jealous; Nicky & Gigi

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Nicky Pov

I stand at the door and patiently wait for Gigi to come down stairs. We're supposed to meet up with Jan and Crystal but Gigi is going a little slow.

"You coming baby? " I yell up to her. There's a fumble of a door knob, then a slam, and then heels padding against our floor. Soon she fly's around the corner of our stairs and runs up to me.  "I'm here" She smiles.

I shake my head with a smile and snake my arm around her waist as we go to my car. I drive us to the place we were to meet at. It's actually a really nice place.

I help Gigi out and we walk inside, immediately being called over by Crystal. I smile and wave, my one arm still holding onto Gigi's waist. The two sit on one side of a red booth. "Hey girls! " I cheer looking at the two.

"Hey!! " Jan smiles and gets up to pull me into a hug in which I graciously accept. Gigi stands there awkwardly until we break up. When we break apart she hugs my waist and puts her head on my shoulder. I smile and slide into the right side of said booth.

Gigi follows and keeps her arms and head where they are. I don't move nor push her away though. I just calmly grab a menu and raise it up so that both of us can see it. Gigi points at what she wants and I nod and turn my attention to Jan and Crystal.

"So how are you guys? I heard you and Jackie got in a fight" I say to Jan who sighs nodding.

"We've been okay.. It's just rough. She works all the time" I reach across the table and lay a comforting hand on Jan's. It's true though, Jackie and Jan got into this huge fight over a live. Jackie is in New York right now and went live instead of calling Jan, Jan got upset and now here we are.

Jan smiles up at me before removing her hand and pointing at Gigi. I turn and look at my girl and see her sending daggers at Jan, figuratively. "You ok doll? " I ask laying a comforting hand on her thigh. She nods still staring at her. "Good, then stop glaring at Jan. Be polite" I say as strictly as I can.

She looks at me and frowns before mumbling an ok. I kiss her head and smile at her. Soon a waitress comes, we order our food and overall the night is really good; even with Gigi staring at Jan like she wants to kill her.

"Well, " A yawn breaks my sentence. I smile at its owner, Gigi. "Me and Gigi need to head home. She's tired and I need to work on some papers. " Crystal nods and hugs me. Along with Jan who whispers to me.

"Thanks for your help" I smile knowingly.

"Anytime. I hope things get better" Jan nods and gives me one final hug before I'm pulled away buy Gigi. "Baby." I say sternly. She stops and looks up at me innocently. "That was rude. " I frown. Gigi pouts and gets in the car.

I sigh and get in as well, driving us home. The drive was silent and stayed that way until we got inside. "Gigi. We need to talk" I say after taking off my shoes and removing my jacket. Gigi stops her movements for a second before nodding.

I lead her over to the couch. "What happened today? Why we're you giving Jan the cold shoulder? " She fiddles with her fingers and mumbles. I lean closer playfully. "What was that?"

"I said.. I didn't like how she kept hugging you and touching you. Your mine and I don't want her too" She pouted. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. And soon I was laughing. Gigi kept on posting at me. "See your making fun of me! "

I shake my head my laughter ceasing. "No baby.. I just think it's funny. You don't have to worry about Jan and me. We're just friends. And I wouldn't date her ever, have you met her? " Gigi giggles and cuddles into me.

"I'm sorry for over reacting" She mutters. I shake my head and wrap an arm around her. "It's okay baby, but I do want you to call her and apologize. " She nods.

"I love you" I say resting my head on hers. "I love you too"

Sorry for the late chapter!!
I got distracted by animal Crossing and ya know-

770 words

(Sorry for any typos)

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