A work day

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Recap: The pure kiss in a different way of all the ways before.

Ragini felt him loosing the hold on her lips, "no," she murmurs as her lips wanted to be covered by his.

Laksh shook his head, while rubbing his nose on hers, "you have to attend the class okay, we will meet in the night I will be waiting for you." He said in a calm voice, while she slowly opens her eyes nodding her head, "okay."

Laksh presses his lips together, he scratched his back head, "Ragini I'm sorry for the first Kiss," he left with a happy face from there.

Ragini couldn't believe it, she was lost and fall again head over in love with her husband. Laksh... Her back head was resting on the wall and she was just smiling not forgetting this moment which he made so special. He asked me and apologised to me...

Ragini heard the professor, what should I say? She shrugs off her thoughts and re-entered the class, "I'm so sorry Sir, it was a wrong alert. I will take my seat and the class won't be disturbed again." Without giving him a chance she just went up on her place and takes out her notice.

Laksh was thinking, how to enter his class, but he wasn't really in mood, he took his mobile phone and checked something on it.

Ragini took a cab and as usually she stepped out of the cab at the nearby market and walked the rest of the way to the women's shelter.

Ujala was sitting alone on her bed, her gaze was lost into the environment, she was just looking out of the window. Ragini took a chair she sat on it and was eating the apple, which she had bought from the market.

"I have one for you too, if you want?" Ragini placed the apple on the windowsill, "it's organic without any harming chemicals."

Ujala never spoke even now, she was quiet. Ragini felt discouraged, but then a message popped up on her display.

•Best of Luck. Be patient and don't forget, even you took time to open up to me...•

Ragini smiles reading his message, she took another bite from the apple, was silently eating it with a smile on her face. Yes, I will wait no matter how long it takes.

Laksh was at the kindergarten, "so kids what will we do today?" He looked at them, but they were only staring at him, as he is their teacher he should come up with an idea.

Soni comes from the back, "Laksh you know you are the adult and not them?"

Laksh frowns, "what you mean?" He asked confused and she pulled him away from the kid's ears.

"Laksh you are the adult you have to she them authority, don't spoil my hard work to make them understand that what we say is, what they have to do. Or else they will dance on our noses." Soni said and he nodded, "right they should know, who the boss is."

Soni rolls her eyes, "I'm the boss, got it!" She left him alone with the kids, who were waiting for him with a mischievous smirk on their faces.

Laksh shook his head. Ban gaya main bakri {they fool me}.

"This means war." He said and the kids ran from their into different directions.

"Hey!" He shouts but they were gone, "shit!" He said in loud voice, which makes them all to return to him, each of them had something in their hands.

Laksh smiles with widen shoulders, "good you are back otherwise!"

"Sshh!" A girl shushed him, but he just glares at her in anger, "You shh! Dare you to talk to me in bad manners, I will punish you all at the same time. One does the mistake and everyone has to pay for it."

The girl huffs, "Mister you did wrong!" Her hands were folded to fist, her face was filled with anger, "you said a bad word. We don't use such words!" She shouts at him and he frighten making a move backwards as the kids were coming closer, each of them holding a jar in their hands.

"Now you have to pay!" She said and he hits with his back on the wall. How he thought to have an easy job with the kids, but his bad luck, the kids had a good teacher.

"See that!" Soni came, "my work, now pay them or you will be punished!"

Laksh pouts, "I though we are partners. A team?"

Soni nodded, "we are, but everyone has to follow the rules. No bad words! Give respect get respect! Always wash your hands before eating, leaving the washroom or coming back from the playground. Now pay, the kids will donate the money for charity, right?!"

"Right!!!!" They said in union.

Laksh couldn't refuse them, he looked at the jar's, "I have to pay everyone?"

"Whoever heard you!" Soni said and the kids were all close that moment he used the word.

"How much I have to pay?"

Soni smiles, "not much 10 rps."

Laksh frowns, "that is really not much, if the kids uses a bad word like I did, whom they will pay and how much?"

Soni was impressed by his fast thoughts, "they will pay into our jar, well their parents will the same amount as we do. We keep it fair, right?!"

"Right!" The kids said again and Laksh paid them all.

It was late all kids were picked up by their parents, Soni gave Laksh a few files to read, but he was in no mood.

Ragini was looking at him, they had their dinner together with Riya, who didn't had to wait for long as they were back on time.

"Laksh what is this?" She asked, but he was busy in doing workout.

"Laksh?!" She calls his name, but he wasn't responding, the music was too loud.

Ragini stood up and throw a file on him.

"Hey!" Laksh glares at her, "Ragini what is wrong with you?"

"Laksh I was calling to many times, but I guess the music was too loud. Stupid!" She turns with crossed arms around her chest. Laksh didn't liked it, he stood up and back hugs her, "sorry." He said in a husky voice, which cause her to feel weak on her knees.

"Laksh you got so many files to read, please your work doesn't end, when you reach home. Sometimes you have to do after working, cause kids needs more attention and all the necessary informations must be in these files, please read them."

Laksh took a deep breath, "fine." He sat on the floor and started to read the files....

Even Ragini read the file of Ujala again, she was trying to find something to connect with her.

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Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now