Round and round

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YG Conference Room

"Dara, Jiyong it's good of you to finally join us. "Were the first words I heard from Yang Sajangnim as soon as we entered the hall.

Embarrassed, I tried running towards the farthest chair when I suddenly felt Jiyong's grip on my hand tightened.

Pulling me towards the chair beside sajangnim, I keep on telling myself I can do this ... I can totally do this but my feet refused to move. Everyone was in here and I don't know what to say. I pulled my hand from Jiyong's hand and made a move towards the chair beside Top.

Everybody were looking at us...curious. I took a deep breath to calm myself and decided to greet everyone with my usual krung krung self. This has broken the ice and I saw Sajangnim met Jiyong's eyes briefly and  nodded his head off.

What was that about? Curious, I was observing Jiyong and Sajangnim wondering what's going on with them. No one mentioned about Jaejoong's visit today and I was glad.

"Ok, so everyone is aware about Winner's concert is coming up. As their seniors, I am assigning you Big Bang to mentor the boys and get them ready for their first concert." I heard Yang Sajangnim asked them their plans and everybody have so much to say. I kept myself hidden beside Top... trying to pretend to be involved. I was secretly looking at Jiyong's reaction while telling Sajangnim's his plans.

" to Dara" chucked by Youngbae as he waved his hand in front of me, making me snap out of my intense thought. I smiled at him as he looked at me curiously. "What's got you so caught up, Noona?" he asked and he didn't take his eyes off of me. I was beginning to get uncomfortable under his gaze as I'm having a difficult time to lie right to his face.

When I didn't answer, he smiled knowingly. "Oh, I get it. You miss Jaejoong already don't you? "His smile grew wider as he saw me blushed from embarrassment. I looked up and saw Jiyong looking at us and I wonder if he have heard our conversation. If he did, I wonder what his reaction will be when he found out that it's him that occupies my mind right now and not Jaejoong.

"Dara, any activities you planned for Winner?" I heard the chairman suddenly asked. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat and tried to shake off all thoughts of Jiyong.

"Neh..I 'll be guesting the boys next week at Mimi Shop" I told Sajangnim.

"Daebak! Noona, when are you going to guest us too? How come we don't get invited in your shows?" Asked Seungri who was trying to pull my hands right across the conference table.

"Noona, is this the same show where you work with Tony Ahn Sunbaenim?" asked Dae curiously.

"Neh.." I answered.

"Tony Sunbaenim? The one who said on national tv that he have a crush on Noona?!" I heard Seungri shrieked with his comedic tone again...I bet he is trying to get a reaction from Jiyong.

I kicked him right under the table to catch his attention when the Panda suddenly howl exaggeratedly that pissed Jiyong off.

"Yah, Panda! " I heard him called at Seungri to stop joking around and my throat went dry when I noticed that Jiyong's eyes were fixated on me and not Seungri. I could feel his gaze  and I was too scared to turn around.

Someone cleared his throat in the background and the spell was suddenly broken. Sajangnim told us to disperse after he asked us to write our plans for Winner and submit it to him first thing in the morning.

"Well, I guess you guys have some things to talk about so I'll see you all next time", I put a fake smile on my face as I stand to leave. I realized they were not listening to me as they were all staring at Jiyong who in turn kept looking at me like he was trying to grasp something. I avoided looking at him and maneuvered my way around them, trying to get out of the conference hall as quickly as I could.

As I went passed them, Jiyong grabbed my arm and stopped me. When I looked at him, I was surprised to find that instead of anger on his face, there was only concern and confusion. My heart stopped beating for a while there as I watched his hypnotic eyes bore into mine. For that brief moment, it felt like we were the only ones inside the hall.

"Dara...?" he tried to say something but I jumped away from him and I shot him an apologetic look.

"Mianhe, I need to be home early...I still have taping tomorrow morning." I tried to excuse myself.

"I'll drive you's late" He suddenly picked up my things and left without giving me chance to change my mind.

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