"This is kinda Worth it"

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                "Y/n wake up

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"Y/n wake up." A whisper woke me from my sleep.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response tiredly, receiving a small laugh from the person above me.

"I'm not carrying your ass, get up."

I groaned as I rolled off the bed and sat up. Running a hand through my messy hair.

"Cmon the sun is gonna rise soon." Steve persisted as he grabbed my hand. I sighed annoyed as he tossed me a sweatshirt from the foot of the bed. Gladly slipping it over my bed head as we stepped out of the house and onto the deck. I followed him to the sand and smiled at the orange and pink sky. We had rented a beach house with 12 of our friends (7 girls 5 boys Bc we need to outnumber them hoes.) Sure the nearest beach from Hawkins was a very long car ride from Hawkins but this definitely made it worth it. I looked down to see a sheet spread out for us to sit on. Gladly laying down beside the taller boy next to me.
"Shit." Steve whispered beside me. The sun was just peaking on the horizon as the waves crashed before us. A flannel blanket wrapped around our shoulders as I yawned.

"Okay this is kinda worth it." I admitted as he chuckled.

"Told you."

I rested my head on his shoulder as the cool breeze blew off the sand. Surprised by how fast the sun was passing the horizon. I got up and walked down to the water, happy it was so warm. The water pulled at my feet as it was drawn back into the ocean revealing a broken shell. Steve picked it up and chucked it out towards the water and I watched amusedly as it spiraled in the air before falling in the water.

"The water looks so nice." I admired the salty waves before and Steve nodded with a playful smirk etching his features. I quirked an eyebrow at him, backing away as he made an advance toward me.

"I'll beat the shit out of you Harrington." I warned trying to sound threatening to the taller boy as I backed away from him.

"I'll believe that when I see it." He coyly replied as I
started to run up towards our blanket. Not getting very far with a pair of hands grabbing my waist and pulling me over their shoulder.

"I swear to god Harrington don't you dare!" I screamed as the boy laughed at my squirming. He was now waist deep in the water and I glared at the crashing waves around us.

"Watch me."

"Fuck y-" I was cut off by my own screams as I was thrown up into the air and down into the salty water. Coughing as I resurfaced still fully clothed. I narrowed my eyes at the now hysterical Harrington. He only laughed harder at my wild wet hair and soaked sweatshirt that must have seemed ridiculous with my angry expression.

The sun had almost fully risen as the temperature rose slightly. I chewed on my cheek to keep a poker face at my sudden idea for revenge.

"Geez it's getting hot huh?" I inquired and the boy shrugged. His back was to the water and I pretended not to see the huge oncoming wave in the distance. I pulled his sweatshirt over my head revealing my sports bra. His eyes widened at my actions and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no," He stammered and I chuckled.

"Hey Harrington."


"Paybacks a bitch." I muttered as I dove into the large wave to avoid being pumbled. The boy was caught completely off guard and thrown off his feet as the wave practically tackled him. It was now my turn to turn to hysterics as the boy came up with his hair covering a majority of his face. He was coughing profusely and shot me the finger which only made me clutch my stomach and laugh harder.

"Okay, that was good." He admitted between coughs and I crossed my arms in triumph.

"And all I had to do was take off my shirt for you to lose your shit." I scoffed and he rolled his eyes.

"I find it hurtful you used my hormones as an attack method." He joked as we walked towards the shore. I chuckled at his disappointed expression as I rung out my (well his technically) sweatshirt.

"Yeah well you kinda ruined your sweatshirt." I added and he shrugged.

"It'll dry, besides it looks better on you anyway. But if I'm honest I think it looks best off of you." He teased with a smirk. I shoved him to the side earning a laugh that made my heart flutter.

We reached the blanket and he tossed me his shirt that he had thrown off before going into the water. Due to our height difference it covered most of me and I gladly put it on.

"Why am I not surprised. Harrington and y/n already drenched." A voice sarcastically spoke from behind us. We turned towards the house to see our combined group of friends with their beach chairs shaking their heads and grinning at us as they set up their stuff beside our blanket. We both blushed and looked to each other with a small laugh before Steve offered me another smirk. He ran a hand through his wet hair and I looked away so I wouldn't pass out right there.

"I don't know, y/n looks like she's already getting dry. Maybe you should take another dip?" Steve suggested stepping towards me again.

"That's if you can catch me Harrington." I coyly spoke before starting to sprint my ass off from inevitable doom.

"When is Steve gonna get the balls to actually ask her out?"

"With his flirting? She'll probably have to do it for him."

Hey! Hoped you guys liked this one. I'm working on some other drafts but I'm happy you guys are enjoying!!! Love you bitches!

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