aches and what so on.

"C'mon let's sit down," Rei pulled us to the garden swing where we sat down. "How are you feeling?" He put an arm around me and allowed me to lean against him for comfort.

I sighed and couldn't help to relax at his touch. "Hungry," I honestly said. "Or maybe just craving for something sweet. I don't know anymore."

"Just like the last time. Then I did my best to get the most delicious cake I could find and you ended up throwing it all up again," he shook his head.

"I'm sorry," I mourned. "The cake was really good though."

"You know what else is really good?" He narrowed the space between us before his lips were brushing mine but never in a proper kiss.

"What are you doing? Stop playing around," I giggled and leaned forward to take the initiative myself. But instead of letting me, he dodged my attempt, making me gasp in offense. "Your loss if you don't wanna," I shrugged.

"No wait, I'm just joking," he laughed and finally pressed his lips against mine. Without actually noticing he deepened the kiss by pulling me closer. Anyway my baby didn't permit us having fun when he grabbed my attention by kicking me with a thump, automatically making me pull away.

"Ouch," I mumbled and put my hand on the spot where the little one kept stamping me.

"What is it?" Rei worried at the sudden reflex.

"He's kicking! Such an interfering busybody," I complained when Rei's expression soften. He smiled and replaced my hand with his just before the youngest kicked me again, this time more forceful than before. "Oww! What the hell!"

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