"Its too damn hot"

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I groaned in the heat of the sun, rolling over on the lawn chair in Steve's backyard. "It is too damn hot for this shit." I whined, reaching towards the spiked lemonade the two of us had made before going outside. The cold liquid was the only thing keeping me from passing out. To make things worse, the power had gone out in the neighborhood the night before, so the air conditioning wasn't working.
Steve groaned form beside me, the only reason I knew he was still alive was because of the occasional ride and fall of his chest. Sporting a swimsuit and the classic shades, Harrington could somehow look good in this sauna of a neighborhood. "We should go in the pool." I suggested from my spot beside him.
He waved me off before replying "too much work." I laughed and shut my eyes, deciding I needed to get somewhat of a tan before I hopped in the water. Our relaxation was cut short when I felt liquid being shot all over me, followed by various giggles. "You've got to be kidding me." I muttered opening one eye to see the party before me. All six of them accompanied with water guns.
"You shitheads are so dead!" Steve yelled before jumping up from his seat and running towards them. They all screamed, frantically running away from our position by the pool further into the yard. Steve was about to chase after them when I caught him by his shoulder. "I told you buying them those water guns was a stupid purchase Harrington." I scolded at the now soaked boy. He ran a hand through his wet hair in frustration, before a devilish smirk rose to his lips.
"Not exactly a terrible purchase, cmon." He whispered dragging me into his home. The party was hiding somewhere in the yard and I wondered how they could have so much energy on such a hot summer day. Steve rushed to his room and came back downstairs with two water guns and a package of water balloons in hand. He tossed one to me, and I happily caught it before narrowing my eyes at him.
"You are such a child, do you always have this shit at the ready?" I teased. His childish demeanor seemed to pause and he shrugged.
"At least I'm prepared y/l/n, without me we'd be surrendering already. When I bought that shit for those dickheads I knew I had to be ready."
"You are such a child." I laughed and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Yeah yeah whatever just make yourself useful and start filling balloons."
****10 minutes later***
"Come out of the house you cowards!" Dustin shouted from the yard. What they didn't know was that Steve and I were making our way around the front of the house to ambush them. They were crouched together on the side of the house, plotting their next attack.
"Well, well, well, would you look at this. Looks like we found you dickheads after all." The party gasped turning to us with their guns at the ready. He let out a laugh at their reactions and I smiled sweetly from beside him, cocking my gun and winking with the satisfying click it made as it loaded.
"You're outnumbered!" Mike shouted at us, but he was visibly intimidated. The rest of the party nodded and moved closer together. They had a point, there was seven of them and two of us.
"I think we'll manage." I replied motioning to the various water balloons in the bin between Steve and I.
"You're on!" Will and Max screamed before shooting at us. The party spread out around the yard and we charged them. Steve chucked a balloon right at Dustin's head, and he dramatically fell to the ground with a scream. I ran towards Max and Elle, who were aiming at me from behind a bush. Before any of us could make a move, the boys surrounded me. "Shit," I muttered out of breathe. Steve joined me and we all aimed our guns at one another.
"Surrender." Lucas ordered and Steve only shook his head.
"Never!" He yelled dramatically and I couldn't help but laugh at this childish situation. Steve elbowed me and I quickly straightened up and returned to having somewhat of a serious face. The kids were likely having a blast, and i didn't want to ruin the fun.
"Join us Steve. If you want to win this war you'll win with us." I looked at him and he seemed to be actually considering ditching my ass. I whacked him upside the head and widened my eyes at him. "Ouch!" Now I'm definitely on their team, he whined rubbing the back of his head and walking beside Dustin and the boys. They all smiled triumphantly and patted him on the back. I rolled my eyes, shooting Steve the finger before getting an idea.
"Fine traitor, Elle and Max want to actually win with me?" I questioned the two girls. They looked at each other before nodding. Making their way around their bush and standing beside me.
"Cmon those teams are no fair" Steve scoffed. The three of us looked at him questioningly waiting for him to elaborate. But before he could answer Mike chimed in. "Yeah you're girls, this will be too easy."
I crossed my arms in anger, both Max and I looked at Elle who glared at Mike. "Girls win too" she sneered and Mike's confident expression seemed to turn into fear. I looked at Steve wondering if he'd defend us. But to my surprise he only smirked and grabbed a water balloon from the bin.
"Girls against boys, winner gets bragging rights and ultimate walkie- talkie privelages for a week." Max suggested and the boys scoffed and nodded.
"This should be an easy win boys. The rules are simple, whatever team is the most wet at the end loses." Steve added and I rolled my eyes. Hearing enough of his mouth, I chucked a water balloon right at his face. Everyone paused and waited for his reaction. I wasn't about to get my ass beat so I darted to the other side of the yard. Yells were heard from the kids as they threw balloons and shot water at one another. I didn't pay them any attention though seeing as I was running for my life.
I panted for air behind a tree, I had outrun Steve somewhere in the front yard. I could see Elle near the pool. She had used her powers to send 10 water balloons directly at Mike. Max was busy with two different water guns soaking Lucas and Will. But where was Steve? He was definitely pissed about the water balloon to the face from what I saw running his face looked beet red. It was quiet over here...Too quiet. I frantically whipped my head around in all different directions. It was no use, the boy was hiding and I was dead meat. A strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I screamed. I desperately squirmed in his arms to break free but he was too strong.
"You're right y/n the pool does look nice, maybe you should go for a swim" he joked behind me.
"Eat shit Harrington." I yelped and I reached behind me to tickle him. He had no choice but to let go so I ran like hell towards the kids. There must have been a wet spot of grass because I slipped and landed on my back. Steve was close behind me and was also sent flying. He fell on top of me and I groaned. Quickly steading himself with an arm on either side of my head. Seeing as we were both in bathing suits and chest to chest, my heart was practically pounding out of my chest. Steve seemed completely calm, tilting his head to the side with a smirk at my flustered expression. He moved his head closer to mine with our heads almost touching. My breath hitched and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Gotcha." He whispered and from the corner of my eye I could see a water balloon floating towards me...Elle. I grabbed the balloon without him even noticing and used my nails to pop it over his head. I hid my face in his chest in order to avoid getting wet. He gasped in surprise and shook his wet head of hair like a dog.
"You bitch," he muttered and I winked at him. I let out a loud laugh and flipped us over so I was on top of him. Now straddling him, he was the one who seemed flustered. I smirked and leaned my head towards his, getting even closer than he had before. With a surge of confidence and a need for revenge I got close enough to where our lips almost met. He froze, ignoring the water running down his face and stared into my eyes. At the last minute I moved my lips to his ear with a triumphant smirk on my face.
     "Don't underestimate girls Harrington, they just might surprise you" I whispered and he narrowed his eyes at me. He looked almost disappointed that I didn't kiss him. The thought made my heart flutter but I didn't have time to tease him about his reaction. Because he had grabbed my hips and thrown me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed but it was no use, Harrington had thrown me up into the air directly into the pool. The cool water engulfed my warm skin and I actually didn't mind potentially losing for a moment. There was no way I wasn't getting him back, so when I came up to the surface I was sure to make a scene. Spitting out water and coughing hysterically. Steve crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "I'm not falling for that y/n" he stated but I only shot him a look of fear and continued coughing. His smile immediately changed into a look of concern. He bent down by the edge of the pool and I swam to him weakly.  "Hey, hey are you okay?" He asked concerned. I reached out to him, and he was about to take me out of the water when I used all my might to pull him in. I laughed as he flailed in the air and crashed into the pool. He resurfaced and I laughed hysterically at his pissed off expression. "You're an ass" he muttered but I continued laughing.
           "Really Steve? She just pulled the oldest trick in the book. Now we lost!" Dustin exclaimed from the edge of the pool with the rest of the boys nodding annoyed. Steve only shot him a face and splashed water towards him. The girls high fived and shot me a thumbs up, they were practically dry where as the boys next to them were drenched. The kids said their goodbyes to us as it was time for them to go home and eat. I waved goodbye as they exited the yard.
         "Feels good to be a winner doesn't it Harrington. Oh wait you didn't win I did." I remarked swimming towards him.
      "Screw you y/l/n." He muttered and I laughed again at his defeated expression.
    "Someone was worried about me huh?" I tease pinching his cheeks. Referring to my fake coughing fit before. He only rolled his eyes and shot me a face, but I saw the blush that rose to his cheeks. I ruffled his wet hair and he swatted my hand away, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me into the deep end. I rose from the water and smacked his chest.
     "You're a jerk Harrington."

"Yeah but you love me"


Another imagine, sorry these are so long I just like adding a story to each imagine. Feel free to add suggestions or whatever. Hope you enjoyed!

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