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"Ahjumma, I love you."

Dara never imagined that Jiyong would say something like that and she couldn't help but gape at him. She curved her lips and let out a giggle as she wasn't used to his suddenly cheesy words. But deep inside, she felt something warm crash into her heart, which made her eyes a little wet.

Jiyong quietly stared into her eyes with a look that made people unable to resist drowning within his infinite charms.

"Even though I've done things in the past that have deeply hurt you, at this very moment I still want to tell you in all seriousness..." Jiyong paused slightly for a moment. He looked into her eyes with extreme intensity as though he was saying a pledge.

"Sandara Park, I love you with all my heart."

Dara couldn't smile anymore. She raised her hand and covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

"I love you more and more every day and it continue to deepen..."

"I wanted to do this in a grand location but I feel that right now is the perfect time."

"These past few years, we're always together but always in two different places... "

"After we broke up, I kept hundreds of unsent messages to you on my phone, I wrote several songs in hope that one day I'll have a chance to sing it to you..."

"I would always watch you from afar, follow your social media posts every day, listen to the songs you listened, read the books you read and save the photos that you posted...."

"I secretly lurk in your Insta and twitter accounts and there were several posts that I wanted to tag you just to let you know I'm following you..."

"...but, I don't want to secretly follow you anymore. I want to listen to your favorite songs with you, watch movies together with you, eat at your favorite restaurant with you and go to your favorite places with you. "

"I also want to be able to look at your face every night and kiss you good night. Greet you good morning as soon as you wake up..."

"I wish to spend Christmas and New Years with you and everyone's birthdays and valentine's day."

"Though I know you still have things you want to achieve in your life, I just want to be here beside you, cheering for you"

"We don't  need to announce our relationship publicly if you're not ready, as long as we both long as our family and friends knows... I can wait"

Sandara couldn't help but cry some more, tears now flowing down her face.

Jiyong silently stared at her for about a minute and then he reached his hand out and pulled out a square object, then without hesitation, he slowly took her left hand.


Dara looked up in shock. With her clouded vision, she heard a sound like a box being opened. Then she felt something being placed on her left ring finger. On it was a diamond ring that shimmered in the dark night.

"Sandara Park, will you spend your lifetime with me and give me an honour to be Mrs Kwon Jiyong?"

Large teardrops fell from the corners of Sandara's eyes.

She have never imagined that he'd actually propose to her today. Even though there wasn't an audience, applause or press taking photos right now, it was definitely an emotional and happy occasion for them.

At that thought, Dara couldn't help but burst out laughing with a face full of tears. She gave a reaffirming nod and repeatedly said, "Yes!"


Jiyong wasn't expecting to propose to Sandara in a dim car park.

All the time that he was away in Korea, the thought of proposing to Dara have occupied most of his time. He prepared a long speech in his head hoping to say it to her one day when the right time comes. He have thought of proposing with a grand surprise as he wanted to make up for his missing confessions and all the things that they missed when they could have been dating publicly.

He never wanted to bring up marriage too early but these past few days, the thought of spending everyday with Dara made him want to marry her now. He love her but he wanted her to willingly marry him in her own time.

Overjoyed with happiness, Dara grabbed Jiyong's hand as they went up to his apartment. Standing on the tip of her toes, she planted a kiss on his lips. Unable to express her joy in one kiss, she planted yet another one on his lips. Dara continuously planted kisses until Jiyong couldn't suppress his desires. He suddenly tightened his grip around her waist and deepened the kiss.

"Dee, do you trust me?"

"I do" she answered back.

Dara was so happy. They met and fell in love with each other in the most beautiful years of their life, but they only got together at the end after several years.

In between where years that were soaked with tears and pain, only the both of them can be able to understand the extent of how long they had actually been together.

Dara leaned against Jiyong's chest as she thought about the memories from a years ago. Their life as a trainee in YG, being apart and becoming strangers after they broke up, up until their reunion about a year ago. The memories from the past floated through her mind one after another.

At that moment, she suddenly felt at ease. It was as though the unhappy memories had finally come to a happy ending.

They enjoyed each other's embrace for a while more before finally separating when they reached Jiyong's penthouse.

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