Starting Over Again

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Jiyong's POV

After two more hours of non-stop crying, Dara finally fell asleep.  Watching over her, I realized how much weight she have lost overnight.

Her face is much thinner now, I can't help but feel bad and wish nothing but protect her again.

My thoughts were broken suddenly when Dara's phone started ringing. Curious, I checked who is calling her at this time.

"Iron Man Calling"  curious who the heck is Iron Man, I decided to answer the call and was surprised when I recognized the voice on the other end.

"Dara, are you ok? Where are you? I'll come pick you up." I heard the guy on the other line said.

"Dara is already asleep" I answered back.So it's Lee Donghae...

"Kwon Jiyong?"I heard him ask. "Isn't this Dara's phone? Why are you answering her call?"

"Don't worry about her, she's with me. I'll tell her you called when she wakes up" I told him before hanging up.

The hell! Why does he care too much for Dara ? Are they really dating now? And why save his name  as Iron Man?! I feel furious suddenly.

Looking at Dara's phone, I wonder how she saved my name on her caller ID. Scrolling up, I looked up my  number and was surprised.

"XXMan That Can't Be NamedXX ??  What the??  Does she really hate me this much? "

Pissed off, I started editing my name on her phone. Let's see her reaction when she sees this.  *evil grin*

Dara's POV

I woke up with a smile, feeling so much lighter for the first time. Stretching on my back, flashes of what happened last night came rushing back. 

The way Jiyong watched over me while I was crying my heart out...the way he wiped every tear that trickled down my cheek. Oh how I missed his touch..Is it wrong for me to say that I really miss him? 

"Good morning!" said the voice that I remembered too well.

"Omo! I uttered back. I can feel the heat creeping up on my face.

"Did you sleep well ? Breakfast is ready, come join me"  said the devil.

"Umm, Jiyong? What are you still doing here? Don't you have work today?" I asked him shyly.

"I'm on break. I told Hyung I will take a couple of days rest. So don't worry about me."


"Dara, stop" he said before I can send him away again. 

"I want to be here arasso? Move your butt and wash your face now if you don't wan't me to carry you to the bathroom." 

"Yah! I can manage by myself , thank you very much" I heard him chuckle as I run towards the bathroom.

"Omo, omo! Why is he here when I look like this right now?? How embarrassing!"

After freshening up, I joined Jiyong for breakfast and was surprised to see all my favorite food on the table. I suddenly realized that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

"Uhmm, Jiyong, Thank you for last night. You don't have to be here but I appreciate you staying with me . I hope I did not trouble you too much" I mumbled.

"Do I look troubled to you? I wanted to be here and I'm glad I did come so don't worry ok?"

I can't help but smile when he said those words.

"Btw, someone called you last night" he suddenly said

"Nugu?" I did not see my phone today. Did you see it?" I asked him.

" It's Iron Man" he said seriously while looking at me.

I suddenly choked upon hearing the name. "Iron Man?" I wonder who he is...

"It's Dongh-" 

"Oh! Kekekkee, I remember now"  I laughed as I suddenly remember Bommie saving Hae's number on my phone.

"Care to share?" he asked curiously. I can see his brows are furrowed while eating.

"Uhm, It's Bommie's nickname for Donghae. She saved his number on my phone that's why."

As I was explaining, I saw Jiyong smiled which made me smile too. Was he jealous of Donghae?

Ani! Ani! I shouldn't be feeling giddy. What's wrong with you self?!

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