Clear it! - I -

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Recap: Their very own perspectives are to make their partner proud.

Laksh was sitting next to a kid, "why I have to read out of the book? It's Soni's work, she usually reads out for you all."

The kid looked at him, "can you see her?" They said and he shook his head, "no, she had to leave for an appointment."

He opens the book and checked the last mark, "okay here it is, all on your place." He said and the kids were around him, on their sleeping places.

Laksh was reading out loud of the book, the kids were silently listening to him, till there was a character coming, "change your voice! Soni Di does too!"

Laksh frowns, "what Soni Di? It's Soni Ma'am!"

"Nooooooooooo!" The Kids shouted at him, "we call her Di!!! Lucky Bhaiya!!!!"

Laksh was shocked for the moment, "what you can call her Di, but I have to call her Madam! Not fair..." he was upset just for the moment as he realised what the kids said, "haan Lucky bhaiya!" He changes the voices on the different characters and fall asleep in between the kids.

Ragini and Ujala were sitting on the bench, "you know Ujala, it's a good step. Today we came out and talked. Tomorrow we will do whatever you want to do, even if it means to sit on the bed and stare out of the room."

Ujala smiles, "you are trying to make me feel more comfortable. Thank you for being so understanding toward me. I don't want to hide anymore. I ran away to fight not to hide, I have hidden for too long now." She too feels better now and knows to hide won't help her, Ragini's Story gave her courage.

Soni came back from her appointment and found Laksh sleeping with the kids on the floor. She shook her head with widen eyes, "Laksh!" She shouts and he opens his eyes in a fraction of seconds.

"What?" He looked at her with a sleepy face, "why you shouted at me?" He asked confused as he did nothing than doing his work, okay yes, he had fallen asleep, what isn't good.

"A kid is missing." Soni said counting again and again.

Laksh widen his eyes in fear, "What!" He stood up and started to count, he scratched his back head, "wait I count 32 kids, we are 32 with the new one."

Soni looked at him, "but I count only 31 kids."

Laksh shook his head, "wait," he bend down and lifted the new kid, "she came to cuddle, I couldn't say no." He put her on her right place and then Soni count again, as she hasn't seen the one kid under Laksh arm.

Both sighed in relieve.

"For a second I felt my heartbeat stopped," Laksh said placing his hand on his chest.

Soni shook her head, "sorry, well I saw and count a child lesser so I got scared. I'm very sorry."

Laksh looked at her, he gave her a stern look, "don't be sorry I can understand. I'm learning it, next time I will say no. She has to stay at her place cause it's easier for us and I won't fall asleep again. Promise Soni Di." He smirked and left from there.

Soni rolls her eyes, "Laksh you are too much."

"Handsome, cute, dashing, charming, intelligent, interesting and much more." He praised himself more and more, which wasn't helping him much.

Ragini smiles, "I'm happy you see it like this, if you want we both can decide and make plans together, what to do as our next step."

Ujala liked it, "yes, I want to be more independent, but I don't want to risk anything. It would be nice if you could be there to help me."

Ragini nodded with a bright smile on her face, "don't worry, I will be there for sure."

Soni was cleaning the kitchen with Laksh, "you know it's not right to cuddle with a stranger. You know she could get effected by you."

Laksh didn't thought of it, "oh shit, you are right. We have to teach them self-defence and also some sense not to talk to strangers. Kids shouldn't trust everyone."

Soni smiles, "yes, we do have these classes for the kids. We teach them how to behave in situations with a stranger or anyone in an improper situation. But I didn't meant that, she is new and she should learn to be independent or else she won't feel comfortable." She looked at him and Laksh nodded, "but she was begging with her eyes. Like my Ragini does, when she wants something. I can't deny I have become weak in this matter."

Soni laughed, "I really want to meet her someday." They finished the kitchen work and slowly the kids woke up. One after one, and the little Girl looked at them with her big brown eyes.

"Okay that is really hard to resist." Soni whispers.

"I told you." Laksh said under his breath.

"What was your name again?" Laksh asked her and she huffs, "you should know, I'm your Jaanu."

Laksh looked at Soni, speechless....

Ragini and Ujala, went inside the house, both were in the kitchen and made a cup of tea for themselves.

"Ragini, if you don't mind. I would like to meet your husband. I want to see you both, cause I couldn't believe in love anymore, but hearing your story I can trust in it again." Ujala was very clear in her words, she wants a change in her life.

"Jaanu, but what is your real name?" Laksh asked again.

Jaanu took a deep breath, "I will tell you, but you have promise me something."

Laksh frowns, "I have to what? Promise you something?"

She nodded with a cute smile, Laksh again looked at Soni, who was watching them silently.

"I'm your teacher, I can't promise you anything cause I don't know if I can keep it."

Jaanu rolls her eyes, "your promise is simple to keep."

Laksh lifted an eyebrow, "is it?"

She nodded, "yes, you will keep calling Jaanu."

Laksh smiles, he winks at her, "okay Jaanu, now tell me your real name."

"Jennifer, but I like Jaanu more, cause mama used to call me Jaanu." She said and left from there to play with the other kids.

"Used to?" He looked at Soni.

Soni nodded, "yes, her mother died a few weeks ago, her father is working most of the time, but he tries his best."

Laksh smiles half heartily, "she is Jaanu. You understood."

Soni just shook her head with a smile, while Laksh was playing with the kids.

"Sure, I will introduce you to him, but not here or now. First we make a plan for you then we will get together. I don't want any hurdle for you and I can't call him here. Your first step was to come out into the garden, we will see how far we can go, okay." Those calming and understanding words of Ragini, were making her happy.

"Yes, you are right. No distractions." Both were back in her room.

Done 😇

Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now