PDA; sashea

635 23 3

She|her in drag
(  not that their going to be out  )

Sasha Pov

"Hey baby? " Shea whispers to me as we sit literally in front of a live audience. However the audience seemed to be distracted by a question Valentina had gotten. "Yes? " I smile at her. She smiles weakly.

"How long do we have left in this panel?" Shea asks. I check my watch, about an hour left. I look back and tell her. "An hour dear. Then we can go back to our hotel room okay? " She nods happily before turning back to the audience.

There's a table in front of us so I scoot my seat a little closer to hers and wrap my arm around her waist. She holds in a small laugh and beams at me. I chuckle and we continue the panel.

We're doing questions as I previously mention and the next is this big buff guy. "Uhm, my question is for shea, " His voice is gruff and it makes me stand up straighter. "You seem to be a little lonely up there. Need some help? " The audience oohs.

"She's fine. Thanks " I say with a obvious attitude. Then I completely wrap my body around Shea and kiss her head multiple times. She laughs and the man walks away, someone else walks up but I tune them out.

Shea rests her hand on me and I huddle closer to her. Soon another girl came up. "Hi I just wanted to say that that right there, " She pointed at me huddled into Shea. "That is fucking cute" The crowd cheered an Shea laughed, I moved my head into her neck putting up a thumbs up which made everyone laugh.

"Thanks" Shea laughed into theic and turned so she was facing me. "Love you" She whispered. "Love you too"

Time skippie

"Sasha? " Shea called to me. I was in the bathroom removing my makeup. "In here! " I called back and heard her feet padding over.

She wandered into the room and smile. "Hey" She laughed. "Hi?" I laugh aswell. Shea comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. "Whatcha thinkin bout? " I ask going back to removing my makeup.

"You earlier. Who knew you were so protective" Shea says quietly with a laugh. I shrug. "I don't like people talking to my partner, good or bad" She shakes her head with a smile and cuddles into me.

"I love you" She mumbles playing with my shirt. I laugh. "Love you to. Now go de-drag I want cuddles"

This was shit.

I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)
Any who school got cancelled for another whole ass month. Fun.

443 words. 🥺

K byeeeee ❤

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