Proposing; branjie

632 22 5

He\him out of drag

Jose POV

So brock invited me out on another date tonight. That's the fifth time this week, I swear he's up to something. Any who, I dressed casually tonight, he said it wasn't anything too fact anyway.

I went with a simple plaid shirt, with jeans. I didn't mess with my hair too much. And I checked myself in the mirror, I looked good. A knock on my bedroom door caused me to smile.

Brock always knocked before he entered. God I love him.

"Come in" I laugh. Brock opens the door and grins back at me. "You look great love" He cheers walking up to my and hugging me. I lean forward and kiss him softly. Brock hums and let's go. "I love you" He whispers to be, resting his head atop mine.

"I love you too, " I say rubbing his back a bit before letting ago of him. "Now. Shouldn't we go on our little date you have planned? " I grin cheekily and Brock checks his watch, nodding.

He leaves to wait downstairs and I quickly grab my phone, sliding it into my pocket. I also spray on a bit more body spray before rushing downstairs. "Ready? " He asks, chuckling abit at my enthusiasm.

I nod and he grabs my hand. We head out to the car and begin to drive to where ever he wanted to take me. His hand rests softly on my thigh our entire ride and I can't help but smile, getting a sense of protection.

We make a turn and suddenly Brock speaks. "Kay, from now on ima need you to close or cover your eyes love, " I nod and close them. We continue driving for what seems like a good ten minutes, before we suddenly stop. I don't open my eyes though.

"Keep your eyes closed, " Brock mumbled as he got out of the car and shut his door. He then walked over to my door and opened it. He helped me and and then shut the door, locking the car. Suddenly he put his hands over me eyes, his body flush to mine.

W e began walking, and I almost tripped on a few rocks here and there. In the background was the faint sound of kids yelling, and the weather was actually quite nice today, only with a little breeze that would cool you down momentarily.

Suddenly we reached our destination and Brock removed his hand from my eyes. I opened my eyes, and adjusted to the light abit before everything came into a clear view. It was a picnic. A beautiful one at that.

It sat under one of the towns beautiful blossom trees, and rose petals were scattered around it. Some lights were hung here and there and sitting in the middle was obviously food but also a big bottle of red wine. I smiled at him. "You did all this? " I comment breathlessly.

"Yeah. I thought you'd like it. " He grins grabbing my hand and leading me over to said picnic. I shake my head. "I love it. I love you" I reply still staring at everything. Brock just giggles as we sit down.

He begins to set up our food and the glasses of wine. I watch him in a adoring way. He catches me and laughs. "What are you starin' at love? " I shrug with a dorky grin. "I'm admiring what I have. I love you so much. " I say and lean forward catching his lips.

He smiles into our kiss and wraps his arm around my neck. I break the kiss and smile.

Let's do a mini time skip brought to you by detox. What? She can't mak3 it? Sorry something about having it officially. Let's just get back to the story.

I'm really having a good time on this date . It's alot mellowed down compared to our previous fancy dates. If you ask me it's somewhat more better; peaceful. And Brock.. Jesus. I love him so much. I cant believe he did this.

"What are you thinking about? " He asks suddenly breaking my train of thought.

"I'm thinking about.. How much I love you. And how I'm so lucky to have you. This..this has been amazing. And i-" He cuts me off by placing his lips on mine again. I melt into it. His kisses are another reason I love him. Their gentle like him.

He fumbles with something but continues to kiss me. What's he up to? Suddenly he breaks out kisses and faces me, sitting on his knees, hand on his back pocket.

"Jose, baby. I love you so so fucking much. Like alot. Your dramatic but I love that about you. Your perfect in every way, especially in bed, " I laugh but can't help the tears that spring to my eyes. "Your just.. Your great. And some days I feel like I don't deserve you or your kindness. Your a perfect person and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We've had so many good memories as friends, and even better memories as partners. And I love you. So so much. " Suddenly he's on one knee.

My world stops and my breath hitches as he pulls out a small black box, opening it to reveal a gorgeous gold ring. "Will you marry me? " He asks, his tone wavering as if he's about to cry too. I already am. Tears are streaming down my face.

Suddenly I find my voice. "Yes.. Yes!! " I cheer and her jumps to kiss me. If I could freeze time I would. This just feels..Right. Everything with him just feels right.

Shit dude. I started crying while writing this. Fuck.

I hope you enjoyed, this was long af.

964 words ❤❤

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