S2 Mini-series Vol.1

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   "Steve and y/n? Steve Harrington and your sister?" Lucas shouted through the Walkie as Dustin sighed

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   "Steve and y/n? Steve Harrington and your sister?" Lucas shouted through the Walkie as Dustin sighed.

"Alright, Let's go." The tall brunette interrupts with a huff as he closes the trunk. Gloved hand adjusting his backpack and the other clutching a white bucket.

"Just be there stat! Over and out." Dustin orders through the intercom, taking the metal bucket of raw meat from me as we start our walk down the seemingly endless train tracks.....


"Okay Dustin, what really happened to Mews?" He tended at my incredulous questioning, swallowing harshly before answering.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Jesus Christ Dustin, you're acting the same way you did last October. I get it, you don't want to tell me everything but I'd like to know where our damn car is. I understand you're going through confusing changes but-"

"Okay! Okay! Stop there I don't need that conversation to happen right now."

"Then what happened to the cat, and why was Yurtle our of his cage?" I crossed my arms and studied my brother, searching for the answer in his body language to no use.

"I-I can't tell you.."

"Dustin, you can tell me anything. I thought you knew that. I'm sorry if I've been distant or something-" I rambled nervously before he interrupted me once more.

"No! No, it's not that. I can't tell you because...Because if I tell you you won't be protected. Neither of us will."

"Did you run the car over with the car or something?"

"God, no y/n this is a lot bigger than the damn cat!"

"Well I'd know if you told me Dustin! You can trust me!"  My words we're desperate now, pleading with my little brother after all this time of pushing down my concerns since last October. Knowing it had to be  more than middle school struggles or puberty. I wanted so badly to help him, and yet he hesitated once more."

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me."

"Promise you what?"

"That you'll believe me."

*End of Flashback*

So here I was, following my younger brother and infamous Senior Steve Harrington. A grade above me, but I had seen him many times and had been chemistry partners in my Sophomore year. Sure I had done all the work, but the fluffy-haired junior had kept me laughing the entire year. Even so, our knowledge of each other was barely at an acquaintance level. And my little brother? He was  the curly headed little kid I'd looked out for all my life. Who had gone through so much absurd shit in these past two years that I was completely unaware of.

Steve had said something to me, but I was too caught up in my own thoughts to hear him clearly.


"This is nothing like Chemistry class huh?" He joked with a smirk, motioning his head to the bucket in his hand. I scoffed before replying.

"Definitely not...So, you've fought one of these things before?" It was hard to keep up a normal and lighthearted conversation considering our circumstances. I could tell he had the same thoughts as I when his smile faltered as he nodded.

"Yeah, I have."

"With Nancy and- and Jonathon Byers?" I hesitated before finishing my sentence, looking ahead of us to check on Dustin who was fiddling with his headset and muttering curses to himself.

"Trust me, it was even weirder in person." He replied, mood shifting at the mention of the two.

"Well, good to know we have an expert with us then." I teased as I nudged his shoulder, grinning when his mood seemed to brighten.

"I don't know if I'd say expert," he looked ahead before he spoke.

"Alright Henderson let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl. Who you just met?" He threw pieces of the raw meat on the ground as he talked. Referring to the conversation we had in the car about how Dustin had even gotten into the Dart situation.

"Alright that's grossly over simplifying things."

"I'm just saying, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?" I looked over at the teen with a quirked brow at his slightly sexist question, rolling my eyes as he shrugged nervously.

"An inter-dimensional slug? Because it's-"

"Pretty awesome." I interrupted, chuckling at Dustin who momentarily turned his head to grin at me.

"Well even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't. I-I just, I don't know I just feel like you're trying way too hard man."

"Well not everyone can have your perfect hair alright." I scoffed at his words, shrugging to Steve's raised brow to mimic what he had done before.

"It's not about the hair man. The key to-" Steve looked to me before answering.


"Would you mind, you know..." He motioned his head softly ahead of us. And I narrowed my eyes in defiance before meeting Dustin's eyes. Who seemed more than eager to hear what Steve had to say.

"Fine, I'll let you have your guy talk or whatever. But just know Dustin, as a girl myself you'd get the best advice from me. Not hairspray over there."

"Y/n, please?" I rolled my eyes at Dustin's begging before walking ahead of the two. Grabbing my Walkman from the backpack around my shoulders consisting of that, a water, and a crowbar. (I was rushing on the way out alright?)  I offered the two my middle finger before putting on the headphones. Bobbing my head softly to the beginning beat of 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac.

New mini series! I've been meaning to write one about the season two storyline since I started this book but never actually did it. Thx to jennyfio8 for the inspiration on this one. Lmk if you want more! Thank you all for the continued support it means so much.
                                                      -Jackie 🖤

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