"Dont you have something better to do?" Pt.2

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It was 6:15pm, and Cassie rested on your hip as you waited on your driveway. Steve was late and the baby was beginning to get fussy from not eating in a bit. You gave her a teething ring and she began to calm down. "I'm gonna kill him" you muttered quietly. Figuring he had forgotten you, you made your way towards your car. Thinking you would just give up on him and drive to the Johnsons house before it got too dark. A red car suddenly made a short stop at your house, and Steve came barreling out of the drivers seat. Running up to you and dramatically panting as if he had been rushing for the past fifteen minutes. You saw right through his act and rolled your eyes. "Cut the bs Harrington' I know you had a smore before making your way over here. Which cost us a vital 15 minutes." You stated angrily at him motioning to the baby on your hip.
"I didn't have any s'mores. I hit traffic on the way here." He replied. You raised your eyebrows at him and used your thumb to wipe off the smeared marshmallow on the corner of his mouth. You brought your thumb to his face and we're about to make a smart remark when he seemed flustered by your actions. Staring at you he seemed to be deep in thought.
"Don't cream your pants Harrington, your stupid ass is late for the last time ever." You muttered covering Cassie's ears while cursing. He snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat.
After a good five minutes of Steve struggling with the car seat, you sighed and passed the baby to him. She gladly enetered his arms and began to pinch his nose and face. He made faces at her and she giggled happily. Ignoring your butterflies that erupted throughout your stomach, you clicked the car seat in within seconds. Steve looked amazed "I did most of it." He defended and you playfully rolled your eyes.
The drive to Cassie's parents house was short, they lived about a block away from you. But walking with a diaper bag, car seat, and small child was a task you were not yet trained for.
Once inside, you got Cassie's food ready and Steve played with her in the tv room. He bounced her on his knee and lifted her gently into the air. She squealed with joy and your heart swelled once more. She must have been hungry, because suddenly she began to fuss. The boy did what he could to cheer her up but it was no use. Within a minute she was hysterical, wailing and throwing a Minnie tantrum in his arms. Steve visibly panicked, shocked at her sudden outburst. He paced around the room and tried to copy what he had seen you do before, shushing her and gently bouncing her on his hip. It wasn't working, and he looked at you in a state of panic.
"Wow Harrington I'm gone for ten minutes and she's already wailing." You joked taking her from him and kissing her head to comfort her. You began to shush her and he looked as if he had just seen a dead puppy.
"What did I do? Did I hurt her? Oh god we learned in science about shaking baby syndrome. Did I shake her too much? I think I'm gonna hurl." He panicked as he followed you into the kitchen. You laughed and placed the now calm Cassie in her high chair, beginning to feed her. A smile instantly appeared on her face at the sight of her food. Steve once again looked shocked from beside you and you chuckled at his confusion.
"She's fine don't pass out on me Harrington. Just hungry that's all right little one?" You directed the end of your sentence to the little girl and she beamed at you. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a breath of relief.
"You could have told me you were hungry, and I wouldn't be having a heart attack over here." He whined at the baby and she just giggled at him, yogurt spilling out of her mouth. He made a look of disgust at the sight of the food, but you were in awe at the cuteness.
***time skip like an hour and a half***
It had been a bit of time since you all ate. Now, Cassie would have to go to bed soon so you all rested on the couch. Steve was nodding off, the baby was asleep on his chest and he had an arm around her to keep her secure. You wanted to cry at the sight of such cuteness, but instead rose up and stretched. Slightly shaking the boy awake. He jolted up, surprising Cassie awake and she began to cry. You picked her up and held her close to your chest, walking up the stairs to her bedroom.
"Nice one asshat." You muttered at him with a soft smile and he ran his hand through his hair sleepily. You decided to ignore how good he somehow looked with messy hair and droopy eyes. You cradled the baby in your arms, beginning to hum to her. Her cries stopped and she looked at you with that adorable but heartbreaking tear-stained face. She sniffled and watched intently as you hummed to her. And after a few minutes her eyelids began to drop. Steve rested his head on her crib and he too drifted off to your humming...Still standing up. Laying the baby down and flicking the boy on the head, you both watched as Cassie fell into a deep sleep.
"She looks so...Peaceful." He whispered in amazement at the baby girl and you smiled at him
"Don't get too attached Harrington she isn't yours." You teased and he seemed genuinely sad about the realization. You quietly laughed and pulled him out of the nursery walking back downstairs with the baby monitor in hand.
"What a day, I'll never call child care easy ever again." Steve admitted running his hands down his face in exhaustion. You nodded with a laugh and shrugged.
"Yeah well some are better at it than others." You joked and he chuckled and nodded admittedly.
******time skip like twenty minutes******
     "You're so good with her, I'm guessing you'll be a pretty great mom one day." Steve complimented as he helped you do the dishes. You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment and shrugged.
  "You were pretty good with her too Steve, I'm sure you'll make a mediocre dad one day." You replied and he smirked.
   "Wanna take me up on that offer, I'm down to try for one if you are." He teased wiggling his eyebrows at you. Whacking him with the dish towel that rested on your shoulder  he laughed attempting to grab the towel from your hand. Which would have worked out if  you weren't  gripping onto it so tight, because him yanking at the towel only pulled you into his chest. He stumbled backwards a bit and his back got pressed up against the counter top behind him. His hands rested on your hips to steady you both. You were way too nervous to look him in the eyes...Heart racing a million miles a minute at your close proximity. He lifted your chin with his thumb and forefinger so you were face to face. His cheesy ass is still stealing my damn heart. Your thoughts were interrupted by that stupid cocky smirk and his raised bushy eyebrows. Determined not to let him beat you to it, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Pulling away to read his reaction but all he did was look down at your lips, before meeting your eyes again. He rested his forehead against yours and you both quietly laughed, enjoying the moment.
"I'm guessing her parents will be home soon?" He questioned and you nodded with a yawn.
"Do I havvvve to leave?" He whined, forehead still against yours.

"Sorry Harrington, don't miss me too much." You teased but were quite honestly sad he had to go too.

"No promises gorgeous," He replied kissing your cheek and walked out the door to his car.

You leaned against the counter top biting your lip. Not even able to contain the huge grin that was on your face. Maybe babysitting two for the price of one wasn't so bad after all.

Steve Harrington ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon