Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


It has been four days when I administered the life energy which I manage to extract from his hair. I am quite positive that it worked just fine, so it therefore bothered me as to why he hadn't woken up already. There was just too much going on in my mind now and the slight, very slight chance of him not ever waking up.

But what I noticed is that the hair I used for his recovery, for some reason was gained back. It worked out at the end but not the way I thought it would. To be honest, it was the first time we ever took advantage of his hair that way for a human, he himself even less. So, you could say I was shocked to see that his hair that he asked me to cut off several months ago, grew back to that length before the common regeneration process of his started.

His complexion from the mere sight looked perfectly fine, he was breathing normally as much as his heart rhythm was regular. So why on earth wasn't he waking up? That was what worried me the most.

The other thing was Reiji. His mate. I knew that I overstepped the boundaries of my might a few times to often already, like I had to force the King to take me along as soon as Mikaelis' location was found. And I was already standing in a bad light since I kept quiet about the fact that Mikaelis gave me something that was of use to them. So, I couldn't risk anything by going to see whether his mate was doing fine or not.

He probably wasn't. I mean he is literally in confinement and everyone who experience this knows how much agony it is. Not physically but mentally. And I bet he was already struggling with the mere thought of Mikaelis being in a critical state without further information.

I could hear from the guards that had been patronizing him that he was going berserk in there. I was aware that I barely know anything about his relationship with Mikaelis. But if Mikaelis agreed to be his mate then he must mean a lot to him.

I sighed and left the infirmary when I met Mellow on the way who greeted me with a brief wave. "And how is he doing?" He questioned.

"I don't know. He should be fine, back to normal actually, just that he is not waking up no matter what the doctors try." I shrugged at that and let it go by switching the subject. "I heard Anthoniel is being moody these days."

"Yeah, he's hard to talk to right now. Rather, he's not talking at all. Not even to me. He always used to be able to talk to me no matter what. I think Prince Mikaelis condition is burdening him more than he thought it would. I mean, he's not being his usual mean self, there is definitely something going on with him."

"Maybe he should go and visit Mikaelis later, just to see if it helps. Have you heard anything about the King yet?" I have not seen him after the incident a few days ago. Thus, regardless of him being partially at fault for this whole outcome I was also worrying about him.

"No, just that he had a few problems with the school for damaging the school's property and also putting students in danger but as far as I know this was already solved by him offering to pay for the damage and by apologizing with a huge sum of money and the students that were badly hurt were already taken care of by Prince Mikaelis." 

"Hm, I see," I nodded. "I guess, I'll meet you later." So if I thought the day after Mikaelis left was completely chaotic then I can tell you now that I was completely wrong.

These past few days were worse. The King was nowhere to be found, therefore the Queen has to manage while he was absent, Anthoniel was losing his mind and Mikaelis was still in coma for reasons not even our best doctor knew. On top of that, the mate of our future King was thrown into the dungeon and probably trying to make it through with all that he got.

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