confession; pearlet

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Pearl pov

Violet is the leader. She carries herself with grace and beauty. I'm nothing like her, I mean people like to say I have a dominating presence but is that even a complement? My point is Violet is amazing in every way, meanwhile I'm not.

Like I said, violet is the leader of our little 'group'. It's really just a bunch of assholes who hang out together, I mean we got Katya and Vanessa and the other whores. And I may or may not have the biggest crush on violet. Like I get these feelings in my stomach when I see her and since I'm like her right hand woman- oh god.

Did I tell you she's gotten dressed in front of me before. Note; violet chachki has a amazing body. And then after ward she teased me for weeks cause I was red faced. Violet has a rep of keeping to herself but that's simply not true. I with her ninety nine percent of the time. Like I am right now, violet is sitting across from me in the booth of our towns local diner, on her phone.

Is this a date? Oh shit is it? Fuck me (I mean if violet wants to-) never mind. "You okay over there? I can hear your breath quickening. " Who says that? Who cares. I nod then remember she's on her phone. "Yeah I'm uh I'm good" I gulp grabbing my glass softly water and basically chugging it.

Violet looks up from her phone and directly at me, making me choke. "Dear god pearl! What has gotten into you? " Violet cant hide her smile as she says this. I bite my lip laughing a bit before grabbing a napkin to dry myself. "So I was thinking, wanna go to my place after this? My family is away on one of their stupid vacation spots. " I wish I could be rich and complain about it.

I nod anyway and violet smiles. I wish she fucked me with that smile... Too far.

-time skip whore (apologies) -

After dinner we did indeed go to her house, which is like the biggest fucking thing I have ever seen like god damn. Too extra? Violet guides me up stairs to her bedroom and we both flop on her big ass bed. "What a tiring day. Right Pearlie? Ginger wouldn't shit it about us" Oh yeah, ginger was running (figuratively) around the entire school telling everyone we were together. We're not obviously.

I chuckle nervously. "Yeah.. She's soooooo annoying" Shit I'm sweating. I sit up and stand up backing up to the door, "I'm going to uh go to the bathroom" I book it. Like straight book it. Like running. Like fucking speedy monkey. Like if sonic wasnt a hedgehog but a human. That's me.

I run to said bathroom and lock my self in. Her bathroom is so fucking huge, but I'm lazy so I go and sit in the bathtub. Very classy I know. I sit in here for a while, pulling out my phone and scrolling through Instagram to calm my nerves. I get a text from violet.

Wtf is taking you so long? I'm coming to check up

My eyes widen and she bangs on the door. "Open the door you whore" I sigh and walk over, opening it. She looks a little flustered when I do. "What's taking you so long" I bite my lip and she walks in shutting the door with a kick of her foot. Oh my god step on me. I-

"I'm just trying to calm my nerves" I sigh leaning against the door with crossed arms. Violets face contorts into worry and she walks over. "Are you okay? Like mentally? Did I say something?" I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek. "Than what is it?"

I chuckle slightly. "I can't tell you cause you'll hate me. " Violet frowns putting her hands on her sides. "No I won't" A million thoughts run through my head as it rapidly spins. Finally I pluck up the courage to gently grab a hold of her chin and kiss her. She tenses first before melting into it.

I feel Sparks radiate through me as I let go of her. "That's all? " She smirks. I playfully hit her arm. "Shut up. I like you you stupid cunt" She grins pulling me in my the waist. "I like you as well bitch" We kiss.


Do you ever just cringed? Yeah well that's me while writing this. I'm like legit half asleep so like if there are any spelling errors my bad dude. I stayed up all night and I need sleep so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed 🥺


788 words henny

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