"Don't you have something better to do?"

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Can we just appreciate these photos for a sec? This is not okay my heart stopped when I saw this tweet.

A cool breeze from the air conditioning hit me as I walked into the grocery store. I was babysitting my neighbors baby girl, and they had asked me to get a few things from the store because they would be out late. Cassie, their 9 month old babbled at me and played with my necklace happily. I lightly pinched her rosy cheeks with a smile and looked around for the first few items on the shopping list her parents had given me. Hopefully this would be a smooth, short trip. When I got into the chips isle I wasn't expecting to see Steve Harrington accompanied by Dustin Henderson and the rest of the party. "Oh boy are we in for it." I mumbled to Cassie who drooled at me in response.
"Y/n!" Dustin exclaimed walking over to me, followed by the rest of the party. Steve whipped around at the mention of my name and smiled at me. I returned the gesture and looked down at Dustin as he reached my cart.
"What are you guys doing here?" I questioned the kids.
"We're making s'mores tonight!" Dustin happily explained. The rest of the kids seemed excited to be there, Mike and Elle were off to the side talking and laughing with each other. Max was entertaining Cassie by repeatedly flicking Lucas in the head.
"Don't burn the house down while you're at it." I joked and the party nodded and laughed.
"If you don't have all the crap for tonight in ten minutes I'm not paying shitheads." Steve ordered as he walked up to us. The kids waved a quick goodbye and ran off to another isle. I laughed at their antics and turned back to him.
"When did you get knocked up y/l/n? I don't remember you getting fat." He joked as he stood in front of my cart.
"I'm babysitting Harrington. Don't you have anything better to do than make s'mores around the campfire with a load of middle schoolers?" I teased in response. He made a face at me before replying "For your information I'm giving them a ride and then they're off to do who knows what." He answered and I hummed in response.
"Oh so after dropping your kids off you'll sit down in front of the tv with a glass of wine?" I questioned and he rolled his eyes. He ignored my teasing and instead bent down to Cassie, making silly faces at her and playing peek a boo. My heart swelled at his actions. He's good with babies too? God I'm in for it. It's fine just control your hormones and we'll survive. I reassured myself in my head, watching as Cassie patted his face and he pretended to cry, making her giggle even more.
"What an adorable baby, you two must be so happy." An old woman cooed as she walked up to Steve and I. I raised my eyebrows at her before chuckling "No no she's not-" I began before Steve interrupted.
"Yep, our little girl is eight months today." Steve beamed, picking up Cassie and placing her on his hip. She babbled more and tugged on his ear. The old lady had a huge smile on her face, and it only got bigger when Steve decided to seal the deal with a kiss to my temple. I patted his cheek with a fake smile, making sure to dig my foot into his toes as I did so. He didn't seem to notice my actions though.
The old lady put a hand on her chest "What a cute family, god bless you." She stated and rolled her cart down the isle. I smacked Steve's arm and he laughed at the situation. Placing Cassie back at in the cart in the process.
"You babysitting all night?" He questioned and I nodded. "Cool, I'll drop the kids off and see you at 6." He said and I widened my eyes at him.
"Who said you could come? You're not coming with us to their house." I laughed and he frowned.
"Cmon I'm gonna miss this cute face...And the baby of course." My stomach dropped and my cheeks flushed at his flirting but I played it off with another smack to his arm. Cassie giggled and clapped her hands together at my actions.
"See y/n, she loves me so I have to go. Aren't you good friends with the parents? They're not gonna care if I'm helping you out." He added. He did have a point, I had known the Johnsons for a while and they mentioned I could have a friend over to keep me company before they got home which would be pretty late at night.
"Fine, but you're changing all the diapers Harrington." I scolded and he scrunched his nose in disgust.
"You're getting paid not me, I'll see you two at 6" he stated and walked off to join the kids again. I sighed and started to look for the next item.

"Great, now I'm babysitting two for the price of one."

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