meeting the family; crysti

430 16 3


Tomorrow the last day :(
Maybe I'll do another one soon 😌

No pov

Crystal sat cuddled into Gigi as their plane landed. Gigi gripped her pants nervously. Crystal looked up at her with a calm smile. "You'll be fine baby.. Their gonna love you. " Gigis grip lessens and she looks down a Gigi with the tiniest smile. "Besides. You have all day to prepare. Remember? We're book a room tonight and then tomorrow you meet them"

Gigi let out a shaky breath as her nerves calmed. She moved her hand to grip Crystals, "Thanks." Crystal nods sitting up. But the thought still lingures in the back of  Gigi's mind as she 'happily' gets their stuff out and leads crystal to the car they have reserved.

Day skip :)

Gigi breaths heavily. She spent the entire night wide eyed staring at the ceiling. She had gotten no sleep. Suddenly Crystal appears beside her, she wraps a firm arm around Gigi's waist. "Come on, we're gonna be late. " A soft smile sits on her face as Gigi nods and the pair begin walking to an Uber that awaits outside.

Gigi helps Crystal in first before she gets in next to her, Crystals head falls on her shoulder and she gets out her phone to distract herself. From the corner of her eye Gigi spots Crystal text her mother. She looks closer and reads the Crystal let her know they were coming.

Gigi bit her lip as her hand physically shook and she was deep in thought. What if they didn't like her? What if they thought she was too gay? What if they don't think she's good enough for Crystal? Gigi was interrupted from her thoughts by Crystal herself. "Baby please.. Their going to like you. I just know they will. " A reassuring hand was placed on her cheek and her head was moved so that Crystal could place a soft kiss on her lips.

Gigi's nerves calmed down a bit as Crystal let's go. The driver clears his throat signaling that they were there. Crystal pays him, despite Gigi's complaints, and helps the other out. The house isn't all too bad, it's bright paint is chipping, and sure there are some weeds in the front yard but it's very charming.

Crystal drags Gigi up and knocked on the door which immediately opens and reveals a woman with huge smile. "Crystal!!! You made it!! And you brought Gigi!! Come on then! Everyone is inside" Crystal hugs her mother and pulls Gigi inside. Gigi was greeted with opened arms. She definitely didn't expect this.

Crystals mother cooked a whole lotta food, Gigi helped and found out that Crystals mother was super nice, and she liked Gigi. So did her father whom Gigi was most scared to me. But everything went smoothingly. During dinner Crystal leaned over to Gigi and whispered in her ear. "Told ya. " Gigi shook her head with a small laugh.

"Yeah. Yeah you did"


I apologize for this.
It sucked. But here;

Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark.  Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark. Crystal as a shark.


Ok byeeeeeeeee❤

525 words 😌🥂

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