forehead kisses; biadore

469 18 2

Side note- if you feel unwanted by a family or you have a very homophobic family, you can always text me, my DMS are open 24/7. If your having a hard time I would love to personally make it to where you feel better and all these negative thoughts aren't getting to you. Just remember you have an amazing online community you can talk to and there are countless others like you, your not alone. With that being said my Instagram is jackies.cox and if you ever feel so down in the dumps, to where you can't take it anymore, call 1-800-273-8255❤ I won't force anything on you. So take some time off, try to heal, I know your capable. I love you. Your loved💕

Tw; homophobia, strong language, ABUSE

No pov 

A empty beer bottle flew and hit the empty space of the wall right next to danny. He flinched in fear. His mother yelled at the man in front of her, the man Danny thought of as a fatherly figure. They were fighting because of him. It's always because of Danny that their fighting.

Shaking Danny softly stands up, still backed into the corner of the living room. He barley dodges something else being thrown at him, his step dad yells. "I don't want that gay fucking sissy boy in my goddamn household! I will not allow it!! " His mother yelled back, Danny now had fresh tears falling from his eyes.

He spotted and open spot and figured he'd make a dash for it. But that would mean leaving his mother alone. He had to do this though, he simply had to. So he did, he charged for the open spot, nearly making it until he was knocked down by his step fathers fist.

He fell, hand immediately shooting up to clutch his cheek. Another blow hit his side and he groaned loudly in pain. His mother's screams rang through the room as he was beat,  a fist now flew down directly at his face, hitting him with such force he felt his nose start to bleed.

"Get off him!! " His mother yelled and through squinted eyes Danny sees her trying to pull him off Danny. With as much power Danny can manage he jumps up and darts to the door, running out into the quiet streets of his neighborhood. Danny knows he just has to keep running,  and so he does. He runs so much his legs burn as he runs, pain erupting in his side and his face. He runs to the only play he can call home.

Danny runs to him.  To his safe haven, he stumbles reaching the front door and banging hard. The door swings and Danny is met with the pissed off face of Roy. "Who the hell- Danny? Shit what the fuck happened to you! " He was swept inside, the warmth of Danny's house engulfing his entire body. Roy carried him to his couch setting him down softly and running to the kitchen.

He brought back and ice becak and held it against Danny's side. "What happened Danny? " He whispered quietly, now taking a nearby paper towel and dabbing Danny's nose. "My mother's boyfriend.. " Danny shrugged grimicing at Roy's touches. Danny doesn't dare look at roy until he is forced to by the tiny sniffles the other let's out. "Roy? " Danny turns his head which causes Roy to retreat his hand, Danny's vision is mildly blurred but he can still make out the shine of tears falling down Roy's face.

"I'm sorry this happened to you.. " Roys voice broke as he spoke. "You don't deserve deserve a better life away from here.." Roy pulled Danny into a hug which made him flinch a bit, but he melted into it. Roy was still sniffling but managed to place a few soft kisses apon Danny's head. "I love you so so much Danny"

"I love you too.. " Danny broke from the hug and pulled Roy into a kiss, finally he felt, safe.


Stop asking for my age. Creeps. I'm a minor🙄

Any who I'm tired so I hoped you enjoyed, kisses, dd.


699 words

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