I Want to Shower Too

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Closing her eyes, she rinse off the shampoo along with all the stress and worries from the previous day. The clear bathroom soon turned steamy. Only the sound of the shower running could be heard.

With her eyes closed and her mind relaxed, she did not hear the closed door slowly unlock and a ninja sneaks into her domain.

The warm water cascade down her hair and over her body however, she couldn't help but feel something was amiss.

Opening her eyes, she was struck by the lightning. Standing inside the shower with her was the man she was thinking of right now.

Her mouth twitched as she stare in disbelief at the heavenly dragon. When,...how did he get in?

Looking at Jiyong, Dara could not bring herself to move. Like her feet were glued to the ground, she forced her eyes to not trail too far.

However seeing his lean frame standing in front of her, she couldn't help the shameless side of her. Slowly she lowers her eyes.

The droplets from the shower head did nothing but to accentuate Jiyong's body as it drips down his manly chest.

Dara gulped hard, fighting hard with her eyes not to follow the droplets. If she did, her eyes will be drawn too low to...

'Oh god, the sleeping dragon has awoken!'

'Yah! When you ....how did you...?' her brown eyes glared with sparks at the man. "I thought locked the door!'

Jiyong shrug his shoulders and put his hands on his hips, with his member standing proudly. He didn't care if his naked body was fully exposed or the beast below was clear in view.

Tilting his head, he grin 'I don't mind this everyday'

Understanding his words, Dara quickly covers her body. He had tricked her again!

Jiyong chuckles at the cute expressions and moves. He loves seeing her reactions when he teases her.

"Babe, what's there to cover? I've already seen everything.'

Dara glared at the intruder with her chest heaving up and down.

"Yah! I took a shower to relax, how can you just come in?!'

Jiyong shrug his shoulders again, 'I want to shower too."

Jiyong takes a step forward and easily picks her up and press her back against the wall. She was positioned at eye level with him.

'Kwon Jiyong!' Dara yelps at the sudden move. She quickly wrap her legs around his back on instinct with her hands gripping his shoulders.

'Jiyong...put me dow-mmmf!'

He didn't let her finish, he quickly showers her with small pecks of kisses.

"Ji... Stop....Put me.... down'

Dara cries through each gap from Jiyong's kisses.

Reluctantly, he moves his face three inches from hers. He initially planned to just tease her but his body is telling him otherwise. Though he wants her badly, he still respects her when she tells him to stop.

Looking at her, he put on a sad little kid expression, 'But I want you, can I?'

Gazing into her boyfriend's hypnotizing eyes, she felt complicated inside. The rest of her words were stuck at her throat. Even though she tells him to stop, another part of her also wants him...

Subconsciously, she tilt her head and close her eyes to kiss the man's lips.

Jiyong was taken by surprise but he quickly regain his senses and kiss her back.

Her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to her as their lips melt into one, searching and exploring each other.

Reluctantly, Jiyong pulls away from her. Seeing her read and swollen lips, he groan to control his beating heart full of desire and press his forehead on hers.

'I swear, I lose my self-control every time I'm with you.'

Looking up at him, Dara felt everything inside of her melted. She liked it when he press his forehead against her. It was a sweet gesture as if he is transferring his love, affection and plea for closeness to her.

Seeing his gaze at her with passionate eyes, she pecks his lips again then lowered her head and mark his man. Jiyong gave her the feeling of safe...like he was her safe haven.

Jiyong held her chin and turn her head to look at him. Once their eyes met, he move his hand to caress her cheek.

Feeling the palm of his hand on her cheek, she turn slightly to face him. Then she closed her eyes and couldn't help but sigh. It was like she wants to absorb every ounce of warmth in his hand on her.

"Ji...why are you so good to me?'

Jiyong frowned at Dara's question, but then his eyes softened. With his free hand, he held her back and pull her closer to him. His arm embracing her with all his warmth.

"Because you complete me."

Hearing his cheesy lines again, Dara met his eyes. Remembering his spoken words, she felt as if someone had lifted a huge weight off her shoulders. Although they have known each other for years now, she's still thankful to him. His eyes and words were enough for her to know he was serious


Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, Jiyong left Dara's bed as he grabs a cigarette and walks out to the balcony. Sitting down, he lights it and inhales.

Halfway into his cigarette, he thought of his empty penthouse then look at Dara's penthouse and see the difference.

His penthouse was dark and gloomy, while Dara's was bright and peaceful. She carried an aura that was unique and one of a kind.

He then thought of his parent's back home. The warmth that he feels whenever his Appa and Eomma are together is the same feeling he has now.

'So this is what married life feels like...'

Cutting his thoughts short, he goes back inside and checked on his girlfriend. Upon entering, he sees that the blanket covering her had slid down. Walking over, he fixed the blanket to cover her warmly as he tuck her in gently, making sure not to wake her up.

Listening to her steady breathing, Jiyong knelt down beside the bed, his eyes never leaving her. She looked so peaceful...watching her was enough to make him feel at ease too.

Jiyong smile warmly and leans forward to kiss Dara on the forehead again.

He whispered, 'Stay with me forever love...'

"Mmmm...' Dara murmured in her sleep, rubbing her head against the soft pillow.

Seeing her catlike move, Jiyong let out a quiet chuckle.

The sky was getting darker outside, so he turns to leave. Like a good husband, he needed to prepare dinner for his wife.

'Wife....I like that word' he thought with a grin as he closed the bedroom door.

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