star gazing; famelet

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Violet POV

"Hey magenta" My head snapped around to see my girlfriend, Fame, at my window. With a confused look I wander over to said window and look at her. "What are you doing here? " Mother had forbidden Fame from stepping foot on her property so it didn't make sense.

"I'm a persistent bitch. Now come 'ere and gimmie a kiss" She puckered her lips and I shook my head with a smile, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her lips. Fame smiled when I pulled away and I helped her inside. She sighed contently and plopped on my bed.

"Well? " I comment sitting down next to her. Fame looks at me. "What now? " I ask as she wraps her arm around my waist. She shrugs and I lean my head on her shoulder, my eyes drift to my window and an idea pops into my head. "Hey baby?" I put on my innocent voice.

"Yes doll? " Fame murmurs slightly. I lift my head from her should making her turn back to me. I point towards the window and then up at the ceiling. "Wanna go stargazing? On my roof? " Fame nods happily and stands up. I do the same and watch in silence as she grabs some of my blankets and Plushies. She turns and looks at me.

"Hey lazy bones! Go get some snacks" She laughs shaking her head and resuming her grabbing. I make a 'oh' noise and quickly leave the room and rush, quietly, to grab some bags of pop corn or something. I'm careful when grabbing the bags, if I knock something down Mother is bound to wake up and catch me and Fame.

I get lucky and am able to grab everything without causing a ruckus. I go back up stairs to see fame waiting for me buy my attic latch. I send her a smile before pulling the latch, watching a ladder fall down. We climb up, me going up first and then grabbing the blankets, and then fame climbing up.

We narrowly avoid bumping into old Christmas decorations and stuff for Halloween before we're at the attic window that leads to the roof. Fame goes first this time and starts setting up the blankets and pillows, then I come when she's ready and set up the snacks.

"Come on doll, lay down" Fame let's out an exaggerated sigh and I roll my eyes, walking over and laying down next to her. My body immediately laces in with hers as I cuddle into her. Fame pulls over a extra blanket and moves it so that its over top of us.

"The stars are very pretty tonight.. " Fame sighs. I nod in agreement and look at all the stars matching up and creating constellations. "Look it's the big dipper" I laugh pointing at a random constellation. Fame shakes her head laughing a little.

"Well that's actually Orion but sure we can pretend" I laugh at my stupidity before turning my head up word and eyeing Fame. "Since when did you major in stars" I shake my head looking at the stars.

"Astronomy dear. And I didn't; I just paid attention when we went on field trips to the planetarium" Fame laughs. I once again let out an oh. My gaze shifts back to Fame and I study her features. She's so beautiful. I got really lucky. Suddenly she locks eyes with me. "Creepy" She mumbles. I start laughing and so does she and we end up in a fit of giggles.

"You cute" I smile my face now centimeters from hers. "You aren't too bad yourself" She giggles before I place my lips against hers. Fame's hands immediately wander to my waist and she pulls me down closer to her.

We break apart and I beam at her, before resting my head in the crook of her neck. "I love you doll" I can hear the tiredness in her voice. She yawns right as I think this. A soft smile forms on my face and I huddle closer to her. "I love you too"

I'm fine.

Hope you enjoyed this :)

682 words

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