Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


What was he taking so long for? The time the teacher said we should finish was already up and I wouldn't take Mik for the tardy type. No one really noticed his absence and continued on with their potion. I was already done and waited for Mik to check it out but the longer he was absent the more worried I got.

What's up with him? Why wasn't he returning? And after he didn't come back after another twenty minutes I waited, I couldn't stand it no longer and wanted to look for him for myself when I got held back by the teacher. "What do you think you're doing, going like that without asking for permission."

I rolled my voice at her and sighed, preventing myself of losing my mind. "Mik is missing for the past thirty minutes and since no one seems to realize that I'm going to look for him myself!" 

"Jesus thirty minutes? Why didn't you mention that earlier? Of course you should look for him but don't go alone. Let someone accompany you, please," she seemed quite overwhelmed by the information which is why I distanced myself from her, calling Zilv over to me who was busy fidgeting with his hair.

"Hey Zilv, help me look for Mik!" His head shot up to me before he got up to approach me.

"What you mean, is he missing?" His eyes widened. "Why the hell is he not here?" He wondered as we continued the way to direction I last saw Mik going to.

"How should I know. He told me that he wanted to look for something to put in his potion but he hasn't come back till then." I was getting worried the longer we looked around and distanced myself from the others. "What's the meaning of this he would never go out that far just for something like this?"

The longer we searched around the more impatient and agitated I got. "Hey calm down, we'll definitely find him."

"Zilv, it's getting darker and the class is probably about to pack their stuff together and leave without us," I hissed at him when he all of the sudden pushed me back. "What the hell was that for?"

"Hey wait!" he pointed at the ground were you could see clear signs that someone had been going this way not too long ago. The footprints were clearly facing forwards giving us a trace to hopefully find Mik before it got too dark.

For some reason, the amount of footprints doubled just in front of a cliff. "Why does one of the footprints stop right here?" I frowned.

"Reiji? What do you think, how high is the probability to," he gulped and looked down. "you know, fall down right here?" As soon as his words left his mouth, I widened my eyes.

"Oh shit," I whispered and didn't hesitate to jump down the cliff quickly followed by Zilv who had to catch himself first before we could hurry and ran in the direction of the dismounting hill.

"Look there's something shining." My eyes followed his gaze when I really spotted something vaguely glimmering from the high grass which we carefully approached. But that only lasted until I spotted a humanly figure from afar that I sprinted the last few meters as I recognized Mik.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, are you fucking with me?!" I kneed down and got too hysteric once I saw the blood dripping from his temple.

"Is he still breathing?" Zilv promptly joined me and didn't hesitate to check his pulse.

"He is, but only faintly," I nodded after assuring for myself that he was not dead. "Hey Mik," I gently shook him and repeated after he didn't show any signs. "Babe, c'mon wake up!" I added a little more force and this time he showed a reaction by squinting his eyes and mumbling something.

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