make up; rajila

466 15 4

DAY TEN BITCHES. -finally.
And as a gift; one of my favorite ships! Their so cute together🥺

Raja POV

"Doll! I'm home! " I call to my wife as I walk into our house. I shut the door and hear faint giggles from upstairs. A smile forms on my face as I set down my bag and walk over to the stairs.

"Doll? What are you up to? " I laugh quietly. Manila's giggles fill the house. I start to wander up the steps and hear her gasp and start shuffling with stuff. Our bedroom door is shut but that's clearly where she is.

"What are you doing baby? " I ask now at the door. I try to open it but realize it's locked. "Doll, open the door" Manila giggles again and shuffles around more.

"You can't come in" She coos. I grin playfully and try the door again. She groans. "What did I just say? " I laugh at her tone and pull out a my handy dandy Bobby pin. I easily unlock the door and hear her gasp once more. "Nooo you can't come innn" She whines.

I open the door anyways and am shocked to see my wife sitting on the floor, my make up sourounding her. Brushes lay everywhere and hey, I think we got a new stain. This one's bright blue! How fun!

"What did you do?" I say with a hint of amusement. Manila lowers her head and plays with her dress. "Uhm.. I just played with your stuff" I shake my head and let out a laugh which makes her head shoot up immediately.

"Your not mad? " She asks, her voice wavering. God she's precious. I shake my head and brush some brushes and foundation bottles away from next to her before popping down.

"Of course not Doll. You look great, " She giggles. "The only thing that I'm kinda annoyed at is the fact that there's a new stain to add to our collection" She bits her lip and eyes said stain.

"Yeah..." She sighs and pouts looking at me. I smile and kiss her pout away. "You look great doll, that's all that matters. And you had fun getting into my stuff? " She nods enthusiastically.

"How about we play a game? It's called who can clean this mess up faster" Once again she nods and we clean up the stuff. Manila started acting high and mighty once she realized she had won.

"Bow before me" She chanted. I laughed and pretended to bow. Manila shot me a smile and pulled me up, pulling me onto our bed where she huddled close to me. "How was work?" She asks fiddling with my shirt.

I shrug wrapping an arm around her. "It was fine. Raven was kinda being an idiot today" Manila laughs.

"I love you so muchhh" She smiles rolling on top of me. I place a quick kiss on her lips. "I love you too"


Short part ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

Hope you enjoyed it though

500 words

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