Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Benji's POV

More than panic filled me when I looked at the door and saw Ajax standing there glaring at the scene, Dennis a step behind him.   Panic, dread, lots of nausea.  The alcohol was really hitting me and the room had begun to spin.  I clamped my mouth down and let out a whimper, breathing deeply through my nose trying to stave off the threatening bomb about to go off in my stomach.

"Get off of him," Ajax growled at Chad and the dancer jumped off with a frightened squeak.

"I feel sick," I groaned as I sat up.

"Clear the way," Ajax ordered and then grabbed me by the back of my neck and hustled me out of the room and straight out the door, everyone in our way quickly clearing a path.  When we were outside he led me off to the side of the building and let go of me.

"Go ahead and throw up."  His tone wasn't quite as hard as inside, but he still didn't sound like he was too impressed with  me.  I stumbled down onto my knees and took a few deep breaths, I honestly didn't want to puke my guts out in front of Ajax.

After a few deep breaths I started to feel a bit better, I sat back on my heels and took another deep breath before I dared to look up my angry Dom.  "H..How did you know we were here?"  I was pretty sure Ajax hasn't injected a tracking device under my skin...or my phone?  Before my imagination went too much further he solved my mystery.

"Jason, one of the bouncers tonight is also one of the bouncers at the club on the weekends.  He's friends with Dennis, called him and Dennis called me."

Just then a very unhappy looking Jamie came out with Dennis.  They walked over and my heart broke for how sad my best friend looked.

"Dennis...I mean, Sir, this wasn't Jamie's was my idea and the only reason she came was to keep an eye on me."  I looked over at Jamie and as she started to open her mouth I gave her a quick head shake.  She's done enough for me, I could do this to her.  There wasn't a punishment I wouldn't take for my best friend.

"Yeah, well how long are you going to keep getting Jamie into trouble?" Dennis asked.  "You're supposed to be her friend, but all you do is keep pulling her down.  Jamie is a beautiful, smart woman and at some point, you're going to have to stop dragging her into all your  irresponsible and childish antics.  She deserves better than that...she deserves better than you."  My head dropped and I just stared at the ground.

"Enough Dennis," Ajax interrupted.  "I'll take care of Benji, you take care of Jamie."  My head shot up and I looked at Ajax's angry face as he turned from Dennis to give Jamie a long look.

"I'm taking Jamie home," Dennis growled before pulling her in the direction of his car.  I was happy to see that the two Doms had come in separate cars.  Jamie gave me an apologetic look before she let herself be pulled away and mouthed the word 'sorry'.  I just nodded before turning back to Ajax.

After they had driven off  Ajax crouched down a few feet in front of me so our heads were at about the same height.

"Benji, why do I think you were lying to Dennis just now?"

"Why does it matter," I sighed, "Dennis always blames me for anything to do with Jamie, anyway…I just didn't want her to get into a bunch of trouble with him, she's already been feeling bad about their relationship."

"So what really happened?"

"Jamie was coming out with her friends, I tried to talk her out of it, but she...well I guess she's been feeling like she's boring or doesn't do anything spontaneous.  When I got to her dorm, she had already been drinking and since I couldn't talk her out of coming, I wanted to make sure she didn't get into any real trouble."

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